Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, Aug. 27th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Episode #10,899 Taped 7/24 Director – Kathryn Foster

Boy, got worried I wasn’t going to have a show again, as there was about 15 min of “snow” first…….and after several false starts…..Voila!

Bo & Hope are at the Pub, talking over the “48 hrs” Roman has given them to solve the Paul Hollingsworth case. Bo is still convinced Philip was set up, but informs Hope that Philip does not know that the other tape was only a copy. Philip, who is supposed to come meet with Bo, first meets up with Morgan. She wants to know what happened to her father, she talks of Philip threatening to kill him, asks if he strangled him, or did he shoot him before dumping his body in the river. Philip asks if she really believes he could do such a thing. You’re a Kiriakis, aren’t you”, replies Morgan. He stalks off, she remembers dancing with him. Philip comes into the Pub, talking privately with Bo, telling him that he cannot let Bo take the rap for him, that it is time he took full responsibility for himself. He appreciates what Bo did, but he cannot let Bo take this fall. Bo tells him that only Roman, Abe, Hope know about the tape. And to understand exactly what he will be doing. Philip understands. A young woman comes up to them, asking if he is Philip Kiriakis. Who wants to know, he asks. This is for you, she replies, handing him an envelope. Well, so it starts, sez Phil as he reads the papers inside the envelope. He has been summoned to testify before the Grand Jury.

At the hospital, Daniel is holding Kate, with her head on his chest, saying a very low “thank you” to him, when Chelsea walks in the door. Awkward moment, she asks what is going on. They claim they were just talking about Philip, that his checkup came out o.k.. Daniels asks Chelsea how work went (oh, wow, you mean she does actually work???) & she says fine, she was just saying good-bye to a patient who was discharged, when she saw them “talking”. She thinks maybe she & Daniel could have dinner. Sure, he replies. Kate says she has to be going, & leaves. Daniel tells Chelsea to go to his apt. he has a few things to finish up, he will meet her there, change & they can go to dinner, tho he has a meeting later this evening. He gives her his apt. key, she leaves, Kate comes back, telling Daniel she thinks Chelsea suspects something, just the look on her face, and repeats that favorite mantra of hers……..Chelsea must never know. Daniel assures her she is wrong, & that their gettogether was before he & Chelsea ever began seeing each other.

In Marlena’s room, John is apologizing to Marlena, telling her he did not mean to upset her before, but he just wants her to know he is going to protect her from Stefano, & when she gets released, he wants her to come home with him to the mansion. Marlena is sorry, but she cannot do that. She sits up, pulling off the patches attached to her temples, & cheek (I think they are holding oxygen tubes), brushing everything away from her face. John protests, is insistent, trying to tell her how he realized how much he cares about her, and she always talked of how that old John protected her, and he is not that same person, but he will protect her from Stefano now, too even tho it seems they just met. Just met…she has loved him for over half her life. . Nope, she lets him know that tho she was paralyzed & could not talk, her mind was awake, and she realizes she has been wrong. Roman arrives, she claims to be fine, the argument continues. Roman agrees that she cannot go to the mansion, with Stefano knowing all the secret ins and outs there. John claims that he has installed extra super security, but Roman knows that would not stop Stefano. John is insisting that he & Marlena can make a life together, she has always loved him. Nope, you were not the only man in my life. I WAS married to Roman before, you know. Yeah, so he was told… what happened. You, she replies, a long story, but I thought you were Roman. John says……..(ah the line we all have said back then)…….”hard to believe, no offense Roman”. (Just check the difference in their heights, lol). John asks Roman to step outside, tries to intimidate him, telling him he knows he has been after Blondie for some time, but their time is over. Just stay away from my wife.
They go back inside, John is still pleading with Marlena, saying how she was always looking for the old John in him, and they can get him back. Nope, the disk is gone. Roman insists the ISA has the disk, is working on restoring it. Nope, Marlena lets them know Stefano was here during the lockdown, has the disk, she recognized the “broken” pattern. That SOB says Roman. John claims he will get it back. Nope, she knows Stefano will want to make sure John is never restored to Old John. But John claims that there has to be some of Old John left in him, they will get it out, counseling, heck she is a psychiatrist. Marlena shakes her head, no, we tried that already. This is too little, too late. Marlena is getting sleepy, both men agree they have to let her rest. John goes outside……. Marlena says she wants to go back to her own place. Roman tells her not to worry, he will be there to protect her, “just like when they met”. (Roman was the cop assigned to protect her, and bunked on the floor of her apt.). She asks if he would still sleep on the floor, and he laughs, saying he sure will. Not to worry, she will be safe, he will protect her, just like in the old days. Roman leaves, & John, who is looking in the window, tells Roman it looks like he may get his shot at her after all.
John gets a phone call which shocks him, as he exclaims, what do you mean he escaped? Find him!

Hope sits with Morgan at the Pub, hoping she doesn’t mind, since Bo wants to talk with Philip. They exchange a few unpleasantries about Philip, his threat against her father, yada, yada. Suddenly she jumps up, runs outside, calling “Daddy, daddy”. She insists she saw him looking in the Pub window, but he is nowhere to be found. Hope comes out, hears Morgan ranting on about her daddy being there, goes back inside to tell Bo & Abe. Everyone comes outside, we see Paul lurking, Abe said he has an APB out now, Philip hopes Paul is alive. Oh, so then you’d be off the hook, sneers Morgan. No, because I know you love your father, and I know you want him back.

Chelsea has been making herself at home in Daniel’s apt. walking around, placing lit candles around the room, turning on soft music, taking off her dress, arranging herself seductively on the bed. LOL. Daniel walks in, is taken aback, says he thought they were having dinner. Oh, she had something better in mind. Yes she is sure. He goes into the bathroom, cell phone beeps, she calls him, it beeps again, she sighs, saying he is probably already being paged. She opens the phone, reads with a solemn look on her face. A shirtless Daniel comes out of the bathroom, to find Chelsea getting hastily dressed, upset, and she reads the message from phone. Thank you for tonight. We must never speak of what happened. She throws the phone at Danie, & rushes out the door as Daniel tries to call her back. We next see her at the hospital, as Kate comes rushing in, having gotten her message, and she thought Chelsea was having dinner with Daniel. Nope, and she tells Kate she knows. Kate feigns ignorance, Chelsea tells her she knows all about her and Daniel, asking how could you do this to me. Kate denies anything, but Daniel comes hurrying in, telling Chelsea he is sorry, that it is over between him & Kate, who begins to deny again, but Daniel tells her that Chelsea knows, she read the text message, and knows they slept together. Chelsea is crushed.

Poor Chelsea! I was never a big fan of hers, especially in light of how she treated Nick, but no one deserves this! First her mom sleeps with her man, now grandma too? Dejavu But she forgave Nick and moved on, maybe she'll do the same with Daniel, although I'd like to see that inappropriate relationship end anyway.
Thanks for the great recap Barb, we appreciate it.:)
Of course they couldn't let Chelsea be happy for a while. Why couldn't Kate keep her mouth shut. (or in this case text messages) The way she kept talking about her and Daniel it was bound to come out sooner or later.
So Paul has escaped. What's this going to do to John? Since he is the one setting up Philip is he going to be arrested for doing so?
Thanks for the write up Poirot, it sounds like a really good show. I hope that they do not go that route again with John/Marlena/Roman, talk about very old. Roman needs to move on. It would have been nice if Ava had gone for Roman instead of John. It could have been called the Cop & The Bad Girl. No it is just they really need to find poor Roman a new woman. Has for Kate they need to send her on long vacation away from her family.
John, Marlena, Roman

I agree with the above post. Please, please, please do not try to hook up Romman with Marlena again. Talk about absolutely NO connection with these two. Let John & Marlena find their way back to each other without Roman's interference. He's always had the hots for her and should get his own woman. John & Marlena, together, should team up to conquer Stefano and show him love & truth is the best.
Gotta say, the minute I saw Roman's face, when Marlena said John was not the only man she ever loved.......I said aloud.......UH Oh!
& I love Chelsea's hair on Wednesday. It really looks very nice.
Kate gives new meaning to "Let your fingers do the walking".

I am glad Bo and Hope have the original tape and 48 hours.

Also glad that Paul was spotted by Morgan no less.

I am sooooooo glad Chelsea didn't sleep with him first. Good Job Days!

Marlena needs to get her "against all odds" attitude back. Maybe she was just weary from the drugs.

Thanks Barb
Well I hope they don't do the John/Marlena/Roman story again either! But this does sound like a great episode.
I really hope Morgan can forgive Philip! I think they are cute together!
Glad to see Bo still working for the police & glad he & Hope have some time to work on the case.
As for Chelsea & Daniel....I really thought I would like them together until the monkey wrench (Kate) was thrown in the mix!!
What an awful way to take this story...even though I knew it was coming. I hope she doesn't forgive him, but I also hope she doesn't try to fall back on Nick, except for maybe just as a friend!!

Thanks for the write up as always!
do you know who was in the previews

Sure........there was some girl kissing Max, (I think one of Melanie's friends, but not sure), Steve on the phone to Stephanie saying he has something to tell her she is not going to want to hear, and Kate saying she doesn't know where to start, with Chelsea telling her to start by telling her why she slept with her boyfriend.
Please end the Daniel and Chelsea story

My daughter is about Chelsea's age and if she brought home a guy Daniel's age I would absolutely PLOTZ and wring her neck. I find the entire story line gross. And, to add the Kate thing to the whole mess makes it even worse. I loved it when I thought they were going to pair Kate and Daniel up - I thought it might give her something to focus her energy on besides meddling in her kids' lives. But now, this whole SL just gives me the creeps and I have to fast forward through it.
I'm really not a Marlena fan at all. I hope they do put her back with Roman. Let nuJohn find someone else. I love the nuJohn and Marlena just makes him depressed.
Hoping this is the end of Chelsea and Daniel!!:clap:

Me too!

And yes Nick and Chelsea went through a similar situation (though Nick was always guilty over the affair while Daniel has no issues whatsoever) but how many times does a girl have to through this? A guy sleeping with your grandma is always going to be worse then sleeping with your guy.

Of course, I think Dan and Kate should have been the couple from the getgo, their scenes for today were WOW.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Sounds like it is going to be one good show. I am anxious to see the reacton of Roman when Marlena says she only loved John. Hay what about Don Craig she had a baby with him as well.
I am sooooooo glad Chelsea didn't sleep with him first. Good Job Days!

I'll second that Nurse Hamster, I just knew Chelsea wouldn't find out about Daniel and Kate until after they did the deed.

When I started to read the previews I thought ooops, she is going to snoop around Daniels house, and find something Kate left behind. So glad it happened this way and Chelsea found out about it first, so she'll have something to be grateful about. Eeewh, I can't wait to see what Victor says when Chelsea tells him.
Marlena is getting on my last nerve, I think she needs to stop.

Kate is what she is, once a high paid call girl always a call girl.
I'm glad Daniel kind of called Kate on the carpet....although he ended up backing down. If she really doesn't want Chelsea to know then SHUT UP about it. Every time Kate has a chance she corners Daniel in the hospital to talk about their time together. HELLO...Chelsea works at the hospital....might she possibly overhear?? Kate still wants Daniel for herself IMO!!

I'm loving the new John. I wish he and Marlena would have more funny/light hearted scenes.
Marlena is getting on my last nerve, I think she needs to stop.

Kate is what she is, once a high paid call girl always a call girl.

Yeah, except now she gives it away (to the majority of the men in Salem) for free!:sick: