Days Of Our Lives ~ Wednesday, November 25, 2008


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Nov 22, 2006
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Days Of Our Lives ~ Wednesday, November 25, 2008

Looking through an autographed copy of Trent’s book, Max reads the inscription, gets disgusted and closes it, mumbling about what a good example his dad had set and the lives he ruined. Philip is outside the pub on his cell phone when he hears a loud noise inside. Rafe answers the door to find Hilda standing there. She tells him she never thought she would be there again, sneezes and says she has just come off a 24 hour stakeout. Rafe tells her he needs to go somewhere and when she asks where he’s going, he only answers that he’s going fact checking and leaves. She notices Sami’s growing girth. Outside, Rafe looks at a picture of EJ.

Nicole gets a call and can’t decide whether or not to answer it since EJ is calling. Brady offers to answer it, but Nicole tells him he can’t. Nicole asks Brady to promise not to tell EJ, because she wants to tell him in person. She talks about how the baby meant so much to her, it was supposed to be different with EJ, that he wanted to be a part of the baby’s life and now it’s over. Nicole blames herself for loving the baby too much. She insists on leaving the clinic and against Brady’s protests they leave.

Nicole and Brady get back to Stefano’s house, and as he offers her a drink of water, she says she wants something stronger. Brady reminds her that booze won’t help, and she realizes she wasn’t thinking straight. She tells Brady she doesn’t know what she would have done without him and he says he was glad to be there for her. Nicole says she doesn’t know how she’s going to tell EJ about the baby and when Brady suggests she call and tell him, she says she can’t. Brady offers to stay with her, but Nicole is very upset and says she wants to be alone. She talks about how she had hoped to turn her life around but that wasn’t possible, and she goes upstairs crying. Mary enters Nicole’s room; Nicole screams at her to get out. She leaves and Nicole cries. As EJ gets home with Johnny, Mary (who has been told to keep an eye on Nicole) tells him there is something he needs to know. He knocks at Nicole’s door and she tells whoever it is to go away. He replies it is Johnny and him. EJ goes in to find Nicole crying asks if she is Okay and she responds that she is not.

Hilda sneezes again, reaches in her purse, pulls out a bottle of allergy medicine and realizes she brought the nighttime formula. Toasting herself, she takes a big slug, flops down onto the couch and turns on the television. Apparently Hilda took too much cold medicine so she immediately falls asleep. Her snoring wakes Sami up, who complains that Rafe has taken off and left her with Hilda the Hun. Sami is afraid she will get the blame for drugging Hilda but then gets an idea that this is a perfect opportunity for her to go for a walk. So she does.

Sami has found her way to the convent, and in the sanctuary, she kneels and starts crying. A nun puts her hand on Sami’s shoulder and asks if she’s Okay and Sami tells her she is not. The nun introduces herself as Sister Theresa and tells Sami she’s there to help her, not to judge her. Sami and Sister Theresa continue to talk as Sami asks about the orphanage and if they still take children. Sami says her name is Colleen and Sister Theresa asks her what her real name is.

Sami still claims her name is Colleen Brady. Sister Theresa wonders if the baby’s father is still in the picture and Sami refuses to say. The nun still wants to help her. Sister Theresa gives Sami a medal that Sami promises to treasure and Sami has a feeling she will be back even if it’s just to listen to the choir.

Mary gives EJ a message from Roman about Marlena’s being attacked by the man who killed the mayor. He is concerned about Johnny and learns he is at the park with Ciara. Hope watches the children play; Julie joins her and talks about being glad to be back in Salem. Julie had just been to see Nick and talks about how confused he seems. She thinks Melanie drove Nick to do what he did.

Julie is still ranting to Hope about Melanie when EJ comes up. Julie goes off to spend time with the children, and we see Rafe listening to the conversation on some kind of electronic device. EJ asks Hope if he can do anything to help and Hope says there is something he can do. Rafe continues to eavesdrop as Hope asks EJ if Stefano had anything to do with the mayor’s murder. Of course, EJ says he didn’t. She wonders if EJ finds it strange that the killer went after Marlena and he says a member of his family could be next. He leaves to pick up Johnny, but Hope stops him and tells him to think of Allie and Johnny and asks him if he wants to put their lives at risk.

EJ tells Hope he wouldn’t let anything happen to the children and he’s going to take Johnny home and put him under lock and key. He tells Hope to advise Lucas to do the same thing with Allie. As he leaves, Julie walks up and asks Hope how it went with Mr. Smarmy. Hope tells her EJ claims Stefano had nothing to do with the murder but that Sami is caught in the middle. Julie believes Stefano is behind the mayor’s murder.

Rafe is still listening to Hope and Julie’s conversation as Julie remarks that EJ must be thrilled that Sami is stuck in the witness protection program and that with Sami out of the way EJ can raise Johnny any way he wants Julie says that as long as Stefano is in the picture Johnny will turn into a detestable DiMera.

Julie asks Hope if she thinks Sami and EJ will get together but Hope doesn’t know. Julie talks about how EJ and Sami share a child, that EJ has changed a little since the twins were born and that EJ has inherited his fierce family loyalty from Stefano. Hope remarks that no one will ever come between EJ and his son, not even Sami.

Looking through the window to see what the noise was, Philip sees Melanie and Chelsea fighting. A patron comments that this is better than pay-per-view, and when the waitress steps in to stop the fight, the drunk stops her. The women start trading insults as Melanie taunts Chelsea about Danny and Granny and then mentions Willow, Ford Decker and how Chelsea killed her own brother. She talks about how uppity Chelsea became when she found out she’s a Brady. Melanie starts to leave, but Chelsea tackles her as Philip runs in to break them up. Philip has grabbed Melanie and while they struggle, Chelsea leaves. She rushes past Stephanie outside. Melanie says that someone needed to put Chelsea and her place and Philip tells her to watch her mouth. Melanie becomes belligerent and tells to Philip to save his CEO crap for someone else because he is not her boss.

Philip tells Stephanie about the fight and Stephanie is sorry she didn’t get there sooner because she would’ve pummeled Melanie the maniac. Philip jokes about her being scary and sexy. Stephanie replies that the next time Philip lets her best friend get in a fight and doesn’t stop it, he has to deal with her. Stephanie has come to talk to Philip about work and asks who he has been interviewing for the job of administrative assistant. When he tells Stephanie he has talked to Melanie about the job, she laughs and wonders how Melanie could be qualified. Philip responds that she would be surprised.

Philip says Melanie’s resume didn’t keep her from getting a job at Titan but her being a troublemaker did. Melanie overhears Philip and tells him what he can do with his job. Stephanie remarks that Melanie has a bad attitude for someone who’s broke and Melanie walks away.

Chelsea goes to the Cheatin’ Heart to see Max who has already heard about the fight. On the pity pot now, Chelsea blames herself for all of Nick’s problems. She moans that she’s the reason Nick killed Trent and that if she hadn’t broken up with Nick, Trent wouldn’t be dead, and Nick wouldn’t be in jail. She moans about how she pushed Melanie into Nick’s arms and broke Nick’s heart because of her “stupid little crush” on Daniel. Max tells her it’s not her fault, that it’s Nick’s and to cut it out. He talks about Nick’s boozing, how is unstable on top of taking pills. She wants to moan about her past and Max gives her a pep talk, saying that Melanie is not worth it. Chelsea tells Max she should have been there for Nick; she is responsible, etc. until Max talks about how Nick’s mother was unstable too and she needs to accept it and move on. Chelsea continues with her pity party and she apologizes to Max for dragging him into her problems. She leaves to go to a “Welcome Home” party for her grandma.

Seeing she has no money, Melanie orders water. The drunk who had witnessed the fight walks up to her and calls her a little spit fire. Melanie thinks to herself about how the Silver Fox might lend her a little money and not even know it. The drunk moves closer to Melanie and introduces himself as Bob. He comments about Melanie being a pretty name and offers to buy her a drink as he orders scotch. Melanie orders a diet soda, says she walks on the wild side and asks what his story is. Bob continues coming on to Melanie; she isn’t having any; gets up to leave. Outside, Bob grabs Melanie, who has stolen his wallet, calls her a “b” and accuses her of trying to rip him off.

Victor warns Brady to stay from the two women who almost destroyed his life and Brady asks if that is an order.
Holding a folder, Daniel asks a nurse if these are correct or if there is a mix-up.
When Nicole says she doesn’t know what EJ is talking about, he says he knows all about what she did.
Thanks KathyLu!

Really excellent show today with lots going on. The cat fight was quite satisfying. The actor playing Bob looked familiar but I can't place him. Looks like they're setting it up for Philip to come to Melanie's rescue (again!) and save her from Bob. Can't blame Bob for being angry that the little brat stole his wallet. She deserves jail time too.

Nicole's performance was wonderful today. I thought she overacted on the previous couple days, but today her acting was low-key, believable and heart-wrenching.

Did you notice that Chelsea told Max that she's going to her grandma's welcome home party. Didn't that happen a couple days ago?

I also love the fact that Sami went to a convent. They are taking the Colleen/Santo story full circle. I didn't expect that. But come on guys...Sister Theresa (like Mother Theresa)?? Surely you could come up with a more imaginative name.

As for the previews, I shouted "Victor" with joy, when he came on the screen. Can't wait to see him back in action. Love that Victor.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Maybe Sami should seek out E.J.'s aunt, Sister Mary Moira.
Nicole storyline is just breaking my heart :cry2:....of course we know she will keep the fact that she lost the baby a secret for as long as Brady can keep his mouth shut.

:OT: Speaking of Victor, John Aniston was in the "audience" at a wedding on Worst Week this week...only showed him for a few seconds, Olympia Dukakis was next to him as his wife. I was like, so that is where Victor is at...away at a wedding. :rotfl:
Dr Chip.... You took the word right out of my mouth.

KathyLu, as always thanks and great write up. You rock!
:OT: Speaking of Victor, John Aniston was in the "audience" at a wedding on Worst Week this week...only showed him for a few seconds, Olympia Dukakis was next to him as his wife. I was like, so that is where Victor is at...away at a wedding. :rotfl:
:OT: My husband was watching that show, said Victor was the limo driver, and at the end, was in the back seat making out with Olympia Dukakis. LOL:back:

Good writeup, KathyLu! I got a big kick out of how Hope was talking to the invisible Ciara & Johnny, Julie went off to play with the two invisible tykes, but EJ had Johnny when he came home to find Nicole.

Nicole was hearbreaking once again.....

Just a note, folks. There is no Days show on Thursday, Nov. 27th, Thanksgiving Day.

Enjoy the day!
I just caught the last half of the show and it was pretty good. I could have done without Chelsea's pity party. When does she NOT feel sorry for herself? She really seems to think the whole world revolves around her.

It was nice to see a scene with Sami where she wasn't whining or being a brat. And the Nicole scenes were very heartbreaking.

Thanks for the write up! Now I can read what I missed!!
I just caught the last half of the show and it was pretty good. I could have done without Chelsea's pity party. When does she NOT feel sorry for herself? She really seems to think the whole world revolves around her.

It was nice to see a scene with Sami where she wasn't whining or being a brat. And the Nicole scenes were very heartbreaking.

Thanks for the write up! Now I can read what I missed!!

Agree with everything you said, becka. Your comment about Sami made me realize that her non-whining today was probably the reason I could tolerate her scenes. I normally fast forward through all her scenes, but didn't today.

It was so nice to see Julie. A breath of fresh air. And didn't she look stunning?
I thought it was so funny when E.J. told Julie it had been a pleasure seeing her, and she sarcastically replied--half under her breath--"I thought the pleasure was all mine." :)
Maybe Sami should seek out E.J.'s aunt, Sister Mary Moira.

Sister Mary Moira Banks would chew her up and spit her out. She forced Vivian and Ivan to perform penance by scrubbing the floors of the convent.