Days - Tues. Jan. 12, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Episode #11248 Taped 11/16 Director – Herb Stein

Bo & Carly are in bed, enjoying afterglow, when his cell rings. He sees it is Hope, figures she is returning his call, is going to let it go to voice mail, Carly tells him it could be about Ciara, he takes the call, says it is a bad time, he will call back later…. and hears that Mickey has died. Hope is at the Pub, needs him, he will be right there. She needs a favor, she has to go to Mickey’s office & tell everyone, wants him to go with her. Also, her dad is going to meet her there, too. Bo says he will be right there, hangs up, tells Carly and gets dressed. Carly worries about her daughter, and how she will take this, she is so young. She tells Bo not to worry about her, he takes off.

Doug comes into the Pub, Hope is very upset, talks of how Mickey was everything to Maggie, and now he is gone. She is thinking of filing separations papers against Bo, and now has to go and face all those people in Mickey’s office. She talks of how close Mickey & Maggie were, Doug asks if she really wants to do this. Hope is blaming herself, talking of how she moved out, that perhaps she should return home, hopes it is not too late. Doug tells her to take their time if she & Bo need to talk, he leaves.
Bo arrives, she tells him that her father went to Mickey’s office, so they do not have to go, and starts talking of the wonderful life Mickey & Maggie had, they went thru so much and it only made them stronger. She starts talking of how much she & Bo have been thru together….gets interrupted by someone from the hospital, who asks Bo if he got Carly home o.k., Bo says she is fine, the woman says lucky he was there this morning when she fell apart like that. The woman leaves, and light bulbs have gone on in Hope’s head. This morning? Took you a long time to calm her down. That’s where you were when I called, huh? Oh, no…you slept with her. That is why it was a bad time when I called. You slept with her. Bo says he knows Hope is having a very bad day, and he made it worse…he is sorry. Hope gathers her things, has to get back to Maggie’s. He volunteers to drive her. Nope, “I have to start learning to do things myself”. She takes off, leaving a sheepish Bo. Later, a cop comes in, hands Bo an envelope, telling him they got a break in the Sydney kidnapping case.

EJ sits on the sofa at Anna’s place, with Sydney beside him. Anna worries that the voice disguise might not change her voice enough, and Sami could recognize it. EJ tells her not to worry. He tells Sydney that soon she is going to be with him, where she belongs. Anna wonders when this is all going to be over….soon, replies EJ. Soon. Now Sydney is in the playpen, EJ takes his leave, promising to be back soon. After he is gone, Anna talks to Sydney, telling her how much her daddy loves her, and no one is ever going to take her away from him again.

Sami is frantically trying to reach EJ, leaving messages on his cell, wanting to know if there is any further word from the kidnapper. Rafe comes out, she is just so worried about Sydney. Her cell rings, she answers, her face falls as it is Julie, letting her know about Mickey. She says she cannot go over to Maggie’s now, but tell her she loves her. She hangs up, tells Rafe, is very upset. She talks of how Maggie did everything, the restaurant, volunteering, taking in stray kids, giving them a home, but she always had Mickey there, she could do that because of him. Rafe comforts her, offers to stay with Johnny, but she wants him to find Will, she has tried calling him to no avail. She talks of how she has changed, how if she finds the person who kidnapped Sydney, she will kill her. Rafe understands, is sympathetic, they hug, Sami is so greatful for him. He leaves, she gets angry, she wants to tell him about the ransom note so bad. Finally EJ arrives, Sami erupts, she is going to tell Rafe, she doesn’t care what EJ says. And the man agrees, that if she want to do so, go ahead. She tells him about Mickey, EJ is sorry. (hey, isn’t that the man who gave you a much needed job when you needed one?) Now Johnny is there, chattering away, time for his nap, EJ takes him off, returns later, having read a book to the boy, he fell asleep during the reading. Sami has calmed down, is talking of how much EJ loves his kids, how good he is with them, asks EJ if he would want to get the FBI involved, no he wouldn’t. She decides he is right, she is not going to tell Rafe, she trusts EJ, he would not lie to her.

Will comes into the Java Café, finding a despondent Mia. She tells him she just got a call from Maggie, and his Uncle Mickey died. Will is shocked, he was fine. They talk a bit, and next we see them outside Maggie’s door, as Rafe comes up, telling Will his mom has been trying to reach him. Will says his phone is dead, Mia told him about his Uncle Mickey. Mia has gone inside, as Will goes with Rafe, they sit by the pier and talk a bit. Rafe says his great-grandmother is ill, but made a casserole she wants Will to pick up, take over to Maggie’s. They talk of Mia, Will mentions they broke up, and how, even if his mom makes him angry at times, at least he has her, Mia only had Maggie. Rafe says he could still be a good friend to Mia, etc. Thinks tho, now, he should go get that casserole, tho he really thinks that is just an excuse, that his great-gramma just wants to see him.

Replay of Melanie & Nathan in the kitchen, she grabs her purse, spills a few things, both pick up the items, hands touching as they both grab for the hankie. Suddenly Nathan grabs her and kisses her, pulling her up, they are standing. Just as suddenly, he pulls away, asking himself what the heck he is doing. Melanie is getting married, Maggie just lost her husband and they are in the kitchen, he shakes his head. In come Philip & Stephanie (they bumped into each other and she told him about Mickey). Melanie rushes over to Philip, they hug, Nathan leaves the room. Stephanie tells Philip to go ahead (to see Maggie) Melanie needs to wash her face. Melanie looks puzzled, but Stephanie says she wants Melanie to have her earrings (she takes them off) as her something borrowed, and urges her to go to Vegas and get married. When Philip returns, Melanie tells him of Stephanie’s offer, and urging to go to Vegas, but she doesn’t want to leave Maggie now. Tis fine with Philip.

Maggie is futzing with her cellphone, crying no no, I did not press any buttons, it cannot be deleted. She cries and in frustration, throws the phone on the floor, as Lucas comes in. (these are wonderful scenes, great acting job on both their parts). He holds her as she rambles about the message, she wants it back, she wants his words. Lucas asks her what the message said, she says he called her Red, he always called her Red, and thanked her for talking him into this trip. She is getting hysterical, Lucas is calming her down, has a friend who will be able to retrieve this for her, he promises he will get it back. She is crying, Lucas is tearful himself, and he holds her.
Next, we see Doug sitting on the sofa with Maggie, telling her about the people in Mickey’s office. They will contact all the clients, and Doug will let Mickey’s assistant know when the final funeral arrangements are made, so they will let everyone know. Maggie remarks that Howard has been with Mickey 20 years, is getting married next month…..Lucas, we have to send a really nice gift. Don’t worry, Maggie, I will take care of it. The room is full of people, Mia is standing off to the side, someone comes to the door, she gets it. Tis Carly! At the back door, Hope has come in, calling for Maggie, and as she comes into the living room, spots Carly, goes up to her in the doorway, and …Mt. St. Helens all over again, as Hope spits out in a loud voice…….You whore! You slept with my husband!

Can't wait to see Feisty Hope back.

Can't wait to see the scenes with Maggie & Lucas - those should be awesome. I haven't been able to watch the last three shows, but this one does sound like a tear jerker - gonna have to take plenty of kleenex when I watch it!!
Thanks for the summary Poirot. Boy it took me a long time to figure out Will's great gradmom. I kept thing Sami is his mom there for Roman and Marlena are grandparents. So Caroline as one, then Being a Horton with Lucas as father Alice on the other side. I am thinking they mean Alice.
Maggie and Lucas together where just amazing. Loved those scenes. Lucas is going to make sure the message is saved.
So looking forward to the rest of Carly and Hope today.
Hope... boo

Ah, Hope... Way to make a situation all about you. (by bursting in and starting a cat fight while you're aunt is in mourning)

Wah wah wah.

If I were Hope, I'd at least have the decency to "take it outside" if I didn't think I could keep my emotions at bay for a while to comfort my darling aunt who has MUCH bigger problems that I do right now.

Ugh. :p
Ah, Hope... Way to make a situation all about you. (by bursting in and starting a cat fight while you're aunt is in mourning)

Wah wah wah.

If I were Hope, I'd at least have the decency to "take it outside" if I didn't think I could keep my emotions at bay for a while to comfort my darling aunt who has MUCH bigger problems that I do right now.

Ugh. :p

I don't know... Hopes emotions are pretty chaotic right now. She's grieving the loss of her uncle, is helping her aunt deal with the loss, just found out her husband slept with another woman - and then that other woman shows up. I'm not sure I'd have had the self control to take it outside at that point and time.
Wow, Steph is really eager to marry Mel off isn’t she? “Hey I know Mickey just died and all, but have fun in Vegas!” Your strategy is a little obvious there Steph! So glad Mel and Philip decided not to get married now. Clearly not a good time.

Hope, I understand your upset, but now at Maggie’s house with Mickey dying, is neither the time nor the place for a showdown with Carly. Bad form!

It will be nice to see Lucas!
Thanks, sounds like a great show.

Can't wait for the scenes with Maggie and Lucas, I will keep the tissues handy.
Sami has calmed down, is talking of how much EJ loves his kids, how good he is with them, asks EJ if he would want to get the FBI involved, no he wouldn’t. She decides he is right, she is not going to tell Rafe, she trusts EJ, he would not lie to her.

Oh, no, EJ wouldn't lie to Sami; he's always treated her so very, very well, from the first minute he showed up in town as EJ Wells . . . oh, wait. That's right, he lied about being a DiMera and it all went downhill from there. When is Sami going to get any portion--even a small one--of the Salem brain back? I guess not until after she and Rafe have been driven apart by her trusting EJ and Rafe discovers EJ was the mastermind (not spoilers, just speculation).

Hope sure seems to jump to conclusions. I mean, obviously she was correct but it seemed a little sudden.

I watched the sneak peek video on NBC of Lucas and Maggie's scenes this morning and you're right, Poirot, those scenes are very touching and well done.

Thanks for the summary!
Wonderful write up Barb! Thanks!
I have no desire to watch right now. I dont want any couples fights & death!! I will just read your updates & not throw anything at the TV this way! :)
LOL I thought the same thing when I read that Sami said EJ wouldn't lie to her. Geez, what planet has she been living on??

I can't fault Hope for going after Carly at Maggie's. Carly was totally out of line for going there. If it was me, I would've done more than yell. Carly would be picking herself up off the ground.
The thing is.....Bo told Carly that he & Hope would be going over to Maggie' Carly knows they are going to be there at some point. I have no idea what possessed her to do this.....except....definitely "DRAMA QUEEN".

She talks of how Maggie did everything, the restaurant, volunteering, taking in stray kids, giving them a home, but she always had Mickey there, she could do that because of him.

Okay. So does Sami thus imply that the stronger women on the show wouldn't be so without their men being there? Even if the men are deceased? (Alice and Caroline, for example.) Lexie wouldn't be a Dr. without Abe? Carly wouldn't be a Dr. without her "hero and protector" Bo? Melissa could have never pursued her investigative reporting if there hadn't been Jack in the picture? It seems at this point that only Kate and Viv might be exceptions. What an ignorant comment made by Sami, but, well, it IS Sami, and she doesn't do much unless it involves a man.

I posted a comment, Poirot, in the Crystal Ball which pertains to your Daily Days. My bad. It should probably be here. Please move it if you think it is better in this thread. Thanks.
Sami was trying to say how important Mickey was to Maggie, how much they loved each other and how much support he gave her. Maybe I phrased it all badly.....but she was trying to tell this to Rafe, (who doesn't know Mickey) to explain how much this is going to affect Maggie.

To tell the truth, I was very aggravated at how EJ took the news. This is the man who faked being deported, had to show he was employed, and Mickey gave him a job, so he could get over that supposed hurdle. Sami might as well have told him she has a new mailman, as the previous one had died.
EJ's reaction to Mickey's death was typical EJ. EJ shows, or performs, his share of emotions mostly when he will benefit. Cold fish would be my perception of EJ.
Somehow, Poirot, I suspect that Sami phrased her praise of Mickey and Maggie's relationship badly. She could have said that they had a wonderful, loving marriage, which had survived many difficulties. She could have complimented both M and M for their strength as individuals, etc. Yes, most of us are often a bit stronger when we know we are loved unconditionally. It just doesn't mean it is THE reason we are strong or successful.
No offense to blondes, because I'm a natural blonde, but Sami has got to be the dumbest one i ever met in my life. To believe the biggest liar in town about the welfare of your baby daughter is dumb.

Well well Ms. Hope, you are not there for your husband, what do you expect him to do wait forever for you to climb down from that high horse of yours, he not gonna do that as you just find out. I love you but you should have went home to your husband long ago.
As Susan would say "Bad Bad Bad" Hope--what in the world is she doing?? Hope is just as bad as Ej making everything all about her !!
I do think Carly had everyright to go to Maggie's, after all if the 2 bratty girls had not interfered she would have been living there right now too... who knows she could have been there to help Maggie with CPR.
Hope sure seems to jump to conclusions. I mean, obviously she was correct but it seemed a little sudden.

Maybe she smelled it on him.

I can't fault Hope for going after Carly at Maggie's. Carly was totally out of line for going there. If it was me, I would've done more than yell. Carly would be picking herself up off the ground.

:clap: Hope had every right to say what she did and more power to her!
I admit to missing a lot since Sept. My 16yr granddaughter was killed in an auto accident. So mind is not running on all cylinders BUT I was floored to read that EJ is behind the kidnapping. I know he is selfish and self-serving but I cannot figure out how he expects have full custody of Sydney by kidnapping her? He could have just paid off judge as he usually does and got custody. Her kidnapping doesn't make Sami look like an unfit parent. :confused: Also, since when did Mia become such a little beyotch? Trying to hold on to both Chad and Will. She was always so sweet. I could see Melanie doing that but not sweet Mia. Are there any nice people left in Salem or have they shipped them all off somewhere? No Marlena, Hope is not so sweet anymore, Alice, Caroline, now Mickey. If you aren't under 30 you either have to move or turn into a moral-less being