Dumb things I love.....


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Yes, we all love our families, BBQs, certain movies, various holidays, friends, our pets. But I bet there are odd things that we love, ....love to do, to hear, to see.I was just reminded of this because of a news item on the radio.

I just LOVE, absolutely love the fact that in Canada, they still call them....the Royal Mounted Canadian Police. Don't know why, just do.

I love old, and I do mean old, Jeanette McDonald/Nelson Eddy movies. He was as stiff as a board, but their duets..and individual songs were and are beautiful. (Mostly operettas).

I love kibbitzing and teasing the young checkers & baggers at the supermarket & Walmart. (hope they then know that not older folks are crochety, cranky non-smiling customers)

I love when a man holds a door open for me anywhere, and I always, but always, say thank you.

I really do love riding trains. I know it may not be a "dumb" thing, but so few do so any more, including me, because there are none here.

And in case any of you missed it.....I love wearing hats. I have a lot of them.

So tell me, what are the quirky, odd things YOU love?
I love looking at the world when I am nearly upside down. What a wonderful new perspective.
I love trying to make the people who work in stores smile, too, Poirot.
I love my bare feet on soft grass or sand.
I love doing what I call "eye tricks" where I close one eye, squint, whatever it takes to make things look different or make light fracture.
I like to go outside after a gentle summer rain and stand under a tree, and shake the branchs so I get that extra little rain shower.
I love the smell of clothes after they are dried outside on the clothes line
Love playing old fashioned games like, drop the hanky, or hopscotch, or red rover with my grandkids(I am a kid at heart)
I love word games, suduku, geneology. I love browse shopping. I can wander, having a wonderful time, and not buy anything.
And......I fall in love with my cars. Even those I may not have been all that enamored with at the outset.
I love my car, too. It's a 2000 Mustang, laser red (though faded now). I got it when I was 18 and had just recovered from a bad car accident (that happened in the car my grandpa left me). Husband hates it, has begged me to get rid of it because it's "impractical" but I just can't. He gets his guns, has a whole room devoted to his "hobbies" so I keep my car, I say. I've had it longer than I've had him :rotfl:

I love sitting outside alone at night. Sometimes it feels like it's the only peace I get.

Also like to smile at people in stores, especially older people. Just makes me happy.
I love waking up to the sound of a... lawn mower. :) It tells me the day is beautiful. And it means... summer is here, no more snow on the grass. Of course, I love hearing the birds too. And opening the windows after the long winter.

I love old (or not so old) television series. I buy the DVDs and watch them all over again. These days, I watch "Chips". I also bought "Murder she wrote" and "Golden Girls".

I love watching cartoons, even when I'm alone, when my kids are at school. My favorites are Max and Ruby, those cute little rabbits. And Peter Rabbit too. (I guess I have a thing for rabbits.) I also read children's books more than books for grown ups (which is normal given that I write children's books).

I love browsing on real estate websites and look at mansions worth millions of dollars. Just to dream a little. (Though I'm not complaining, I have a lovely house... just not worth millions, no en suite, no walk in closets, no double sinks vanity, but beautiful still) I pick houses with indoor pools, or houses located in regions where pools can be used all year round. I browse Florida real estate websites mostly. I could see myself living there and going to Disney every chance I'd get. I'm a real Disney freak, did I ever say that ? :)
I don't think any of these things are dumb. They are what makes us who we are.

I love the beach.... and when I say I love the beach, I mean my absolute most favorite thing in the entire universe is the beach, the ocean, the smell, the wind, the sounds my children make when their eyes see the waves and their feet touch the sand, sand- I love sand. If it's anywhere close to the edge of the sea, I love it. and I love the sea- I love to be in the water, swimming with the waves, the warm sun on my skin, or cold- I am happiest at the beach, any beach, at any moment in the year.

I love sushi. My favorites are california sundae, and caterpillar/dragon (bbq eel and avocado), rainbow roll.... mmmmm

I love cherry tomatoes. I have been known to eat them like candy....been a while though...the older I get, the less my tummy tolerates too much of those... ahhh but they are worth the heartburn. I love them. lol.

I love the feeling of freshly shaved legs under the bed sheets.... :)(ok, maybe this one is dumb LOL)

I love Clemson University Tigers. love love love... is it football season yet? Clemson football - really- I could go on for hours. I bleed orange. really. My dad's name is on the side of the stadium because he helped pay for it. lol... GO TIGERS!!!

I am not a drinker... but if I'm out and about once in a blue moon.... I love a good chocolate cake shot. Next time you are at a bar- ask the bartender to make you one. You'll thank me later. Most of the time, this shot is not listed in any menu- but bartenders world wide know what you're talking about.
I love walking outside at night when a fresh dump of snow has fallen, hasn't been trampled down on the sidewalks yet, and listening to the soft muffled sound of vehicles driving and boots scrunching the snow.

I love DC animated movies and cartoons.

I LOVE camping and being outdoors.

I love the smell of fresh baked bread.

I love people watching.

I finally, I'm starting to love my sister's doll collection!! LOL! JUST KIDDING!! :)
I love the feel of cool pool water on a hot summer day.

I love the smell of a rain storm. (I LOVE storms.- thunder and lightning... I could totally be a storm chaser if I won the lottery. I've even watched a hurricane out on the water after it left the shore- sat on the beach and watched it ... beautiful... destructive, but beautiful.)

I love eating saltine crackers dipped in homemade thousand island dressing. omg. i'm going home to make some tonight!
I love the smell as I walk by a laundromat. It's like a warm, fresh, clean smell.
I love watching my kids sleep. Before I go to bed, I peek in on both and just spend a minute or so just watching them.
I love walking on the beach at night, right after dusk when there is a slight chill in the air.
I like coloring in a coloring book. It's quite therapeutic.
I love the movie Pillow Talk. It's one of the few movies I could never get tired of watching.
I love road trips, and often take the back roads so I get lost and explore little New England towns.
I love cooking and experimenting with new foods. I wish I was a better baker though...
I love old independent bookstores, the kind that smell like old books and have floors that creak.
And DaysLady, I definitely get the shaved legs under clean sheets. Love that too, as well as cherry (or grape) tomatoes!
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