Enough already! (griping)


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Since when do women's prisons not keep prisoners in a cell? Kristen gets visitor after visitor, makes phone calls after visits, no guard anywhere, and is never in a cell, just hangin' in the visitation area. Do visitors provide I.D. at all, so using fake names is o.k.?

Since when did Jack & Jen move out of the Horton house, so Doug & Julie could take possession? Jen has been living there forever. I know they stayed at DiMansion to care for Thomas & Charlotte, but why did they not go back to Horton house? (Yes, Doug & Julie came to stay, too, but..........possession now? And where is Jack living?

Am truly tired of Salemites living in a hotel bedroom. Ben asks Claire to come and help pack up Ciara's things. Amazing there was an empty cardboard box handy. Sorry, Claire, would not begin to suffice....but then Salem is not like the rest of the world, is it?

Anyone know or figure out how/when Kristen & Ava became such close buddies?

Soooo, Allie was drunk beyond comprehension, cannot recollect at all what went on last New Year's in London, but Tripp is tried and convicted by all, because she has a vague, shadowy memory of seeing him, and saying no to someone?? And now, apparently, Kayla is forcing Steve to choose between her & his son (who he did not raise.) So Tripp could have gone over to the Salem INN, joining the rest of Salem who lives there, helping to avoid the dissension within the Johnson house.......but.....nope.

And then we have Sarah, Dr. Nancy Drew, who sees no patients ever, despite claiming to be busy at hospital, but has days of time to tend to Xander, spy on Philip, watch hotel room doors, etc.

Gad, I have more, but am sure YOU want to chime in, too.
Apparently anyone can become CEO in Salem

Chad- former model turned thug, high school grad, occasional class at Salem University

Xander- hunky thug, bag man worker for anyone with money, stopped short of murder, but leg breaking was okay.

Philip- so slimy that oil companies come and squeegie it off his body to put into higher priced products, steals babies, high school grade, occasional class at Salem University, big gambling problem.

Jake- resembles his dead twin brother, can put a carburetor together not sure completed grade school, super fantastic in bed if you listen to his former sheet flappers.
My Days' rant concerns all the desperate women in Salem. Have they no pride? The less a man wants them, the more they chase after him. I would think that their behavior would sent the men running for cover. As trashy as Kate's bed hopping is, she is one strong lady! She is involved with Jake but if he decides to move on (please Jake, not Gabi) she'll shake out her sheets and enjoy a martini.

And then we have Jack. I wouldn't trust him if my life depended on it. He manages to show up wherever Jennifer happens to be and he looks like a whipped pup. She needs to kick him to the curb and go bar hopping with Bonnie. Of course, as soon as Jack moves on, she will become as desperate as the rest and decide she can't live without him.

I could go on and on, but I'm old and tired and it's getting close to my bedtime.
As bad as the jail is (and it is), I think the hospital is worse. And I am sure (ONLY SPECULATION) that even though we heard Belle say that Jan is not dead, that in the near future, she will be and we will see one after another of all of the people who wanted her gone enter her hospital room and do something with the machines or IV or whatever and no one will have stopped them.

I do truly wish that there was a story or a character that I cared about anymore. I would love to come back to watch, but the sillier these stories get, the happier I am to not watch.
Babies that they don't know how old they are. Put them in buggies when they are two, have them cry like newborns.

Endless repetitive conversations.

And why in the world would Jake want to be with Kate? She may have a nice face, but the rest of her body would show her age.
Personally I love Ava staying in town and running all over the place while she acts like she needs to stay hidden.

I also love that that no matter their background almost everyone lives in a room with a bathroom and that's it. I mean you'd think that the richer of the folk would be in an extended stay type place with a little kitchen.
I wondered about the empty box in Ben's room too. One of the Salem elves
must have run to the room before Ben and Claire got there.

Since it's Salem, maybe Kate's body is youthful under clothes. We know Philip's
leg grew back.
Since when do women's prisons not keep prisoners in a cell? Kristen gets visitor after visitor, makes phone calls after visits, no guard anywhere, and is never in a cell, just hangin' in the visitation area. Do visitors provide I.D. at all, so using fake names is o.k.?

Since when did Jack & Jen move out of the Horton house, so Doug & Julie could take possession? Jen has been living there forever. I know they stayed at DiMansion to care for Thomas & Charlotte, but why did they not go back to Horton house? (Yes, Doug & Julie came to stay, too, but..........possession now? And where is Jack living?

Am truly tired of Salemites living in a hotel bedroom. Ben asks Claire to come and help pack up Ciara's things. Amazing there was an empty cardboard box handy. Sorry, Claire, would not begin to suffice....but then Salem is not like the rest of the world, is it?

Anyone know or figure out how/when Kristen & Ava became such close buddies?

Soooo, Allie was drunk beyond comprehension, cannot recollect at all what went on last New Year's in London, but Tripp is tried and convicted by all, because she has a vague, shadowy memory of seeing him, and saying no to someone?? And now, apparently, Kayla is forcing Steve to choose between her & his son (who he did not raise.) So Tripp could have gone over to the Salem INN, joining the rest of Salem who lives there, helping to avoid the dissension within the Johnson house.......but.....nope.

And then we have Sarah, Dr. Nancy Drew, who sees no patients ever, despite claiming to be busy at hospital, but has days of time to tend to Xander, spy on Philip, watch hotel room doors, etc.

Gad, I have more, but am sure YOU want to chime in, too.
I totally agree!

We know Philip's
leg grew back.
And Jennifer's scar disappeared.
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And what about Salem's (choke-choke) Finest? When did Shawn-Douglas become a detective? Now Abe offers him commissioner!! He was a forensic investigator last time they flew in from China for the weekend. China must have the overnight detective school, and London has immediate medical school where Tripp went, and now can start a residency.

And don't even get me started on Gabi and her wardrobe. I thought Forever 21 went out of business??? Can we please, please start dressing these women in appropriate clothing for their ages and jobs. I will not even mention Kate, the great-grandmother who dresses like she is a twenty something.

I vote we make this writer's tenure someone's horrible bad dream and whomever has it just wakes up and its over, before us old time viewers just fade away, like our show has!!
Kate's wardrobe is colorful, but I don't think it's inappropriate for her age. But a doctor who shows her midriff at work (Sarah)? A corporate CEO dressed like she's going to a nightclub (Gabi)? Those are way stranger to me. At least in theory Gabi was a fashion CEO and so she was wearing her own clothes. I don't know why Sarah goes to the hospital in winter in a flouncy dress with cutouts like she did a couple of weeks ago.

My big pet peeve is the lack of sets. I guess it's a cost-cutting measure, but everyone can't live in a hotel or in these tiny, weird apartments that are strange for middle-aged people with jobs to live in unless they're in New York City or something. OR everyone moves into one of the shrunken versions of the two mansions in town. Even the homes that are still around - Hope's house, Rafe's house - are now all reduced to a single tiny room.
Kayla is supposed to be some brilliant doctor, but the fact that she does not run a complete DNA test on Tripp, but used what appears to be the same test she ran on Lucas for baby Bonnie (aka Emily) and assumes that just because Tripp shares dna with baby Henry Lucas is enough for her to assume Tripp is the father. Since Tripp is also related to the Vitali family, she should realize that the rapist might be someone from that side of Tripp's family and give him the benefit of the doubt by running a full dna test,

Not to mention the fiasco when Julie needed a new heart, she broke HIPAA laws to inform the Hortons about Kate, Stefan so that the family would try to get the heart in order for Julie to survive.
And what about Salem's (choke-choke) Finest? When did Shawn-Douglas become a detective? Now Abe offers him commissioner!! He was a forensic investigator last time they flew in from China for the weekend. China must have the overnight detective school ...
This has always bugged me. Roman pulled strings to get Shawn into the police academy, but then he quit to sail the seven seas with Belle and Claire aboard the Fancy Face II. Despite this, every time Shawn comes to town he's suddenly a member of the police force. Of course, the rest of the force has been nothing to write home about. Bo and Hope appeared never to have heard about search warrants; Rafe and Eli are decent guys, but seem to have forgotten all their FBI skills; Lou Raines was a total crook; and Lani is bad beyond belief. Other past all-stars include kidnapper Dean Hartman, Stefano's hitman Joe Bernardi, and the guy who shot up the Pub while trying to murder John Black.

As for the lawyers, they are no better. They are so bad that going back to law school wouldn't help them. Justin and Belle are supposed to be great attorneys, but they're awful. So is Carrie whose main skill areas were lost cats and panting for Rafe. The late Ted may have been a decent lawyer, but he was totally corrupt. As for lawyer EJ, the less said the better. Some district attorneys were no better: crooked Aiden and dopey Charles Woods.

Finally, the judges are a disgrace to the bench: angry Judge Goldberg, legally-clueless Rose Duncan and Damon Thorpe, and Karen Fitzpatrick who has been on the DiMera payroll for years.

Frankly, the Salem justice system would be better off if everyone was replaced by students from Father Louis's St. Luke's Academy.
I agree with all you said and would add, I am so SICK of Sarah and her baby talk. She is acting like a 10 year old kid.
I said this on another post. It drives me NUTS! She could leave Salem and I would not bat an eye, but leave Xander here. I love the eye candy bad boy.

Poirot, They should call the show The Days Inn! :rotfl: