Eric's a twit

I am beginning to think Eric just might be a twit but not because of sex with Nicole. Unless he decides he can't marry her because he is "scarred" by the Kristen rape escapade he is just playing her. The writers are stretching this out way to long now!!!!! Either prove Nicole destroyed the evidence and let the chips fall where they may, let Eric go back to the priesthood as a monk or whatever, or move on with the romance and get married.
I feel like the writers changed Eric from deciding he wanted to be with Nicole regardless to wanting her only if he can never be cleared in order to make her secret devastating to him when it comes out. Up until yesterday I thought he had decided against the priesthood no matter what. Both he and Nicole have done 180s with this story for no apparent reason and it's irritating.
...she's now asking Eric to violate his beliefs so she can indulge her sexual appetite.
I really don't think it has to do with just sex for Nicole. I believe she thinks if Eric "does it" once, he won't go back to the priesthood once he finds out what she did.
I don't think Eric is a twit, but I do believe he's self righteous, judgmental, boring, always seems unhappy, with a gloom and doom attitude (regardless of the rape, which was horrible, he was like that before it happened), and I do believe he's toying with Nicole, knowing it could destroy her in the end. He knows she attempted suicide, he knows how down she was when he first came back to town, so the last thing he would do if he truly loved her would be to lead her on. Then again, we are talking about the same man who wrongfully accused her of raping him.

Bottom line, like others have said, Eric chose to leave the priesthood without knowing his faith in the church, he decided to lead a new life, no matter what proof was to be found or not, and he was the one to talk about marriage. To back out now, wanting to talk to Father Louis is beyond selfish and stupid. I think Eric should have done that long before he kissed Nicole and told her he loved her.

This is all done by the writers to create cheap, badly written drama. In the end, when Eric finds out Nicole destroyed the evidence, he will act like the only victim, everybody will rally around him and once again, Nicole will be the town pariah. :beat:
you guys are hysterical. :rotfl:

I do not believe Eric is "toying" with Nicole, not at all. I know I am repeating myself, but Eric professed his love for Nicole when both thought they were going to die in that gas filled basement. They got rescued. Subsequently, Nicole & Daniel went on their fact finding mission, locating Dr. Chyka, and attempting to get him to own up to what he did. Eric knew nothing of this. Chyka escaped, Nicole found evidence, was happy as a lark, rushed back to Salem, intending to show it all to Daniel, Eric, etc. But when she got there, she changed her mind, and kept her secret.
And thus, Eric lost all hope of being cleared, proving he was drugged, etc.
So he thought about it, and because Nicole already said she loved him, decided to leave the priesthood before they relieve him completely. But his mind and heart were truly not into really settling down with Nicole. As others have noted, she really is "2nd choice".
And right now, Eric is struggling with the what he started. Nicole wants a sexual commitment which he cannot give her, his beliefs are very strong. And then she wanted a marriage date commitment, something else he is not ready to do. He truly is betwildered with himself. He cares about Nicole, but finds himself unwilling or unable to take the next steps. He really does not want to leave the priesthood, and it is very obvious, (again pointed out by others) that he would be at odds with Nicole in re: lifestyle. He would want to still work within the church, perhaps be a deacon, she would not want any part of that. She very definitely has a hard time resisting temptation. LOL
And then, there definitely is how he accused her of being the person who raped him, was adamant about it. So he has a problem with trusting her.
And..unbeknownst to him, he is right. She had all the evidence, and shredded it. And if she loved HIM as she says, she would want him to be happy. And she had the way to do that in her hands, but figured she would lose him back to the church, and wanted him for herself. THAT was selfish of her, and I do agree that it will come out, and Nicole will once again have fingers pointed, whispers, and will have slid back down to the bottom of the respect ladder. Because, as I said, Nicole has betrayed all who befriended and trusted her.
I am not really feeling it with these two.
At all!!!! Nicole seems like she is trying to seduce a priest. And Eric? Umm he seems as though he would rather be scrubbing him self with bleach than to be anywhere near Nicole. So not feeling this at all! Eric couldn't be anymore of a depressing bore! Nicole is a wild little tiger and needs someone to knock her socks off. Eric is soooo not that guy!
He has a twit sister...a twin twit...its the twit twins. I respect Eric for not wanting Nicole (in that way) till they are married. That part is refreshing for it to be the guy saying it. :) What I have a problem with is Nicole and what they are doing with her. They do the same thing with Sami ...start to make sense then mess them up give them the gun to shoot themselves in the foot.
I think that we're going to find that it's more difficult than Eric or anyone expected for Eric to be released from his vows and agreements with the Church. Even if it is just going to take time to go through all the motions....such as getting the Cardinal to agree etc, etc, etc....

Well, what remains to be seen is if the church decided to remove Eric as a priest because of the video, etc. If they believe that he was drugged and it was all against his will, he would be exonerated. This could even make a difference to Eric himself. And of course, then they would be taking into consideration his request to be released, which he could withdraw if he was found innocent.
I am saying this all badly. But first on the agenda at the church is the original "suspension from duties". That has yet to be resolved. If they decide against Eric, then no problems, but if they decide he was a victim and reinstate him, I think Eric himself will be thinking 2nd thoughts about leaving the priesthood.
And in that last case, I still say that Eric should have simply waited and think things through before going any further with Nicole. He's now "with" her, said he loved her and even went as far as talking about marriage. So if the church reinstated him, why would he go back and have second thoughts after he made his decision ? That, at least to me, makes him a very selfish person and not caring at all about Nicole's feelings, only his own. Whether Nicole destroyed the evidence is of no importance regarding this matter since it was Eric's decision not to wait any longer. Nicole even tried to make him take his time and wait a little longer.

Now, Nicole destroying the evidence is very wrong, mind you. I hate that the writers made a complete turnaround and had her do that. I'm so disappointed that it will probably play out as only Nicole being in the wrong and being the town pariah, while Eric, much like Jennifer was and still is, will be treated like a perfect saint.
This is not a one way street here. While Eric had feelings for Nicole, old feelings, he had them under control. And he only opened up about them when he felt it was hopeless for him. And that was how Nicole "fixed it". Nicole was still looking to exonerate Eric when she & Daniel were questioning Chyka, and when she found the evidence to clear him, she was in 7th heaven. She even was about to tell Daniel, when she just suddenly decided to hold on to her secret for a while longer. And THAT is where Nicole was disregarding Eric, his vocation, his life. She wanted him for herself, out of the priesthood, and held in her hands the perfect way to do that.
I don't think Eric would have asked to be relieved of his priestly vows at all, if he had the slightest hope that he would be exonerated, but he lost every bit of a chance.
Nicole is 2nd choice, she knows it, doesn't care. She said it......she wants what she wants, and is going to get it. But Nicole will not be able to live with the sort of life Eric wants to live. She thinks she can handle it, but obviously not. She already tried to seduce him, despite his declarations. She embarrassed both him and herself at the party over it.
Nicole has caused Eric to feel he doesn't stand a prayer of being found innocent, and thus, he had to decide what his next path would be. I doubt he would have even come close to doing this if he knew what she had done. And yes, shame on Nicole.
I think that Eric is putting off being with Nicole due to possible PTSD from the Kristen incident. That was the first time he was intimate with a woman in a very long time, even if it wasn't his choice. The physical act still happened. He is afraid, simply put.

When Eric first said he wanted to wait until marriage, I thought; "What's the point, they've already been together in the past." I could see the "sticking to the church teachings" excuse being valid if they'd never had sex before. However, when he really started to freak, it occurred to me that the PTSD may be a factor, but he is going to try and hide it. Women go through similar trauma after being raped, so why not a man?
A man could go through the same thing as a woman (PTSD after a rape), but the show is not giving us any indication this is the reason for Eric's behavior. If that were the case, I think they'd be showing him having flashbacks, which we KNOW Days loves to shove down our throats.