Facebook posts and Tweets from Salemites, Part 21

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
Reaction score
Facebook post from Sami to Kayla and Julie: Ugh! I can't believe you threw a bachelorette party for Hope and I wasn't invited. Granted, I'm not in town, but you should've waited until I came home. I mean, I'm a Brady and I was married to a Horton..... I think? Plus, I'm pretty sure some of my kids are Hortons. Sondra, Denise, Theo, Vanessa and Rudy are all Hortons, right? You're all a bunch of big doody-heads! I HATE YOU!

Reply from Ghost Will: sigh.........
Reply from Julie: Well, you are in Switzerland, so...it'd be kind of difficult for you to come anyway.

Reply from Sami: SO? Just because I'm in Switzerland and mourning the loss of my dear Carson, doesn't mean I should be denied of the invitation.

Reply from Johnny: (All right, looks like I'm replacing Will in this situation) Mom, his name is Will, not Carson.

Reply from Sami: Of course, I know that, Kurt. Your big brother Finn was a great man. He will be missed.

Reply from Johnny: Who are Kurt and Finn? Our names are Johnny and Will! Stop forgetting what our names are!
Reply from Julie: Well, you are in Switzerland, so...it'd be kind of difficult for you to come anyway.

Reply from Sami: SO? Just because I'm in Switzerland and mourning the loss of my dear Carson, doesn't mean I should be denied of the invitation.

Reply from Julie: Dear, I'm sorry that you were offended, but since you're in Zurich why don't you call your sister, Carrie, and have a nice get-together?

Reply from Sami: That hag! Ugh. I HATE her, almost as much as I HATE life-ruiner John Black!

Reply from Marlena: Sami, dear, you really should have a more charitable attitude toward Carrie. After all, she is your sister. And stop saying unkind things about John. He's a wonderful man.

Reply from Sami: No way. Carrie's a doody-head and so is John Black! Gotta go now and check a safe-deposit box. I'm hoping it contains the news that my darling, changed smoochy-moochy is still alive!!!

Reply from Marlena, Julie and the rest of Salem: :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:!!!
Salem social media turns to discussion of Hallowe'en-themed topics.

From Stefano: Children who come to my mansion door dressed as the ghost of my beloved son, Elvis, can definitely expect no treats.

From Sami: Hey, what doodyhead put a sign in a costume shop window saying it had things that will make the wearer "scarier than Sami Brady?" I HATE them. P.S, the sign should say, "scarier than that hag, Kate."

From Jeannie T.: I just saw Kate at a Basic Black meeting. She was wearing a spider-themed Hallowe'en necklace, and the spider was definitely a black widow!

From Julie: Salem parents have no standards! How dare they let their children traipse around town dressed as the bloodstained ghost of my darling Nicky!

From Anne: To those idiots who mocked my witch costume at the hospital party -- witches definitely did wear wrap dresses.

From Eric: I'm staying indoors until it's time for Mass on All Saint's Day tomorrow. Those kids dressed as Kristen give me the heebie-jeebies.

From Ciara: Sorry, mom, but that great Hallowe'en costume you made for me doesn't fit. I've suddenly been SORASed. Rats, now I'm too old to fill my magic backpack by trick or treating.
Facebook post from Ciara to Stefano: Hey, Stef, with all of your Franken-doctors, do you have someone who can de-age me? Life was much easier when I was little and had everyone in Salem under my thumb.

Reply from Stefano: Of courrrrrrrrrse, I do. Just come up to the DiMansion at the stroke of midnight on Halloween. I hear there's going to be a terrrrrrific thunderrrrrrrstorm with plenty of thunderrrrrr and lightning.

Reply from Bo Brady: Over my dead body will my baby seek your help!

Reply from Ciara: Back off, Bozo! I don't answer to you anymore. If you had stuck around Salem, you'd know that everyone in town now answers to me and my pink backpack. Go order a Pina Colada somewhere.
From JJ's Facebook page: I need the practice so I haven't seen Rory in a while. My first unofficial case. Has anyone seen this man?

milk carton.jpg

Rory: Dude, that looks like me.

JJ: Shhhh... I need to impress the Salem PD.
Tweet from Ma and Pa Kent: OMG, a plane crashed in our cornfield, and the two passengers just ran off and left the injured pilot. Unbelievable. The pilot said they came from some place called Salem.

Reply from Mr. Topeka: These must be the same two fools who stole my motorcycle and left money strewn around in "payment." Do you believe that?

Reply from KStateFan: Somebody siphoned all the gas out of my car and left a $20 bill under the windshield. I had to walk home. What a bummer.

Reply from KCRoyalsBooster: I'll bet these were the guys who knocked out the state cop we all call "Sheriff Roscoe" and then escaped from his crumby jail.

Reply from Nanny Megan: Hello Kansas. Yep, those two are from here in Salem, and you just got a taste of what we put up with on a daily basis. And forget trying to press charges. Nobody goes to jail in Salem except the truly unlucky.

Reply from Sami: Bo is back in Salem. And nobody told me, me, Salem's most important citizen and best mother??? And why wasn't I invited to the big Hope wedding? Somebody will pay for this outrage. I HATE them!
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Tweet from Sami: Hi, everyone, I have big news about EJ!!!

Reply from Marlena: Whatever, dear. John is being harassed by those fools at the ISA,

Reply from Bo: Who cares about Elvis Jr. Hope has been attacked. Get the cops and the EMTs to my house!! Now!!

Reply from Steve: EJ? Barf. I'm too busy dealing with my son's problems to care.

Reply from Abigail: Yes, EJ showered with me. That's old news. Now have the cops find the cabin where my psycho fiance is holding me prisoner! Chad is innocent! Ben is the killer!

Reply from Abe: Who cares about EJ. I'm busy dealing with the fact that I've joined Stefano and John in the surprise daddy club.

Reply from Jeannie T.: EJ, big whoop. The real news today is that Brady still loves me:love:. Who cares what that old grouch, Victor, says.

Reply from Sami: OMG, what a bunch of self-centered losers. News about my darling, changed smoochy-moochy, EJ, trumps everything else! I HATE you!
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Salem social media reacts to the news about the attack on Hope.

From Chad: Now will I be released from jail? My ugly green blanket is infested with bed bugs, and the label on the cell mattress says it came from Cheap Charlie's Salem Discount Mattresses Outlet, which went out of business in 1953.

From Rory: Whoa, what a downer. That Aiden dude should have smoked some weed instead of trying to play necktie killer.

From Bo: Will somebody at the hospital please give my Fancy Face a clean hospital gown. She's still wearing the bloodstained thing that she was wearing when I saved her.

From Rafe: This just doesn't make any sense -- again.

From Jenny: Hope was attacked in her own home by her new husband?? This proves that working for the Salem P.D. is too dangerous for my JJ.

From the Salem Bar Association: Please, don't judge all of Salem's lawyers by the actions of Mr. Jennings. We always thought that there was something sketchy about him.

From Justin: Chad is the necktie killer -- Aiden Jennings was just a wannabe copycat. I'm never wrong.

From Sami: Who cares about doodyhead Jennings. The big news is that EJ is alive! OMG, I'm being ............
Salem social media reacts to rumors that Sami has been kidnapped.

From Jenny: Who cares about that horrid woman. Where's my beloved, perfect daughter? She's not answering my calls.

From Chad: Oh, great. That jerk Kiriakis will find a way to blame this on me too.

From Xander: Let me out. I'll find Sami and the real necktie killer too. After all, I tracked down Eric and Nicole after they hid in the crawl space. Ooops.

From Kate: If Stefano grabbed Sami, I just have a suggestion for him, "secret island."

From Victor: Now if only that tart Theresa would vanish too, there will be blessed peace in Salem.

From Sonny: So what. I've heard that Sami, the self-styled "best mother," ceased caring about her son's death as soon as she heard an idiotic story that her lowlife husband was still alive.

From Clyde: EJ is alive??? Things keep getting worse and worse in the world of Weston.

From Roman: Dammit, people. This is serious even if it involves Sami. Anyone with information should contact my office immediately.

From Sami: Thank you daddy. You tell those doodyheads. I HATE them! As soon as I'm free, I'll find my darling, changed smoochy-moochy and bring him home to Salem! :love:

Reply from all of Salem: :sick::sick::sick:
Tweet from Chase: Bo Brady murdered my Dad! I HATE him!

Reply from Roman: C'mon, kid. Bo may not believe in search warrants, but he's no killer.

Reply from Nanny Megan: Bo Brady? Did he ever catch any criminals?

Reply from Ben: The real killer in Salem is Chad! P.S., don't call Abigail, she's just fine, but is tied up right now and doesn't want to talk.

Reply from Ms. Frieda Finnegar: Bo Brady is a monster. He kidnapped and tortured my beloved son, Arnold, and then had him tossed into a cell where he was murdered.

Reply from Andre: Bo Brady is a vulgar lout. He was always threatening to "take people apart." If you're going to threaten violence, always do it in a refined, understated way. It's very effective.

Reply from Stefano: Bo Brady is an idiot. I can't count the times he broke into my mansion and threatened me, me!

Reply from Sami: Hey, Chase, "I HATE you/him/her" is my line. As for Bo Brady, the worst thing about him is that he never believed my darling smoochy-moochy had changed. P.S., HELP, I've been kidnapped!!!
Facebook post from "Salem Magic Donuts"
Has life got you down? Does your future look bleak? Did your new husband try to strangle you, have you been held captive by the necktie killer, is some old grouch trying to evict you, have you been falsely accused of murder, did your relations not believe in your visions of a lost family member, are you suffering from sudden fainting spells, is your spouse reluctant to forgive you for your old wandering ways, or are you a dead-beat dad for whom forgiveness is proving elusive? If so, drop by the historic Deveraux residence (the former home of the saintly Alice and Tom Horton) for some special magic donuts that will help you to forget all your problems.

Hoping to see you soon.
Your hosts, JJ and Rory
Facebook post from Sonny Kiriakis: All right, before you guys start worrying, I'm fine. I was nowhere near the attacks and bombings that happened here in Paree (Although, the side of one of the clubs I now manage was blown off).

Reply from Victor Kiriakis: Glad you're okay, but, everyone's a little too preoccupied to be thinking about that right now.

Reply from Sonny Kiriakis: ...Oh. Heh. Well, okay, then. :)
Facebook post from Chase: I'm so upset and confused. I mean, my dad tried to kill my new stepmom and then Ciara's dad killed him. I just don't know what to think or how to feel.

Reply from Sami: Hey kid, get a grip. It's not like your dad was caught having sex with someone's mom on the Titan conference room table. Now that's a real tragedy. It ruined my life. By the way, if you see that home-wrecking doody head, John Black, would you tell him I've been kidnapped by the DiMeras???
Facebook post from Chase: Who are you and why should I care? I have enough problems of my own right now.

Reply from Sami: I HATE YOU!!!

Reply from Andre: Don't worry she won't be bothering you anymore. I've canceled her internet privileges. Tell me Chase, ever considered a career as a Dimera Pawn?

Reply from Chase: Hey, are you that creepy guy who claimed he was a friend of my dad? Stay away from me sicko.

Reply from Andre: I have no idea what you are talking about foolish boy, just like I have no idea where Sami Brady is being held captive. Ooops.

Reply from Stefano: Andre what is going on here?

Reply from Andre: I simply must be going, farewell people.