Friday, April 20th


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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You gotta catch this show, if only to see the new Stephanie.Yowza!

Let's get the boring stuff over with first. Sorry, but it just IS boring. On the island Shawn is pleading Gabby's case with Duck, and learns that Gabby left the island once before, returning 6 months later with "a bun in the oven". Duck won't say what happened to the baby, just warns Shawn that gabby is better off staying where she is. Meanwhile Gabby & Belle continue their little talk, with Belle mentioning the stroller & toys in the closet. Gabby tells her it is none of her business, but indicates she had a child who died. :?: BElle lets Gabby know that she & Shawn are a couple. Shawn returns, Gabby thanks him for trying, leaves. Shawn only stays a minute before leaving to work on the boat again.

Kayla arrives at Chez Rouge to meet Stephanie, who has not arrives yet. She & Maggie exchange a few words, with Kayla mentioning her sweet & innocent daughter. Cue the arrival of the new Stephanie, very pretty with long dark hair, and wearing a black mini skirt, a see thru sort of blouse with bare midriff. Kayla is taken aback, as Stephanie asks if she likes her "racer chick" chic look which is all the rage. Kayla notices a tatoo on her belly, Steph says the entire race team has them. Later, we can tell that Kayla has told Stephanie all about her dad, and wants her to go see him and try to convince him to tell the police everything he knows about EJ Wells. Steph promises to try. Abby arrives to join them, and Kayla spots Dr. Kraft w/Maggie, excusing herself. Dr. Kraft tells her about being taken off the case, being told the hospital is bringing in an outside doctor (boy, does this smell of DiMera). She warns Kayla that Steve has become sort of a hero to the patients and gained enemies among the staff.
Meanwhile Stephanie tells Abby she has a boyfriend, has lost her virginity, and the guy is sort of edgy and has a record. Nothing major, just minor things. (Wait til Papa hears that, lol)They talk of Max, and Maggie's disapproval. Stephanie advises Abby to get another boyfriend, one who get approval, but understands there is nothing serious, thus appeasing and fooling auntie, and she can still see Max. (hmmm, big change in Stephanie's character, I would say).Kayla return, saying they have to leave. It is an issue with her dad.

At the hotel, Kate is pounding on the door to Lucas's room, to no avail. She wants to break in, Philip wants her to cool it. They argue, along comes the porter, who will not let them into the room. Philip tries to reason with her about being a buttinsky, but Kate ignores him, tries to get in with her credit card, then calls Roman, but cannot reach him. Philip tells her to butt out of Lucas's life, he & Sami could be taking a shower, sleeping, or just refusing to be disturbed. Kate calls EJ, and demands to know if Sami is there with him. He keeps repeating her questions, not really giving her an answer, when suddenly he is not there. She keeps saying hello, then hears someone calling the name Samantha....and gets cut off, making her even more determined to find out what is going on.

At the cabin, EJ is roughing up Sami, figuring she is up to something. He rips open her top, thinking her father and uncle have her wired. Sami wonders if this is his idea of foreplay, and it stinks. He empties her purse, throwing it's contents everywhere, saying something is going on, he does not trust her. Sami acts furious, saying how she gave everything up for him, and he cannot treat her with respect. He thinks she wants to kiss him and stick a knife in his b ack,saying he will strip all her clothes off, search every inch of her body, :rotfl: His cell rings, tis Kate, demanding to know if Sami is there. EJ keeps repeating Kate's questions, so Sami can hear. In frustration, she grabs his phone, throws it, jumping atop him and kissing him into unconsciousness. Sami picks up his phone, hearing Kate saying EJ's name. In bursts Celeste, asking Samantha what is going on? Sami closes the phone, tells Celeste what happened. Celeste is going for the gasoline, Sami has 2nd thoughts, saying this was her plan, why does she need Sami. Celeste says she lost her daughter, but she can just go home tonite, and reminds her how EJ will come after her when he awakens, so Sami tells her to get the gasoline. Splash, splash all around the cabin and the sofa. Celeste tells Sami to light the match, toss on the sofa, and she will wait outside. Sami mutters to herself, but strikes the match, looking at it burn......Freeze frame.


Just an FYI to the Days writers. If that was really gasoline, the fumes alone would ignite when Sami struck that match. Do a little research. She would not even have time to stare at it like she is doing before a big whoosh of flame would be all around her.
Well, there it is. The secret is out - Gabby had a bun in the oven at one time or another. No wonder she is trying to get close to Claire. Not so much to take her, I don't think, just to bond, since she lost her own child.
Gabby left the island once before, returning 6 months later with "a bun in the oven"

Hmmm...wonder where she went and who added the yeast for her bun...???????
The name of the actress playing Stephanie now was NOT in the credits, I looked. But I do know she is a former Miss Teen USA (2004) Shelley Hennig.
:lol: I would imagine that Stephanie's new boyfriend is one of the new characters that are soon to arrive in Salem!!??? :?:
I was thinking the same thing Buckaruz...I hope this actress fits in better than the last. I'm also anxious to see if Stephanie still doesn't like Chelsea and cuts her off at the knees like the last one....I loved watching Stephanie and Chelsea's scenes together....
by Poirot on 2007/4/19 9:28:52

The name of the actress playing Stephanie now was NOT in the credits, I looked. But I do know she is a former Miss Teen USA (2004) Shelley Hennig.

Thanks, I will google her in a bit.
Here is a link of Shelly's pic.
She's a cute girl. I am so glad that replaced the last girl with Shelley.
Just wait til you see her outfit! LOLOLOL
Let's just say that she & Chelsea make a pair in their outfits.
That doesn't sound like Stephanie, I guess TPTB wanted her a little more loose this time around huh?
After all the grievous comments regards EJ's behavior toward Sami (unforgivable, heinous, sick...) is there no one willing to condemn Sami for premeditated murder!? No matter EJ doesn't die (he simply can't), that's what tossing that match is- a smoking gun with a long drawn out lock and load (the gasoline). Everyone needs a long stay in a mental institution- nix that. Neither Sami nor Celeste are "temporarily insane." I just hope they bring back Scott as EJ; that he still wants to be on Days. No murmurings on replacing EJ, right? RIGHT!!?
