Friday, February 15th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Friday, February 15th, 2008

Episode #10,763 taped 1/25 Director – Noel Maxam

Luckily, I got most of the show today. Half way thru the tape, the station lost it’s signal, but again, luckily, I woke up so early this a.m. When I turned on the TV, there was Days, and evidently they were rerunning the show. So I caught most of the part that was NOT on my tape.

At the cop shop, Roman comes in, seeing very somber faces in Abe’s office. Glancing at Chelsea & Stephanie, he comments that he thought the problem with Decker had been taken care of. Yes, it has. Chelsea tells him about being unable to make contact with John’s plane. Abe is on the phone contacting everyone, getting reports. It is not just the radio. The plane is going along at same airspeed, direction, and not varied from 32,000 feet. However the pilots have not made certain directional changes and now the plane is way off course. Caroline comes in with Max, gets filled in. They are all worried, (Caroline has her husband, son, daughter, grandson, great-granddaughter aboard the plane). Later, Abe gets a phone message…..the plane has dropped off radar. Caroline encourages everyone to pray.

Aboard the plane, the time counter goes to 29.46, and the Hope is arguing with Pop Shawn, who won’t put on the mask. It has gotten colder, passengers are beginning to gasp. Bo is passed out, Hope insists Pop Shawn take the mask, he refuses, she goes to get Kayla. Now Kayla argues with Pop, who is adamant
We see the counter going down to 7.13, and in the cockpit, Steve & John talk about trying to get the controls back. Oxygen is running out, and if they could jettison fuel, they would descend fast, but at least would be able to breathe. Steve takes a panel off, finds some sort of explosive device and fried wires. He fidgets with whatever.
In the cabin, Kayla pleads with her father, who refuses to take the mask. He says he will be up there watching over them all, standing along side his sister. Kayla tells him she is pregnant, she wants her child to know him, but Shawn just says this all will be a wonderful story to tell in years to come. “Now let me go, before the devil knows I’m gone”. (And old Irish saying I have heard often). The plane lurches, the counter shows 29 seconds, and is counting down. Hope is tending to Bo, asking Kayla if Bo is going to die. Kayla replies Pop’s sacrifice cannot have been in vain. The counter goes to 5 – 5 – 3 –2 –1 and then zero. Everyone realizes they are out of oxygen, they are gasping. And telling each other how much they love each other. In the cockpit, Steve turns his head, whispering it to “Sweetness”. Belle & Shawn tell each other they love each other, and comfort a whimpering Claire. Belle calls to her mother that she loves her, and Marlena tells her the same. Yep, you all better have tissues at the ready. It is very emotional.
In the cockpit, John & Steve are trying their best to gain some control again, with Steve trying to hot wire the electronics or something. Sorry, but I am not familiar. In the cabin, it has gotten very quiet, as the passengers all go unconscious. Kayla has laid her head on Pop’s chest. Hope is with Bo. Everyone is slowly dying.
And this is where the tape ends.

However, this is what I saw FIRST. Evidently Steve got the wires working, they were able to jettison the fuel, the plane descends and oxygen is restored, as everyone is coming to. John tells them about the fuel being gone, and that being out of fuel, they will soon be having to land. There goes Chloe into panic mode again. Bo comes to, sees his father all covered up inside his hood, and jumps up to uncover him. Hope tells Bo how she did everything she could to try and make Shawn change his mind. Bo holds his Pop, crying, saying no, no, Pop, oh, Pop, it should have been me. He hugs him, crying.
The plane has run out of fuel, is descending, and all are told to fasten their seat belts, and prepare to land. In the cockpit, Steve spots land, and they are going for it. John tells Steve, there is no landing gear, and to grab the controls, pull UP as hard as he can. He talks to the plane saying, baby, you can do this. Both men are pulling on the controls, and then I believe the camera shot is outside (it was very dark) with the plane landing.

Oh wow! Sounds like another exciting show! Thanks for typing it all up, Poirot...even with your tape troubles.
I had trouble watching yesterday's show because in the cockpit, the scene is so dark, I can't make anything out except John's face. I wish they would lighten a few scenes up so I can see what da heck is going on. ;)
i'm a crybaby!


you have just got to stop making me cry first thing in the morning! my eyes are puffy all day and my nose gets snotty! just stop it! hehe (good writing, as usual, poirot!)
Bo comes to, sees his father all covered up inside his hood, and jumps up to uncover him. Hope tells Bo how she did everything she could to try and make Shawn change his mind. Bo holds his Pop, crying, saying no, no, Pop, oh, Pop, it should have been me. He hugs him, crying.


I wil probably cry my eyes out. I shouldn't, but I always take story and compare it to life. What would I do without my dad? Devastation can't even come close to describing it! Poor Bo/Brady family. Losing their beloved "pop" will be awful for them all. This group of actors will definitely be able to convey tremendous loss. I'll have my kleen-ex ready!
I wish someone would SLAP Chloe! She's a bigger cry-baby than Claire.

I put more planning in a trip to Wal*Mart than the Salemites do to go halfway around the world; however, the ones at home certainly know when to get worried, don't they?
Me confused again

I read on another site, Prevuze, that Marlena calls John on his cell phone when she is in the back of the plane, John in cockpit. How come the call went through???? No one else could call them so why is it working now? And if it is working, call someone on land who can help you - not someone who is stuck on a plummenting plane with you? Sometimes I dont understand some of the illogical things that happen.
She used the stewardess phone to the cockpit. Not a cell.
Max tried to reach them all via their cells, to no avail. Abe said they were too high an altitude for a signal to reach them.
She used the stewardess phone to the cockpit. Not a cell.
Max tried to reach them all via their cells, to no avail. Abe said they were too high an altitude for a signal to reach them.

Thanks Poirot. That makes WAY more sense
Thanks for the recap Poirot, Your writing made me cry. :cry: what is going to happen when I watch today. I will be needing tissue for sure. Sounds like a great show.
Chills & tears yet again this morning. I cannot wait to watch the actual episode. I am just waiting for my normal Saturday morning Days marathon!!!

Thanks for the write up.
Thanks for the write-up. Farewell PopShawn...images of him being behind the counter at the Brady Fish Market keep popping into my head. Sad day for us old school Days fans
Wow! What an emotional recounting! I'm going to have to stop reading your summaries at work. I'm sitting at my desk with a Kleenex, trying to dry my eyes...
Osker Rose

I am so glad that my boss is on vacation for the next few weeks. This gives me a chance to watch Days on my very small portable TV but it is better than nothing. Again, anticipation for the Days ahead. Thanks for giving me something to look forward to even if it will be a possible plane crash and Poppa Shawn's death.

I hope all this great acting is awarded with at least a Day Time Emmy nomination.

Happy Valentines Day to All!

Sounds like the last two episodes are going to be very powerful indeed.

I wonder if DOOL will get any recognition for such great and powerfully acted scenes...
Just a P.S. to the story. The pilots do not "make it". They have gone to that great airport in the sky.
This is the best Days has been. Sorry to see Pop leave he was a great icon in the day when he, Victor and Caroline were the storyline. We have to keep days on until the end of time. Maybe with the writers strike over they will reconsider the goings of Belle & Shawn. John was hysterical on Wednesday. His acting is great! I think I kind of like this side of his acting than the eyebrow lift as John Black. Good writing Piorot I appreciate your telling the story.
I saw the show, My Dad is now sure I am crazy. Oh well. The acting was amazing again. Soo sad when Shawn died. I was really glad for the recap of the show because the screen was so dark I could only hear and not really see very much in the plane. Thanks again for all you do Piorot.
I'm curious to see this one... It feels like Pop Shawn is WANTING to die. :(

On a side note I like Steve and John working together.