Friday, February 1st


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Nov 23, 2006
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Friday, February 1, 2008

Episode #10,753 Taped 1/14 Director – Albert Alarr

Stephanie, Max, Chelsea & Nick come into the Pub, still thanking Max for coming forward and telling where he hid Ford’s body. (and would we all not like to know where he stashed a water heater with a body inside!!) They all worry about Crawford Decker, but agree he promised to drop everything if they would just disclose the location of the body. Cue Decker to arrive, stop at their booth, tell them he has just come from the morgue, the condition of his son’s body is indescribable, and that he has had a change of heart, and still going to press charges. He goes to the bar, Max goes to argue with him, but Decker wants justice for his son, saying he was the victim, not all these poor, little, not so innocent girls. He leaves & in rushes Billie & Kate (who is sporting a new hair style – she has bangs, and her hair is a much shorter length). They get filled in on the latest, Kate grabs Chelsea and says she knows exactly what to do. All three leave.
And now we see the 3 of them come into Victor’s living room, happy to see him back, as he wishes he had more successful in finding Brady. Billie explains how Chelsea was nearly raped, and that the attacker is dead. Victor wonders what is the problem, Kate explains how he died falling down the stairs while chasing after Chelsea, and that Crawford Decker wants to press charges against Chelsea. Victor makes a phone call, comes back, says not to worry, it is all taken care of. Chelsea is surprised he just needed to make a phone call. Victor tells her that in business, never to do more than what is necessary. She asks what DOES he do……he is a business man. LOLOL. Chelsea mentions Max, & that Crawford could go after him, but Victor doesn’t have many friends at the P.D. & they all have more influence with Bo than he does. He figures Max might just get off with a slap on the wrist. The women all leave, thanking him. Later, Crawford arrives, Victor asks him to sit down, saying he wants to correct what is evidently a misunderstanding about Chelsea Brady. LOL

Sami is walking the floor with a crying Allie, trying to soothe her, talking of a slight fever, hoping it is not flu, and that it will go away in a day or two. Phone rings, it is Lucas, (don’t mind the mustache, not fond of the beard he appears to be growing) who hears the baby crying, asking who it is. Sami tells him it is Allie, and that she is there trying to take care of his children alone because he is in jail. She begins to rant at him for being there because of her, (it really sounds dumb, lol) as EJ comes in, and Sami is saying she could just hate him for that. But she then says how the man she loves cannot be there with her. Lucas says so you still love me. Of course, replies Sami, & Lucas tells her he loves her, too. She spies EJ, says she cannot talk, and hangs up, asking EJ how long he was eavesdropping. He denies it, just wanting to give her time to finish her conversation. They talk of being in the safe house to protect them from Stefano, & somehow Stefano’s habit of “dying”is mentioned, with Sami having the line of the day….”Stefano has pretended to be dead so many times, he probably has his own drawer at the morgue”. (cracked me up) Now EJ tells her they probably will not have to fear Stefano any more, he is in a coma. Is catatonic, doctors do not know what caused it, tests show nothing, and how he, Tony & Lexie have decided to leave him be, put him in a sanitarium and let the state take care of him.

Roman & Abe are in the office when Lucas is brought in. He has decided he wants to confess, does not want a trial, no testifying, no cross examinations, no attorneys, etc. Lucas is so quiet, so resigned to his fate here. Later a court reporter is finishing up his “confession”, leaves to type it up. Abe & Roman question Lucas as to why he is doing this. He just says Sami was right, he did not trust her to take care of them all, he was wrong, he just wants to do his time served. Yes, he knows it won’t be easy, but he may get off early with good behavior, and credit for time already served. He later calls Sami again, asking him to come down to the station and bring Allie, that he wants to say good-bye, he has confessed and will be going to prison.

In Ireland, the group is shocked, not quite willing to believe the woman is Colleen Brady. (let me say here and now that Shirley Jones does a phenomenal job of portraying Colleen, she is absolutely mesmerizing). Colleen assures them all it is indeed her, oh, she has added a few wrinkles to the skin, but just look in the eyes, they never lie. She tells Marlena that she understands her daughter is the spittin’ image of her when she was young, and that is a happy thing to hear. She tells how she ran away, as being a nun, she did not deserve to wear that habit, she had slept with Santo, who turned out to be a married man. Love for him has torn her apart and kept her together all these years. She left the habit on the cliffs and hid….going to another part of Ireland to hide out, using a different name. Stefano has blamed her all these years for his father’s heartbreak, but she left so Santo could go back to his wife and child. She heard he never smiled again, and that Stefano bore the brunt of his father’s attitude. She says he held onto the letters for a long time, but she really did not have Santo, only his words. She found work as a seamstress, realized she might get found out at some point, so moved to South America. Again she found seamstress work, and word of her wonderful designs and work spread, business boomed, she had to hire people. She was able to make quite a bit of money, & only recently learned of having relatives in Salem and the things Stefano had done to so many of them. She asks them to forgive her, as she took something of theirs, calls Crystal, who brings in Claire. You can imagine how the place goes ballistic (Claire really is enjoying all the hugging and kissing from everyone, lol) . Colleen watches with a small smile on her face. John walks around near Colleen, pulling the knife out from his sleeve, as Marlena comes up reminding him that Claire is his granddaughter, and he should come over there. He says, Oh, yes, I am a grandfather, slips the knife back up his sleeve.

Bo comes over to Colleen asking her how she could do that, take a child away like that. Colleen indignantly explains she was protecting them all. She heard the things Stefano was doing and had to try and protect all the Bradys who come, even Brady. HuH? Yes, she means Brady Black. Chloe comes rushing up, wanting to know what she knows about him. Colleen says that yes, Crystal & Rob were in Austria, but were too late. Brady had disappeared. But Chloe, what do YOU know about Brady’s disappearance. Chloe replies, “nothing”, and walks away. Philip seems suspicious, and follows her. Marlena tells John that Brady is his son. John seems not to care. Colleen sits back down in the rocker, “that is all I have to say for now”. Philip comes up to Chloe, who is crying, but turns away from him. The rest of the group is still surrounding Claire. John walks over, sits down opposite Colleen, staring off across the room.

That can't be all she has to say about Santo. Did Santo not know about John? Why did she own the building as CB Dimera? How did Santo have connections in South America if he never had been there looking for her? Sigh.

Also is this the big story where Ali is sick? Sometimes spoilers really mention the most insignificant things.

I can't wait to see Colleen Brady...and especially Victor. I just love how everyone jumps for Victor. I miss that man! I hope he sticks around for awhile.

Thanks Poirot!
That can't be all she has to say about Santo. Did Santo not know about John? Why did she own the building as CB Dimera? How did Santo have connections in South America if he never had been there looking for her? Sigh.

Also is this the big story where Ali is sick? Sometimes spoilers really mention the most insignificant things.

I can't wait to see Colleen Brady...and especially Victor. I just love how everyone jumps for Victor. I miss that man! I hope he sticks around for awhile.

Thanks Poirot!

Hey Alligoto read the spoilers for February, they kinda spell it out for you.:thinking:
So can we have Maury officially say "Santo....your are NOT the Father when it comes to the paternity of John Black" yet? :rotfl:
Kind of weird being reminded that Chelsea is Kate's grand-daughter and Victor's grand-daughter, by separate kids. LOL

I would love to see Kate and Vic back together.

They say Colleen dies soon, I wonder if it is by John. I really hope not since that is his mother.

She has a LOT of explaining to do - like why she didn't start protecting her family YEARS ago when John went missing? Surely she knew something back then.
Colleen definitely says she never saw Santo again. Ever. As far as Santo knew, Colleen was dead, and that is how she wanted it. That is why she hid away. He was a married man, and belonged with his wife and child.
any connections Santo may have had in south america were co-incidental to her living there. He never knew it.
Personally, I think the new writers have just ignored that little red herring of the Dictator of some country that Stefano contacted, etc. Then again, there had to be some way Colleen learned of the Brady family and Stefano's obsession with causing them problems, and that he was looking for her, too.
I guess they still leave us with questions on who John really is still then Colleen only knew about Stefano being so evil recently? The nemesis isn't Colleen????? I am confused now! LOL
You are not the only one. Stefano has claimed his nemesis is a woman, and she knew many SECRETS. So......somehow, Stefano learned that Colleen was somewhere in South America, but did not know where. And the questions about her whereabouts reached Colleen, who realized it was Stefano. She then learns of her Brady relatives in Salem, and Stefano's obsession with them. She goes out to protect who she can from any further harm.
Maybe she learned of what Stefano has done to John, maybe not. But she knows John's children are in danger. And just WHY would that be?

Because John (& thus his family) could possibly be an heir to the DiMera fortune? Suppose Stefano found out that Colleen was still alive in Ireland, long ago. This is what may have made her leave Ireland.
Let's face it, Colleen is still telling her tale, and we just gotta be patient until we hear it all! Shirley Jones is just fabulous!!!
I must admit I am so confused. If Santo didn't know about Colleen and John, then how did Stefano?
He started torturing John years ago.

I know Colleen has alot to say, so I am hoping she clears alot of stuff up, but I have a feeling that she isn't going to say anything that will help. So far, she is just confusing me.

The show seems to really be heating up!!

Thanks for the wonderful re-caps. I usually just read this and not watch but this week, I'll definitely have to watch the episodes.
many questions

It would seem to me, we still have an awful lot of unanswered questions. As of this write-up-Colleen has not said Jon is HER son let alone a DiMera. And where in sam-hill was he that Stephano could get his hands on him so long ago???????
You are not the only one. Stefano has claimed his nemesis is a woman, and she knew many SECRETS. So......somehow, Stefano learned that Colleen was somewhere in South America, but did not know where. And the questions about her whereabouts reached Colleen, who realized it was Stefano. She then learns of her Brady relatives in Salem, and Stefano's obsession with them. She goes out to protect who she can from any further harm.
Maybe she learned of what Stefano has done to John, maybe not. But she knows John's children are in danger. And just WHY would that be?

Because John (& thus his family) could possibly be an heir to the DiMera fortune? Suppose Stefano found out that Colleen was still alive in Ireland, long ago. This is what may have made her leave Ireland.
Let's face it, Colleen is still telling her tale, and we just gotta be patient until we hear it all! Shirley Jones is just fabulous!!!

I agree too many holes in this story ... if Colleen just left Santo never to see him again and was pregnant with John, How did John become Stefano's pawn 20 years ago? Something is not adding up! Strange! Shirley Jones is outstanding (she should get an emmy for guest starring on Days)
Perhaps John is her Grandson, and even tho Santo never found Colleen he was so heart broken he left everything he had to her Family, thus Stefano's revenge so no one would find out that he is not the heir to the Dimera fortune but actually Colleen her living child and the Brady's own it all.

What do you think about that!
I LOVE the concept that the Bradys are the real heirs of the DiMera fortune - but we will NOT get to see Stefano's anguish (we may hear it however) unless he somehow overcomes the drug Marlena gave him. Can you imagine how that will upset Kate!?!?! Her contempt for everyone Brady will turn into the worst kissing-up we've ever seen! LOL
BY the way, Colleen says she never married, that Santo was her one love and it was enough for her.

P.S. Am glad I get to see Monday eppy.......and we will undoubtably be speculating and guessing the entire weekend.
Yes, I believe there ARE too many holes in this story...what about John being an Alamain? Will he have to return his fortune? :)