Friday, February 8th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Friday, February 8, 2008

Episode #10,758 Taped 1/18 Director – Albert Alarr

Max comes jogging along in the snow covered park, running into Chelsea, who claims she jogs there every day, and just got thru. Max is surprised he has not seen her there before. She suggests, since both are done, to take a walk, he agrees. They round a corner into a clearing, and it is filled with huge colored balloons, and a big banner that says, Happy Birthday, Max. Stephanie & Nick yell SURPRISE, and clearly Max is pleased. They all have a good-natured snowball fight (note to wardrobe: This is NOT how folks dress when it is cold enough for snow to be covering everything,, especially if they are going to be hanging around outside for some time,Trust me, I live in snow country. Lol) Max is declared the winner, all sit down at the picnic table, for what I guess is hot chocolate. There is even a table with gifts, Max opens one, tis a stuffed horse….she says every knight in shining armor needs a horse. Awwwww. They all toast to good friends, etc. Nick & Chelsea seem to have vanished as Max thanks Stephanie for the horse, she says has another gift for him, and gives him a really long kiss.

Sami is reading a newspaper with huge headlines that state Lucas Horton confesses to DiMera shooting. She goes to Allie’s crib, she is not there. Sami panics, calling Allie’s name and then EJ’s, rushes into another room to find EJ asleep in a rocker with a wide awake Allie on his lap. (Allie is just soooooo cute!) She picks Allie up, then wakes up EJ, thanking him for watching over Allie. Evidently EJ took over for Sami in the bathroom with the steam, and Allie is now much better. EJ just says it is something all parents do for their kids. Sami gives him a strange look. She wants him to help her pack, Stefano is in a coma, no more danger, she wants to go home. EJ is not sure Stefano doesn’t have soldiers out there waiting to swoop down on them, obeying orders from Stefano. Sami says what good would it do, Stefano cannot do anything with Johnny in the state he is in. Later, EJ says something again about what parents do for their kids..and Sami sits down at the table where EJ is eating breakfast. She tells him while she appreciates how much he helped out with Allie last night, as she was so exhausted, and fell asleep on the sofa, she wants him to remember that Lucas is Allie’s father, and he should respect that. He gives a little speech about how being biologically related isn’t everything, talking of changing “nappies”, having a child spitting up on you, walking the floors, etc., & that Lucas gave up those privileges when he decided to shoot him. Sami, nevertheless, wants EJ to remember and respect that he is not Allie’s father, that Lucas is, how she wants Allie to know her father, then Sami begins to cry, as she says whose knows how long Lucas will be in prison, Allie will be so big and won’t know him, and she cries harder, not knowing how she can live with Lucas. EJ soothes her. The phone rings, and it is Lucas, telling Sami he had his sentencing today, and wants her to come over to the jail, so he can say good-bye. She rushes upstairs, frantic to get dressed and get over to the station.

In Ireland, Bo & Steve are walking in the woods, talking of Bo’s tests, him not telling Hope yet, when Bo suddenly gets weak, and nearly falls. Steve helps him to sit, Bo insists he is o.k. Steve insists they have to get back to Salem right away. In the Pub, Kayla talks to Lexie on the phone, no she has not told Steve yet, she will wait til they get home, have a romantic dinner, etc. Lexie reminds her they have to get Bo back as soon as they can. Up in Colleen’s room, John is siting in a chair, continually flicking a lighter off and on. Marlena asks him to stop, it is distracting. He replies that is the point, he is bored and needs distracting. Shawn, Belle, Hope & Pop Shawn come in. Marlena says she went thru Colleen’s things, found a letter she wrote stating what she wanted done. They will follow her wishes as soon as her ashes are delivered. John says who cares, the woman is dead, give me the letter, I will burn it up and we can get out of here. Belle tells him they may not have known her long, but she is his mother. Later, the entire family is gathered in this clearing in the woods. Marlena has this green urn, asks if anyone wants to say a few words. John passes, no he will not say anything, he did not even know her. Pop Shawn is too broken up, but Bo steps forward, gives a rather moving eulogy mostly about love. How Colleen loved her family, her church, and also Santo. He talks of how strong that love was for her, and then how if one finds that, it transcends all else, and one should hold onto it. His words have Marlena looking over at John, Hope standing close to Bo, Shawn to Belle, Steve behind Kayla, as she holds onto Pop. Now John unscrews the top of the urn, walks over to Pop Shawn, and hands the urn to him. Pop takes out a handful of ashes, and as he spreads them to the air and ground, we see a still flashback of the young Colleen & Santo. And he hands the urn to Kayla….and as each member of the family in turn takes out the handful of ashes, we see various scenes of Santo & Colleen (from last summer’s letter reading) from when they met all the way to the night they first made love. John is the last one to drop the handful of ashes, as we see Santo & Colleen on the bed in the firelit room.

Everyone files away from the clearing, returning to the Pub. Belle greets Claire, saying they will be going home now, as Philip picks her up, talking of her going on this big plane. Marlena tells everyone she has talked to pilot of John’s plane, and he will have it ready to go in a couple of hours. Kayla goes to pack up Pop’s things, Marlena tells Belle she has packed up some snacks for Claire and put them in Belle’s room, Chloe goes to pack up, too, Marlena looks for John, who is no longer in the room.

We see John back in the clearing, walking around, and stops as he is not sure of what he seeing. It is the spirit of Santo standing as the spirit of Colleen slowly walks forward. Santo stretches out his hands, and Colleen does the same, placing both her hands in his. They draw closer.

Back in Salem, Sami is rushing around to leave to see Lucas, wraps a scarf around her neck, EJ tries to calm her down, helps her on with her jacket. She turns to face him, and the scene fades away back to the clearing where John watches, as Santo & Colleen’s spirits close the space between them and kiss.

Thus ends the saga of Santo and Colleen.
Wow! Sounds like a great show! Thanks for typing all of that up!

I guess we can only hope that Colleen left another letter saying who CB Dimera is and how she says she has been watching over the Brady's for a long time (said that yesterday) but only found out about John a little while ago (also said that yesterday). I guess she was keeping tabs on Shawnie. I wonder if we will see more of Crystal. Maybe she knows something.

At least we get our last serving of Santeen! Such a ****ty story, but I loved it! Too bad it turned out the way it did. Bye bye, Santo, my sweet little Super Mario Brother! :) Til we meet again, Colleen....when they decide to resurrect you in a few months! :)
I have been reading this site for years, but this is my first post. Thank you so much for making if possible for me to enjoy my "days" even though I can't watch it. Your post are GREAT! This looks like a great show!.
Well it sounds like another great episode. The scences with the whole family gathered is going to be a tear jerker. :clap:
Thanks for the post Poirot. It should be another good show. Anxious to see if it is a young Colleen or Old Colleen that goes off with Santo.

Wow! Sounds like a great show! Thanks for typing all of that up!

IAt least we get our last serving of Santeen! Such a ****ty story, but I loved it! Too bad it turned out the way it did. Bye bye, Santo, my sweet little Super Mario Brother! :) Til we meet again, Colleen....when they decide to resurrect you in a few months! :)

lol crackin up! Super Mario! true.

gonna be a great show! What is the deal with sami and ej lookin at each other and then going to the scene where santeen (aka, lookalikes) are lookin at each other and then kissin? i hope that doesn't preclude a union of ejami (sorry ejami fans,jmho).

I do hope we get some more out of this santeen thing. we have so many unanswered questions!!!
Thanks Barb ...

It's great to see EJAMI scene almost mimicing the Santeen scene exactly with the fade from EJ standing close to Sami and Santo standing close to Colleen! That was a beautiful scene!
Ooopsy.......sorry folks. The summer colleen & santo story had them young, and the spiritual reunion of the couple shows them as they were back then. I said it was going to be like "The Ghost & Mrs. Muir", and it was.

Another this made me laugh. Belle & Shawn are talking. Shawn says this is one time he is glad he decended from Kiriakis. Belle asks why. and Shawn replies that it insures that she & him are NOT related, since she is now a Brady. Belle laughs, saying she did not think of that, and that she is really now more of a Brady than he is. LOLOL (guess someone is reading the message board! I am sooooooo glad it gets mentioned, thank goodness.)
lol crackin up! Super Mario! true.

gonna be a great show! What is the deal with sami and ej lookin at each other and then going to the scene where santeen (aka, lookalikes) are lookin at each other and then kissin? i hope that doesn't preclude a union of ejami (sorry ejami fans,jmho).

I do hope we get some more out of this santeen thing. we have so many unanswered questions!!!

i agree, this got to be a joke. if sami ends up with ej this show has lost it. sorry ejami fans but it's true!
It is THE END of the Santo/Colleen story. They have been reunited in the afterlife. Their love story began and now has ended. Period.
Maybe I'm wrong...

but I thought C. B. DiMera was "Colleen Brady DiMera".
but I thought C. B. DiMera was "Colleen Brady DiMera".

Can't be Colleen never married or saw Santo again. As she said "I am Colleen Brady and will be until my last breath" C.B. could be Crystal. If she is the sister of Lexie. Lexie's mom had one child with Stephano. Why not Two? Crystal knews Steph and has said on more then one occation that she hated that man so she must know him well. Just my thought.
sounds fabulous

The writers have something up their sleves if they were meshing the collen santo/ ej sami storylines at the end of the show. Other wise why else would they have done it like that!?

I look forward to the couplling of Ej and Sami. It will happen you watch and see!
Perhaps it was to show that just as this was the end of Colleen & Santo story, the same for Sami/EJ. Then again......could just be some interesting camera work.
I think maybe we ar reading a little too much into the C.B. DiMera thing. Maybe she used his last name because she knew her family would want to look into it. She may have just used it for important documents. It's just a thought, I guess it could also be Crystal, but as one of my other fellow posters says they have alot of splainin to do.
Perhaps it was to show that just as this was the end of Colleen & Santo story, the same for Sami/EJ. Then again......could just be some interesting camera work.

From everything I have is the end of both (JMO Ejami's)...they realize their mistake in the writings and are trying to rectify things to be able to move on...put an end to it.
They still have some "fluff" to go get where John finds out the rest...
I was fine with the thought that EJ and Sami would move on and go their separate ways. Even a little flirting woulld be they just can't help it, but EJ can move on and Sami can wait for Lucas. That's great. All is resolved! Yay!

Then, the damn writers do **** like this...and have EJ and Sami share this electrifying moment...Sami is panting and looking at EJ's lips, and EJ doesn't move because he knows he will get slapped. It was a two second scene, but something between them gets me rooting for them again. Why do they do that?!?!?!?

I think the writers' do this on purpose to gage emotion, but really it makes me furious. Stop stringing people along...and end this stupidity. Put her with someone and move on! It makes me hate all three of them like this.
Another thing that is not quite right ... it takes at least three days to cremate a body. LOL Unless you do it yourself in the fireplace. LOL Anyway, It was nice to see Shirley in makeup again playing Colleen. Can't wait to see what the writers have instore for us now. Any ideas on what is going on with Bo's blood. I don't even remember him giving blood in the first place to be tested. I guess either I missed that, or they are throwing this in for another story line.