Hey, you all......


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Even I don't know exactly where this should go.....but just wanted to tell everyone how much I enjoy reading all everyone has to say. Such a diverse population,from everywhere, all walks of life, so many different lifestyles, experiences, ages, and the sharing of it all. Yes, the sharing. diverse opinions, likes, dislikes about the show, but also the sharing of things in our lives, similar, disimilar. How something we may have had happen in our own lives might affect how we view a scene/storyline on Days.

Or how we think a storyline should go. I love that sometimes we guess it right...and sometimes get really surprised, and delighted. LOL

And how much I appreciate and thank those who are willing to step in and help me out when I cannot do a summary. When doing Early Edition, I only had to do one a week, but occasionally filled in when my partners needed me. Now, with the entire week.......(and Jason D bless you forever for doing Thursdays for me). Hey, we all have lives, jobs, and I truly and honestly understand.

Yep, have blathered on into overtime. LOL. And in my usual, long winded way, am just saying thank you for being YOU, for being here, enjoying and participating in this site. God Bless. Thank YOU!