Holy crap, Ben ratted himself out.

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Feb 12, 2009
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Whoa, I didn't think that Ben would just rat himself out like that. The way he said he saw her because the app tracked her was so strangely calm. He came off as if it was an acceptable thing to do because he felt his worry was justifiable. I'm thinking it's the calm before the storm. The guy is weird.

Oh and let me add that I would have thought that the dimwit would have said something to make Abby question how he knew just where she was at any given time and he would have to confess. But to just tell her he was tracking her was unexpected.
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I cannot believe he actually told her about the app. If I were Abby, I would say to him "you are going to take that app off your phone immediately, or I will do it for you".

Of course, my ideal scenario is for her to then pack her bags, give the ring back and leave Ben's sorry behind. You see Ben, this is not the basis for a healthy happy marriage. You would be lucky if it lasted six months I really do not think this wedding will happen. At least is shouldn't.
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All the blame can't go on Ben, though. From the first moment he met Abby, she has been cheating on him (the girl has some track record and none of it in healthy, loyal relationships) or whomever, and lying. It was wrong to track her, yes. But wrong to feel so insecure? No.
Uhmm, excuse me, but every bit of blame for that app can and does belong with Ben. It doesn't matter what, who, when or how many times Abby was out boinking or meeting another man, she bears no responsibility for Ben stalking her.

Ben always had the option of walking away because he didn't trust her. It's not that it was wrong for Ben to be insecure (she gave him many reasons to be) but the way he spoke, it sounded like he felt that putting a tracking app on her phone to actively watch her every move and "stalk" her without her knowledge, because he didn't trust her, was a perfectly acceptable thing to do.
Ben has had ample opportunity to tell Abby he knows what happened between her and Chad. He has chosen not to, just as he decided to put that tracking app on Abby's phone. He could have confronted Abby directly. Yes, they would have fought about it, but at least they wouldn't be keeping things from each other. How can you have a marriage with little or no communication, and not to mention a severe lack of trust? The fact Ben seems to feel that what he did is perfectly acceptable proves that.
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Abby was very torn between Chad & Ben, but it was the information given to her that Ben was the father of her baby that had her choose him, Since then, she has still been good friends with Chad, but she has not engaged in any further bedroom romps with Chad.
That said, it was Clyde who decided to interfere with the testing lab, Clyde who talked his son into the tracking app, and who keeps at him about "rotten Chad", and "holding on to Abby".

He buys the couple a house? Cash! And they never even saw it, to decide if it is what they want? Not only that, but ever so grateful Ben doesn't even run over quick to take a look? Sigghhhh.
So now, is he going to 'fess up" that he eavesdropped on her & Chad, knows they had sex?
The app is just a small part of a very unhealthy relationship. How about Abby confess to Ben that she cheated on him? Why is Ben solely responsible for telling her he knows what she did and is doing? How about Abby stop sneaking around? Sorry, I feel no sympathy for her.
As Rafe said about Justin today, Ben is a tool. First, this insecure, conniving idiot put a tracker on Abigail's phone and now he's actually admitting it. Does he really think that Abigail will see this as a sign of true love?? E.g,, "Oh, Ben, you love me so much that you wanted to know where I am at every moment. That's what true love really means :love:!!" If Ms. Perfect has an ounce of sense, she'll drop the spawn of Clyde in a Salem second. She might also want to know if Ben or daddy dearest have any cheap, polyester ties in the backs of their respective closets.
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Abby being a cheater and a liar doesn't make it okay for Ben to put a tracking app on her phone. It's understandable that Ben is insecure because he knows about her cheating with Chad but putting an app on her phone so he can stalk her isn't healthy for either one of them.

Ben needs to reevaluate why he wants to marry a woman who cheated on him and still has feelings for the man she cheated with. Abby needs to realize she settled for Ben only because he's the father of her baby, let him go, focus on her baby, and what she really wants. Of course since they are both soap characters that will never happen.
In truth with soap or REAL life, you cannot be in a relationship with someone who has cheated on you at all, period! You can forgive but you can't forget. Ben needs to move on and let go. He should have confronted Abigail about cheating. But he'd rather pull a Clyde move to find a way to manipulate and control Abigail.

As much guilt Abigail feels for cheating on Ben with Chad, more than likely she will forgive Ben for tracking her. Ben more than likely figured that much. I just hope I see a spoiler soon about this character leaving because I so don't like him.
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Abby knows that Ben has this "thing" about Chad, and Ben proposing to Abby, ring and all, purposely in front of Chad, was a telling sign. Ben wanted to show off, and he did. Abby considers Chad a friend, she trusts him, and has faith in him.
Ben is being completely manipulated by his father. Who gave Ben the money for school so Ben could have his own apt.? Who gave Ben the ring, so he could hurry up and get it on Abby's finger, thus claiming her for himself? Who urged Ben to put the tracking ap on the phone? Who has now bought a house for Ben & his fiancee', plus gone over to Abby's home to offer to pay for the wedding, besides making a few veiled threats? And who constantly feeds Ben's insecurities about Abby with comments about her and the baby?
Clyde has been pulling strings, forcing issues behind everyone's back, and when Ben heard Abby & Chad talk about having sex, what did he do? Overwhelmed Abby when both were home, made sure they had big time sex, and claimed her as HIS!
Ben always seems to just want to do be one up on Chad.....

The fact is, he has spied on her for a long time. Abby has seen and talked to Chad, but nothing else. And while she is wrong to be lying about where she is (if/when she did that) Ben is worse, in my opinion.
The app is just a small part of a very unhealthy relationship. How about Abby confess to Ben that she cheated on him? Why is Ben solely responsible for telling her he knows what she did and is doing? How about Abby stop sneaking around? Sorry, I feel no sympathy for her.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

What she said, with minor modifications. Ben (with Clyde's instigation) did what a large percentage of folks would do under the same circumstances. That said, he should have fought (a figure of speech!) it out with her immediately upon his suspecting any impropriety. It was voyeoristic/masochistic of him to continue to view her infidelity.

I am beginning to wonder if Ben will be the one to kill Clyde.

@Dr.BakerFan, is it possible that Ben's new house could be confiscated by authorities as being the product of a criminal enterprise?
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@Dr.BakerFan, is it possible that Ben's new house could be confiscated by authorities as being the product of a criminal enterprise?
If it could be proved that Clyde purchased it with illegal drug money, a civil forfeiture is a possibility. If Justin can get away from his efforts to railroad the hapless Chad, and start investigating the drug trade, he just might have the pleasure of taking Clyde's "wedding gift" to the unhappy "happy couple."
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I'm not really a Ben fan (I find him boring) but I'm not really understanding why the Ben hate? He came to town, comforted Abby in regards to her sleeping with EJ,accepted her and all her past issues, has tried to make her happy and is trying to better himself.

In regards to gloating to Chad about marrying Abby, Chad has egged him on just as much. Yes, he let daddy dearest talk him into the tracking device, and it is wrong, but we only see him using it when Abby doesn't show up and stands him up for things, and low and behold where is she ever time? With Chad.

Chad made up the brain tumor story and got Abby to sleep with him, came back to town and got her to sleep with him again, has declared his love to her many times now, and in yesterday's story it was Chad pulling away NOT Abby. If I was Ben, I darn well would expect my fiancée to stay away from a man who was saying he loves her!

Abby is not going around Chad as a friend and she knows he loves her. She is engaged, and it is wrong to be around Chad at all without Ben. (I love the Chad character, don't get me wrong). This chick is no prize herself. How has Ben "controlled and manipulated" her? We have never seen him tell her to do or not to do anything. Abby does what she wants. I say RUN, Ben, RUN.
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No, in no way is Abby responsible for Ben's behavior and choices. Yes, she cheated, but that is no excuse or reason for Ben to stalk her, and it IS stalking behavior and it is part of an abusive situation in the making. As someone who has been there in real life, these are the signs that should send up red flags and "get out now!" flashing neon signs for Abigail. If he doesn't trust her, he should be upfront with her with what he knows and what he feels about her possibly being conflicted between him and Chad.

Ben has checked it many times and she's been at work at the hospital, at home, or with her family. Even if every time he was to check it she was at the Dimera mansion, that still does not make him installing an app without her permission on her phone okay or any less stalking.

Ben has definitely been allowing his mistrust and insecurities to make decisions on Abby's behalf or really try to talk her into choices that are deliberately designed to take her away from Chad....and her family...and her job. There is a lot of manipulation being attempted; the problem is he's trying to persuade and when that doesn't work, he could very well resort to more drastic measures that eliminate any choice for Abigail. There's a lot at play here and it's all points to a dangerous situation brewing.
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Abby absolutely has her issues. She has been conflicted between Chad and Ben, and the pregnancy (they all have blame in that one!) has forced her to make a decision. A paternity test (that may or may not have been tampered with) helped her make a decision, rather than making it on how she really feels about the two men. Not to justify anything that Abby has done, but her decision to stay with Ben has probably been manipulated over and over by Clyde, and Ben has also been a party to it.

Abby is no saint - we could call her lots of things: promiscuous, cheater, poor decision-maker, among other things. But Ben... he came to Salem a little questionable with a hint of shady, though we really didn't know for sure. Then he seemed ok. Then he made up with "daddy" and started taking his advice. At first I don't think he was fully in on the manipulation - maybe even somewhat oblivious to it.

But after he installed the tracker app, he became creepy in my book. Accepting such huge gifts from his father (with whom he hasn't had a relationship until the past year) is manipulative, even if it isn't his direct manipulation. He is accepting these gifts so that he will be more appealing to Abby, and with the hopes that she will shift her focus from Chad to him.

Obviously Clyde is doing the actual manipulation, but Ben is no innocent bystander. He knows the benefits of playing along, and from my perspective, the tracking app was the pivot point in Ben's character. He went from questionable to creepy in no time flat!

Promiscuity causes emotional pain, and it would always be smart to run away from it. But creepy can cause physical pain - OR DEATH - and is on a completely different level. THAT is the difference between Ben and Abby - in my opinion.
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From what I remember Chad didn't make up the brain tumor . The Dr. was testing him for it and I think an error with the X-ray showing that something was there. When Chad found out later that he was ok he just didn't tell Abby the results were negative. The other Dr. (I forget his name) love interest of Abby's was the one that found out that Chad wasn't revealing the truth.
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But he got the negative diagnosis right away and yet he still let Abby think he had a brain tumor and was getting treatment.
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