Houston....we have a problem....


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Here is the deal, folks. Day Ahead evidently is kaput. Since they went to HD, they are no longer transmitting via satellite, but electronically, somehow, and am no longer able to get the show a day ahead. When I did, this was a huge benefit, as it transmitted in the middle of the night, was there on my VCR when I awoke, watch with breakfast, wrote up and posted.
Now, I watch with the rest of you all, at 1 p.m. Central time. And honestly, it interferes with my day. I just cannot/am not available at this time of day on a regular basis. Business wise, it is easier in winter than Spring/summer/early Fall, but I honestly cannot adhere to a regular schedule, as much as I would like to.
I cannot begin to tell you how upsetting this change in my viewing habit has been to me...and am sorry that so many of the readers here have b een disappointed. I have tried to find members here, up in Canada, who might be able to record and send me day ahead videos, but it has not worked out.
Anyone can see the loss of viewership between Day Ahead, and Today in Salem...and I was considering just quitting it all. That is, until today, when I only saw part of the show, as did others, and folks pitched in to fill the gaps...so.....here is the deal....and it is all up to YOU.

I just cannot do this alone. Either Today in Salem is ended, or ....you pitch in to help those of us who are unable to see the show for one reason or another. I honestly don't know how to do this, am open to any suggestions at all. My only thing is......if there is not any sort of summary from me up by 3 p.m. central.....it is open.
I can try to help out, Poirot. My quick summary today was pretty much off the top of my head so I'm sure I could do a more thorough description if needed. As far as suggestions go, maybe if there are more volunteers you could have five people each take a day? Otherwise I'm sure people who don't get to watch everyday and rely on your write ups wouldn't mind waiting. Let me know if you'd like me to fill in on the write ups. I'm in the eastern time zone so I would be able to type up as I watch and post sometime after 2pm EST.
That would be fantastic, Sparkster......Oh, my gosh, terrific.
I'm so sorry, Barb. Doggone progress....grrr. I appreciate anything you or Sparkster or anyone else might write up just about any time through the day, and I will still enjoy the board very much even if nobody writes up a summary.
If I see the show early I will try and put something up about it. When I am working days and square dancing I sometimes don't see the show at all.
Thank you for the info, Barb. I guessed they were transmitting electronically.

I don't know if I'd be any help or not. I record on my ancient VCR through a digital converter box. The VCR isn't reliable, and I get no reception if the weather is bad. (I don't have cable.) If I get the show, I can fill in extra things after I watch the show at dinner time.
For the most part I am free to watch the show when it's on live at 1pm EST. I work from home and so I am generally there at that time. There may be some times when I either have an appointment or am just too busy to do the write-up. Maybe we need to set up a team of writers (those willing to volunteer to type up the recaps) and at the beginning of each week decide who's doing what day. That way it gets divided up a bit and doesn't make one person too crazy with trying to get it done each day. Although, I truly commend you, Barb, for what you have done all these years. That takes a lot of work! But it seems like watching in the morning like you used to was much easier on your day instead of doing it in the middle of the day. Maybe this is a way to open this up to the Spectator at large to see who's willing (or able) to help. :)
Thank you Barb for everything you have done for us on getting us the day ahead. I really enjoyed reading your write-ups everyday.

Thank you Sparkster and DJM for volunteering to help out with the summaries.

I would be happy to help with the summaries on days when I'm home but those are few and far between. I normally "listen" to it a day later on the website while I'm working so that I can catch glimpses of the actors & actresses on some of thier more intense scenes, the non interesting scenes I can tune out :)

if need be, on days where someone is unable to do it that day, I could help with it a day later. I wish I could be of more help tho. :(
I'm so sorry that I can't help with this pary guys, I work and don't have a VCR anymore to record the show. I try to watch it at 6 pm on Soap net, but between having a 15 month old wanting to watch cartoons and my hubby complaining about "soaps" being on I don't watch it consistantly.

I do appreciate all of your effort with the days ahead/today in Salem. When I am off I will gladly help out. It is what it is and I love this board, with or without the summaries.:D
I'm so sorry, Barb. Doggone progress....grrr. I appreciate anything you or Sparkster or anyone else might write up just about any time through the day, and I will still enjoy the board very much even if nobody writes up a summary.
Ditto. Wish I could help, but I usually only get to watch after 9pm or on the weekends. Right now I have shows to catch up on for this whole week.
I can help some days too. Work load (I watch and post at the office) and other things in my life will dictate when I can help and when I can't. I am more than happy to pitch in and help from time to time.
Wish I could help but by the time I get home & watch on my DVR it's 8:00 at night and most nights I don't even get to watch... I truly appreciate everyone who helps contribute for those days I miss it... You are all fantastic!!!
I could possibly help with parts of summaries. I arranged my school schedule for next semester to work around lunch and Days...but with all of my websites, I think it would be nearly impossible for me to write full summaries of the show every day.
I am about 2 episodes behind right now, but I don't mind helping out with day ahead.... (I'm in Canada, so a day ahead of you all)...I just don't want to step on anyones toes.
I also won't be able to get them up until after supper my time, as I work until 4:30....
No promises....

I've been an annonymous board reader for many years now and I've really enjoyed the summaries. I'm sadden to hear that it might not be available for much longer... I live in Canada and have noticed that the local tv station here post them online. I'm not sure how long it is before they post it but I think it's still a day ahead of the US. I can't promise anything but I can try to do the summary once in awhile. I would definitely need to know how and what I do with them after I've written them up and such but I'm sure there will plenty of you "oldtimers" will help this "newbie" out. :)
I can try to pitch in on days that the 4 year old doesn't make me watch Dora and the baby cooperates!! They may not be the most thorough but they would have some info.