SPOILER !! How would a judge decide?


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Allie has written a very thoughtful letter, naming Nicole & Uncle Eric to care for her child, but Sami has other ideas, with spoilers saying she takes the boy and moves into John & Marlena's with him, eventually causing John to collapse.

Dr. BakerFan has quite a list in another thread of Nicole's "bad" deeds......but Sami is no slouch in that dept. either. She could probably match deed for deed, surpassing her.

Would the judge take into account Allie's well written letter? The welfare of the child is always utmost important, so.....would he say the baby goes to Child Services? To Sami? To Nicole & Eric? What about Lucas? Would the judge discount the letter being that she took off as she did? And then, there is always the matter of the unknown father.
At custody hearings, the best interests of the child is the standard and all the leading candidates to care for the child present problems. Granny Sami and Granny Kate are awful across the board. Nicole is basically a good person, but bad things happen to her so often that it's questionable if she could provide the child with a stable home life. Grandpa Lucas is a good guy, but would he be able to care for a young child? Uncle Will is also a decent person who's done a good job with Ari, but he'd be living with two persons of questionable character, Xander and Victor, and one unbearable loudmouth, Sarah. If Judge Damon Thorpe presided in this case, his head might explode and he'd then give custody to the Horton Cabin raccoons.
Dear Judge Thorpe,

After much thought and discussion, my friends and I are ready, willing and able to care for Baby Horton. Look, we've already got a nice stroller for him.

Sincerely, the Horton Cabin raccoons

Good one, JS. Imagine if Judge Thorpe called a conference in his chambers to sort out the baby mess.

Nicole: Your Honor, she's unfit. She lives with the infamous EJ DiMera.
Sami: So did you.
Nicole: Oh yeah, but you once tried to burn EJ alive and later shot him in the head.
Sami: People say that you killed Deimos Kiriakis, and you plotted to kill that nice Victor.
Nicole: You hid the existence of his baby from EJ.
Sami: You kidnapped my daughter, Sydney.
Nicole: You always used to dump your children with your grandmother at the Pub.
Sami: You took your daughter, Holly, into Kristen's very dangerous resurrection factory in Nashville, which then blew up.
Nicole: You're always saying awful things about John Black and your siblings, Eric, Carrie, and Belle.
Sami: You falsely accused Jenny Deveraux of pushing you down the Town Square steps.
Nicole: You gave away EJ's favorite race car after he cheated on you with Abigail Deveraux.
Sami: You were so cruel to poor Eric after he accidentally killed your insatiable paramour, Dr. Jonas, in an auto accident.
Nicole: You once had a disgusting hate boink with EJ right in the middle of the mansion living room where anyone could walk in on you.
Sami: You once had a cheap hookup with lover boy Dr. Jonas in his hospital office. Half the hospital could probably hear you.
Judge Thorpe: That's enough. I'm calling a recess so that I can get a stiff drink at the Pub.
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Dear Judge Thorpe:

I'm rather offended you didn't consider me, the Smith Island Forest Preserve Bear, to care for Baby Horton. I've enclosed a picture of me with my own cubs having fun on a summer day. As you can see, I'm a good bear parent and I could properly care for the child. Looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely, the Smith Island Forest Preserve Bear

Dear Judge Thorpe:

Excuse me, but as an actual Horton, I should be allowed to care for baby Horton. As you can see, I take great care of my own cubs, which is more than I can say for Sami Brady.

Sincerely, Horton the Tiger.

Judge Thorpe decides that awarding custody to a Bengal tiger would be a step too far, but schedules a hearing involving Sami and the Forest Preserve Bear.

Sami: Judge, you can't give a baby to this stoopid bear. She's nothing but a big, shaggy, smelly animal.
Bear: Oh yeah. You live with a man who's always wrapped in Charmin, and usually dumped your kids at the Pub, which smells like stale beer.
Sami: Your Honor, the bear feeds her children dead fish, berries, and the contents of dumpsters.
Bear: Sami hasn't prepared a meal for her children in her life.
Sami: I've heard that this bear sometimes kills little fish to get a meal.
Bear: Judge, Sami tries to kill human beings for her own selfish reasons. You've heard of the EJ and Nick Fallon incidents, haven't you?
Sami: This creature communicates in woofs and grunts.
Bear: Sami communicates with high-pitched screeching.
Sami: This shameless bear mates with a different male every year or so.
Bear: Oh yeah, how many marriages and affairs has Sami had? And no bear would ever "get cozy" in the middle of a living room.
Judge Thorpe: This is a closer case than I'd anticipated. I'm going to have to call a recess while I ponder the facts,
I object to all of these creatures petitioning to take care of Allie's baby. *I* am the real Horton, and I have cared for very small things and would love the baby, care for them and, above all, give them the respect they deserve. After all, a person's a person no matter how small.

Reply from Sami: Butt out you pathetic pachyderm. You're totally unfit to care for my wonderful grandson. You may be named Horton, but you're no family member. You're a Horton in name only, and you should stick to hatching eggs and listening for Whos. Besides you've got such a wimpy personality, you could never protect a little baby from the snake pit that is modern Salem.

Reply from Marlena: Sami, stop this at once. The kindly elephant is just trying to be helpful. If you must be unkind, save your harsh words for the unspeakable Eve Donovan and her perverted torturer-for-hire.

Reply from Sami: Sorry Mom, but the whole baby situation is driving me up the wall. Allie is totally irresponsible and because of that all kinds of people have gotten involved in the custody sweepstakes including my Rafe (who should know better), Sydnapper Nicole (she belongs in jail), a bunch of pesky raccoons, a dumpster-diving bear, a man-eating tiger, and now this foolish elephant. As the world's best mother and grandmother, I find this all totally frustrating. Why can't people see that the child belongs with ME.

Reply from Marlena: Why do I even try?
Sami kept saying that she was a good mother but when it was suggested she stay in Salem with the baby, she said she had to get back to EJ. Not her other children, EJ. If she was such a "good mother" she would be staying in Salem, looking for Allie and making sure that Allie was OK and making some good decisions about the future. You would think she would be grateful to Eric and Nicole for taking care of Allie, but all she cared about was Charmin' man.
Even if scheduling and cost were a factor, a short scene with Will or Lucas talking about how much fun Ari had with Grandma Sami would have gone a long way for viewers. But then we haven't seen Lucas with Ari of late either.

Family only counts in Salem for da plot otherwise everyone is a single check on the board and I'm getting tired of it.

(quarantine is getting to me)
Sami and Gabi are two of the worst mothers on Days! Once we lost Alice Horton, good mothers were in short supply. Most of the "moms" on the show have two or three children by different fathers. Look at Sami---twins with two different fathers. Marlena has good intentions but her kids are pretty messed up. She doesn't necessarily practice what she preaches.

As far as the custody battle goes, both sides are in deep trouble. We have a disgraced priest and a porn star (although an unwilling one) who has kidnapped and killed on one side and, on the other, a screeching harpy who kidnapped and tried to sell her sister. Add to this mess that fact that both ladies (as well as most other Salemites) have been married and divorced several times over the years. It's so hard to keep track of them!

Gabi is too busy at scheming and plotting to be a mother. I'm waiting for her to catch a deathly cold form wearing half a dress. Ari would be better off with her dads.

OK, rant over!
Reply from Sami: Butt out you pathetic pachyderm. You're totally unfit to care for my wonderful grandson. You may be named Horton, but you're no family member. You're a Horton in name only, and you should stick to hatching eggs and listening for Whos. Besides you've got such a wimpy personality, you could never protect a little baby from the snake pit that is modern Salem.

Reply from Horton: I went through the entirety of the jungle, to heck and back to ensure that the Whos in Whoville were heard and saved. And got the rest of the jungle to help me. I can totally take care of a baby, and the entirety of Salem will have my back.
Absolutely, the judge would consider what the mother, Allie, wanted in writing. Also knowing it is her uncle and wife. The rest of the letter is pretty explicit. It mentions Sami, her mother, is to not be the caregiver, with explanation. No brainer to me.