I'd like to talk about Ben's phone tracking app


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
He placed this on Abby's phone and she hasn't noticed it? Or it's one of those things that she can't see on her end??

I'm sorry I'm not very fluent in "apps" so while I understand tracking apps and how if I have an iPhone and my brother has an iPhone we can find each other in a crowd, mainly because my sister has an iPhone and my brother has one and we were separated in a crowd and I was able to turn her tracker on and he found us. Scary that I'm the "techie" one in that crowd.

But wouldn't this cause issues with her phone?? I always have issues with apps messing up my phone.

Oh wait, this is DA PLOT??

Could someone explain? Or is this not explainable, but very creepy?
LOL, I am not cell phone knowledgable at all, and perhaps there is no such app, just one invented by the writers, lol. Ben supposedly put a tracker on her phone, and he is able to track her phone. It would seem to me, that she would have to be aware of any program put on her phone, she would see an icon or something.....but...again, if it is an invention of the writers.....then anything is possible. Ha.
There are most definitely tracking apps like the one depicted on Days. Many are undetectable to the user. There have been stories online and on programs such as Dateline where people install them on other people's phones to track them/stalk them/etc. Some even give the other person full remote control of the phone so they can turn it on and hear conversations, take pictures/video with the phone, etc. without the owner of the phone ever knowing.

When Clyde was telling Ben about the app, he specifically said that Abby couldn't detect it.
I'm not a phone expert, but I think most tracking apps can, at least, be defended against. The thing is, phone use has become very complicated, and most folks don't bother checking them... especially if they belong to the "I have nothing to hide" class. I know someone who tracked their partner's phone, and had a quick, very negative result. Faced with seriously suspicious behavior, I can appreciate that it would be very difficult for a person to not track. A sad commentary on the times.
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DaysD, I have a cheap flip-phone from 2006. I love it. No bells, no whistles. I even have texting blocked. I dropped it water a few years ago so I went on eBay and bought the same exact model.
In order to install a tracking app on iPhone it has to be on the same account as yours and must actually have the phone in their hands to install it. After that it is hidden from the user. They can track movements, texts, and emails from a site online.
Not necessarily. All it can take is the person opening a link that secretly installs the tracking app on the phone. As an example, Ben could've sent Abby a link to a funny video online. When she clicked on the link to view the video, there could've been a trojan tracking app in the link and badda-bing, it's secretly installed.

The phones don't have to be the same to use tracking apps. I have a friend who has one on his girlfriend's phone (and she has one on his) just so they can see where the other one is (they both have jobs that put them at risk of danger). He has an iPhone and she has some other kind of smartphone. And they don't share a phone account.
DaysD, I have a cheap flip-phone from 2006. I love it. No bells, no whistles. I even have texting blocked. I dropped it water a few years ago so I went on eBay and bought the same exact model.

Not necessarily. All it can take is the person opening a link that secretly installs the tracking app on the phone. As an example, Ben could've sent Abby a link to a funny video online. When she clicked on the link to view the video, there could've been a trojan tracking app in the link and badda-bing, it's secretly installed.

The phones don't have to be the same to use tracking apps. I have a friend who has one on his girlfriend's phone (and she has one on his) just so they can see where the other one is (they both have jobs that put them at risk of danger). He has an iPhone and she has some other kind of smartphone. And they don't share a phone account.
It all depends on what phone.....they all have several apps, but Apple doesn't download trojans.......just sayin
Too funny as there was a huge ad across the top here, when I came on this a.m. , Verizon tracking app for trucks. Then later, another ad for Fleet tracking. I cracked up. Yep, those spybots are out and paying attention, aren't they?
I hear that Apples are good with that stuff, but again, not 100% immune to viruses and trojan attacks. Plus, a lot of that deals with the person using the phone/computer. If they aren't tech savvy, it's very easy to fall prey to that kind of thing. I know several older people who aren't really tech savvy and they are constantly messing up their devices by clicking on things they shouldn't. My father's computer is so full of viruses that I need a hazmat suit to touch it.

OT: Barb, someone sent me a PM asking about Laura Horton's history. I made mention of her mother, Carrie, being institutionalized for schizophrenia and eventually committing suicide. The next day, the ad banner at the top had ads for getting help for schizophrenia and a suicide hotline.