Jason47's Horton Ornament Countdown!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2006
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Each day over the next four weeks, Horton ornaments will be posted. Happy holidays to all!






I have that little picture, too. I just meant all the old ornaments in general, not just Dougie's.

Hope's current ornament is Dougie's with his name painted over. Hers must've broken at some point.
Thanks Poirot! That's the photo I had, but when I posted it on my FB page today, I enlarged it some to make it bigger. But of course that just makes it blurrier. Oh well, at least from here on out will be all the exclusive photos provided to me by the show, so there won't be any more blurry ones!! :)
Did Chloe get one while married to Lucas? Surprised if they still hang it up???
Chloe got hers while engaged to Lucas, but it was dropped and broken as soon as she got it (a "stunt ornament" was made to be broken). Here's when she was presented with the ornament and when it was broken a few minutes later. None of those ornaments shown above are hung on the tree now. Sometimes they're shown in the box of ornaments, but not put on the tree.


The weird part about Stephanie's ornament is that was never shown to be given to her, it just showed up in the background of the tree about a year after she and Nathan had broken up. There's also an ornament with Sami's name. It was never given to her, she was never shown hanging it on the tree and it's never been shown on the tree. But it was shown in a box one time.
It's funny, though, how garish some look when photographed close up, but they somehow look beautiful on camera (Nicole's is a perfect example).
It never occurred to me until now, looking at the ornaments, was Carrie's given during her Mike time or her Lucas time?

If I remember right, she married Lucas but not Mike?? It gets hard to keep track.

Thanks for posting these, Jason!! It brings back memories.