Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer

Come on now viewers. We all know a typical person would have blurted out to Marlena that they caught Eve on her computer as well as on another encounter leaving her office with files under arm. So here is Jen who is scripted as a pushy, bold, nosy, bossy, tenacious, always in your face, bulldog and she backs down? This woman who never shuts up and usually has to have the last word, would NEVER do that.

Edited to add....Jennifer knows all the inner workings of Eve, how she thinks, acts and can usually guess what this evil witch has up her sleeve but in this case she says nothing letting these latest abnormal encounters just slide by...totally out of character for our Jen Jen
Jennifer is so annoying, in many, many ways. So I won't get into that. But the thing about not telling Marlena about Eve being on her computer. Talk about idiotic. If Marlena didn't want to talk, leave a note. Heck, send a quick email. "Eve was looking through your computer. Just thought I would let you know". Seriously, now add stupid to the list of Jennifer's "qualities" lately. Shrew ? check. Inappropriately involved in JJ's sex life ? check. Clueless ? check. Stupid ?check, check, check.
It doesn't have any meaning unless someone wants to give it meaning. It was a typo nothing more, nothing less

People on this show have to learn to blurt things out. Don't even waste time saying you have to tell them something. Just say it