
With his J.D. degree in hand, the tanned wonder could thrill his devoted egg-mommy by winning brilliant courtroom victories
I can just hear Maggie saying that Dr Jonas is the best lawyer who's ever lived in Salem. :sick:

As to the topic at hand, I can't overstate how tired I am of Jennifer - although I find Jennifer more palatable when she's not around the miracle worker.

But there are scads of characters who suffer at the writers' hands in favour of Jennifer/Daniel and EJ/Sami, their little darlings. Any character that cannot be connected to them in one step is doomed to languish on the back burner.
Why not? In Salem, people can become doctors and nurses in no time at all without ever seeming to attend classes, take exams, or getting a degree. It could simply be revealed that when Super Jonas wasn't doing miracle surgery, trying to save Eric, battling Nicole, drooling over young women in hospital gowns, calling Parker "little man," and suffering through his on-again-off-again relationship with Ms. Priss, he was attending evening classes at Salem University School of Law and passing the bar exam. With his J.D. degree in hand, the tanned wonder could thrill his devoted egg-mommy by winning brilliant courtroom victories and then rushing off to University Hospital to save lives with his miracle surgery. He could also sidle up to young women at Club TBD and say: "May I buy you a drink, I'm a virile surfer dude, a doctor and a lawyer?

Better yet! The show will probably reveal he actually got his medical and law degrees at the same time. Just like they sprung the EJ suddenly being a lawyer bit on us.
I can just hear Maggie saying that Dr Jonas is the best lawyer who's ever lived in Salem. :sick:
She'd better be careful where she says this. Some people would accuse her of disloyalty to Salem's legal legend, her late husband Mickey. Adrienne would loudly proclaim her belief that Justin is Salem's best lawyer and point to his getting Sami acquitted in the Bernardi shooting case. Hope would probably put in her two cents for Aiden and note how he outfoxed Salem's domino king. Finally, Marlena would claim that Salem's best lawyer is her beloved daughter, Carrie "Princess Hag" Reed, and point to her getting charges dropped against John and her ability to help the owners of lost cats. If Marlena had said this a few months back, Sami would have jumped down her throat, shouting that Carrie was Salem's worst lawyer and that her darling, changed smoochy-moochy is a legal genius.
Why do the writers think [Jennifer] is well liked by the viewers?
Perhaps they're mistaking "like" for "like to make fun of."
Still haven't changed my tune...the writers have destroyed Jennifer Rose...
At this point she is Jennifer Stinkweed Horton. Oh how I would love to see a scene where Alice visits Jenn in a dream and tells her that she needs to understand that she isn't a perfect princess and accept that she has become a rotten brat.
Don't you wonder if the D.C. terrific lawyer, Frankie Brady might be asked to represent poor little Eve? LOL. Poor Frankie, torn between two lovers, right? (no, I have not heard a single word/suggestion/anything about bringing Frankie back.)

Yes, I think if it really has to go to court, it will be Aiden vs. Justin. Though perhaps Justin would recuse himself?? Actually, he would have no excuse to do so. Except, well, his son-in-law's father is the brother of Jennifer...good excuse as any other.