Jenn's haggery


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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So yesterday when Jenn saw Daniel and Eve together and went off on Daniel as if she has any say in her ex's life, I still felt sorry for him. Yes, he should expect Jenn to react in a possessive and obsessive manner since that's the way she was when she found out that he had a relationship with Nicole and when she thought he had boinked Theresa. But this went beyond her "if I can't have him, no one can" attitude. When she said "are you really that..." and he filled in the blank with "clueless" she reinforced why Daniel stepped back from her in the first place. Run Dan, run far away.

Another thing is it's Jenn who keep screaming that Eve is looking for a fight, yet it's Jenn that goes KABOOM just at the sight of her. Now Jenn is telling people Eve wants every penny from the book and Eve has only asked for what Jack made a legal agreement to. Being that Eve has a vested interest in the earnings, she definitely has a say in the movie rights. Eve is right that the right deal will make her and the vets even more than what Jenn may have chosen. The person Jenn should be mad at is Jack for not admitting to anyone that Eve had an interest in the proceeds of the book. And Jenn needs to stop telling people that she offered Eve a great deal and it was exactly what she was asking for because that is a lie.

Jenn is always trying to claim that she is being the bigger and better person and that just is NOT true. She is the first to jump to a conclusion, be snotty, start screaming and accuse others of being in the wrong. She needs to look in the mirror.

Is Eve perfect? No. But she did meet Daniel and was certainly interested before she knew that Jenn was his ex. And with the way Jenn is set off just at the sight of Eve before she even speaks, I have no problem with Eve liking doing next to nothing to get under her skin. And her interest in Daniel is all her own. The fact that it irritates Jenn is just a great byproduct.

In short, Jenn's a hag.
:clap::clap::clap: Once a hag always a hag... I mean where does she get off being so outraged? Her ridiculousness aside, she can't just expect Dan to know who miss prissy wants him to steer clear from. Especially when she NEVER mentioned Eve to begin with. Jen needs to go back in her clown car and disappear.
HelplessRomantic, thanks for posting the picture. That expression on Jennifer's face is just priceless!! :rotfl:

SB, I'm agreeing with you. There is no reasonable way Daniel could have known about Eve and Jennifer's history (or current situation with the lawsuit) unless Jennifer told him directly. Which she did not, because yet again she wants to handle things "on her own" and not confide in someone as a friend, regardless of them "taking a break". So her getting mad at him for being around Eve is just ridiculous and emotional overreaction.

I can understand if she reacted instinctively and then apologized for it and actually had insight into her own behavior, but she never does. She's always right, and Daniel is just "too good for his own good". I love that Daniel called her out on it, I loved the whole "are you really that..." line and Daniel following up with "clueless".

Also, notice how it's Daniel's judgment with women that Jennifer has a problem with. When Brady fooled them about rehab that time, did Jenn rail into Daniel about being too trusting or naive? Nope. I can't remember if they were "taking a break" then or not, but it doesn't really matter because they're "taking a break" now and Jennifer is still judging his judgment.
I could be very wrong, but I have a feeling that at some point in the near future, Jen is going to have a meltdown/breakdown of some kind. I think they are going (maybe) to portray her as having held it all in, refusing to face it, really. The no mourning for Jack, the instant chasing after Daniel, insisting he do whatever it was she wanted him to do. And Jack's book gets published, is a huge success, JJ has troubles, Abby has troubles, she tries dealing with them, fends off Theresa & Anne..and, now Eve, and it will all become too much, all tumbling down.
She is going to have a good cry, realize how much she loved and misses Jack, how she has refused to really face the loss of him, especially in such a heroic manner.
Yes, she may just take that good long look at herself in the mirror.
Then she will go to her closet and pull out all the hideous clothes she has been wearing, send them off to GoodWill or the Salvation Army, and turn back into the Jen of old.
Wishful thinking I know.....
The show has seemed insistent on changing the personalities and character traits of all the Salemites who have been around for years.
I also think that they are more than just taking a break. Daniel told Jenn the last time she tried to make them have a discussion something to the effect that he needed a break and time to think and she didn't respect that, so he didn't think they could get back to what they were.

That sounds like a dump to me. So they weren't speaking and weren't on friendly terms. That's a break up. So why she thinks she gets a say in who he has coffee with is a mystery to me.

I guess until he gets in her face and screams "We are over, over, over, over, over so don't ever speak to me again" she isn't going to get it.
I would agree that it is Jen who goes ballistic at the very sight of Eve, and Eve really knows how and enjoys pushing Jen's buttons. However, Jennifer was 50 shades of wrong in confronting either of them at the Pub. She had just thrown Eve out of her house, and now sees her with Daniel. Being that the show is now trying to portray Eve & Jennifer being in high school in Salem at the same time, vying for Frankie, then Jack, and now here is Eve going after Daniel supposedly. Jen is a great conclusion jumped, had no idea what was going on, just saw red. She made a fool of herself, both there, and later at home.
Makes you wonder why Jen has not thought about all the men Eve may have hooked up with over the past 20+ years. Men that were not a part of Jennifer's life.
And perhaps she should also think about the very small supply of men in Salem, and how both the men and the women just all get passed around continually. :sarcasm:
This all comes back to one thing: Jack is the biggest dunderhead in the entire universe. He has an agreement with Eve, he never tells anyone..... "typical Jack".

Jennifer Rose needs a reality check here, she is the one being an idiot in all this Jack crap. Let Eve tell her the plan she thinks will profit and they can talk it over with a lawyer, not scream as soon as she lays eyes on Eve.

I like Eve and l would love to see her step on Jenn's toe hard real hard. Get over yourself, Jenn.

edited to replace disguised swearing....JS
Poirot, I gotta agree: I have felt for a long time that Jennifer has a breakdown coming. She just looks and acts like she has all these emotions that she has been holding in. I think she needs to be single for a while and deal with them before getting romantically involved with Daniel, or anyone else for that matter.
God help Aiden with the likes of Jenny the Hag as a client. Given the reported vagueness of some of the Jack-Eve contract terms, he has a good case, but with darling Jen Jen erupting like Mt. Vesuvius all over Salem he's got his work cut out for him. If there was ever a trial, Eve would do her best to put on her "calm and reasonable" persona. After he has established that his client is sane and sensible, Eve's lawyer would be sure to call Ms. Sleeveless to the stand, ask her a few pointed questions, and then sit back and watch the explosions begin, causing the jury to hide under their chairs. Once the jurors regain their composure, they'd completely ignore the terms of the contract and quickly bring in a verdict for Eve. Jenny would then erupt all over again, screeching at the judge, jury, Eve, and anyone else in sight. Days viewers might then be treated to the sight of Jen Jen being found in contempt of court and hauled off to spend some time in Roman's jail (where she'd be shocked to learn that the jail doesn't provide sleeveless outfits for inmates).
A mental breakdown for Jenn would be a solid storyline actually. I used to adore Jen so much but her character has been saddled with so much, well, poor writing that I can't even handle seeing her on the screen. Anyway, Jenn's mom Laura had a mental breakdown so Jenn might have some instability within her. It could evolve into a strong storyline for Melissa Reeves (Jennifer) as well as for the Horton family...such as Laura, Bill, Mike, Melissa, Sarah, Doug, Julie, etc. returning to rally around her - could be a way to get some Hortons back for the 50th. I've always wanted Bill to come back...for Lucas and Will but also for Kate.
This is in response to SaraBeth's comments about Jen thinking she has rights where Daniel seeing other women is concerned.

But doesn't the same apply to Daniel? Why would he expect Jen to keep in touch, talk to him as friends, etc, when basically yes, he dumped her. And that was his argument yesterday. Yes we are not together and yes I dumped you but I still want you to come and tell me about your life and what's going on. Why would he expect that from her, especially so soon after he dropped her? And all things considered he should think about what Jen said about him. He has a nasty habit of being snowed by these women. This stuff with Eve where he is taken in by her oohing aahing over his son and boom, she must be a basically nice person? Really Daniel? I think he needs to reconsider what Jen tried to tell him and maybe yes, he does have a "Daniel to the rescue" thing going on that hasn't really been working out for him. Especially with Jen. He literally had her heart in the palm of his hand from the get-go, LOL.
Actually, I think it goes to show how really little Daniel & Jennifer talk. I figured Daniel meant that while they went together, Jen had never said a word ..."told him", of her high school days, friends back then, her rivalry with Eve Donovan, etc. In fact, she never said a word when Theresa showed up in town, not a word about Theresa's older sister and the fact she had married Jack, etc. etc.

So, Daniel had no idea. In fact, when Jen barged into the Pub and came to their table, Daniel was surprised they knew one another. So, right there, for Jennifer to go ranting on the way she did at Daniel, expecting him to be a mind reader, a psychic or something was unreasonable.

As far as Eve is concerned, Daniel got cornered more or less, and was being polite to let her join him, since he was alone. I think he may already have been a bit leery....after all, she fired him from her case, switched doctors, then asked him out for a drink. Not hard to figure out. LOL
This is in response to SaraBeth's comments about Jen thinking she has rights where Daniel seeing other women is concerned.

But doesn't the same apply to Daniel? Why would he expect Jen to keep in touch, talk to him as friends, etc, when basically yes, he dumped her. And that was his argument yesterday.
Possibly because Jen twice came up to him trying to restore their relationship and complained that she wanted to at least be friends, then on the 4th of July told him, "I don't want to tell you what's going on in my life. I want you in my life." (which made no sense--what does she want him in her life for if she shares nothing with him?)

As for his thinking Eve is a decent person, there's no reason why he should have assumed she was a horrible person. Although she was very transparent about wanting him, she hasn't given off any vibes of anything else fishy around him and her daughter is a genuinely sweet person. Being related to Theresa doesn't prove anything one way or the other.