John & Marlena Speculation

Obnoxious??? Far from it. You definitely are not being so. I tried to get the thread back on track, but it keeps getting kidnapped, as have other threads as well.:(

No one really knows if Nicole is actually going to try and pull off the exact same stunt that Kristen did, but what if John discovers her with a "pillow", and it triggers a glimmer. Seems familiar, per se. Remember how that ONE time, when John saw the name Roman Brady on a door, it triggered something briefly?

I think you both may be on to something here. There have been times when he has caught glimpses of things from his past and there was always a brief trigger of some thought.
I want them to meet onthe pier and find each other and then head to the penthouse, that John bought back for Marlena, and make romantic love!! Sound famliar JMHG??!! LOL!!
This is just a thouht, because of John's reaction to seeing Brady I believe Brady will be a major key in John remembering his past. Marlena along with Brady will help John to remember at least some of his past and they will reunite from there. I like certain parts of NuJohn and hope they will combine the two together. I love NuJohn's dry sense of humor and I really miss the passion of old John.

Since the original question on the thread mentioned Nicole hiding the loss of her baby I thought I would give my idea of how things will be handled on this s/l as well. I don't like the fact that Days had Nicole lose the baby but as stated before in here things like this are part of life. So here is what I think may happen, Nicole hides losing the baby from EJ and Sami decides to up her baby up for adoption in hopes of keeping him/her from EJ and Stefano. When time comes for Nicole to deliver Sami will be ready to as well and Nicole adopts Sami and EJ's baby not realizing it really is EJ's child.
John and Marlena have some classic, iconic moments (thanks youtube).
Sadly, I don't trust Dena "romance killer" Higley to write a proper tribute for them.

The only comfort I have is that I believe Dena won't last long after John and Marlena leave. If we look at what happened at OLTL, I'm hopeful that Ken Corday will (be forced to) do the right thing and hire someone with talent to clean up the mess she's making.
How about Marlena becomes very jealous of John's new Doctor. She finally realizes that under neith it all she truely loves John and the only way to finally get to theman she loves is to accept him for who he is now. In doing this John lets down his guard and J & M walk into the sunset, John turns around to look at Salem one last time and (to borrow a line) the eye brow goes up. And we the loyal fans know John is back and that our beloved couple will find true and lasting happiness (or we can write their adventures as we see them, right here in the writters bench).

Namaste, Kristine