June 26th Summary


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Is there going to be a summary for June 26th? Just curious because it is usually posted by now. If it is coming this afternoon, wonderful.

Barb, you and your helpers always do a great job of bringing the show alive in your writing and I appreciate everything that you have done, are doing and are going to do.

I don't get to watch anymore because of work and use this forum to keep up. Have been doing that for years now. I watched one day I was off and didn't know who was who. Finally caught on after the first segment.

Again, thanks for everything !!!
I had it posted at 7:30 a.m. today....unfortunately the board went down and guess it disappeared. I will repost.......sorry.
I think there have been some technical issues with the site (see Wayne's post under Announcements). I'm sure Poirot will get the Day Ahead posted soon.
Tinker. If you look at the forum labeled Salemspectator announcements, Wayne posted a message this morning saying that he is using a new host site and the spectator was moved last night. He said this may cause people to have difficulity accessing it today. I would assume that's why there is no Day Ahead.

I don't get to watch much anymore either, and love this summary! Thanks for the hard work all of you put into it. For me Days starts in 5 minutes...too bad I can't watch it right now! I'll watch my recording this evening. :)