Life without Food

So glad that went so well! My continued thoughts & prayers.

I've been so worried about how it would go. My mom's feeding tube operation was a life ending experience so I have really worried. So thankful that God was with him and his Dr's today.
I'm so sorry about your mother runetuna. I appreciate you taking time to think of my nephew when the memory is so painful. ::hugs::

last night- Bradley was overwhelmed last night and crying and sore - so the nurses had to knock him back out with some heavy pain meds. It was hard for his mommy and daddy to see that so please continue prayers. Today so far is much better! He received his first feeding through the tube and it went really well. He's such a tough little guy! I wish I could upload pics on this site- I have some cute ones. It's just that work doesn't allow access to photobucket or other sites like that so I can't upload pics here. :(
I'm so sorry Bradley has to go through all of this. Prayers for the little guy. It must be so hard to go through this, I just can't imagine. Just can't take good health for granted.
Best wishes Bradley.'s some what of an update.... been quite a week for us...

Bradley's "spot" where his feeding tube is still has some swelling and pain and that makes for a pretty grumpy 8 year old boy that cries and mommy Brandi just cries with him and does her best to help him understand this is what is best for him. Also, a few of his feedings didn't go as smoothly as we wanted, and it was frustrating for both Bradley and his mom and dad. He wanted to go to school this week, he didn't last long yesterday, but I think he stayed most of the day today. He misses his friends and the normalcy of school. Though- he sits by himself in a classroom during lunch time because he doesn't want to sit and watch the other kids get to eat yummy things he can't have... the teachers have been wonderful all doing their best to keep his spirits up... I just want more than anything to take his pain away. I am anxious to see him gain some weight and be healthy again though.

AND... if that's not enough for one family to have to go through- my husband's grandfathers...yes, that's plural, ... BOTH grandfathers were hospitalized this week. These are Bradley's great grandpa's.
Great Grandpa P. had a heart attack on Monday, but was able to go home from the hospital last night, he has improved...but this was his 6th heart attack.
And Great Grandpa V. had some testing done and also got to go home, but got to go home a day sooner than the other grandpa. Grandpa V had test run for possible "black lung" cancer. :( we have not yet received results. Grandpa V. worked in the coal mines for over 30 years. We all knew this day was coming.

Please continue to pray for all of us.
I have a positive update... let's call this post "The silly little boy!"

so... Bradley figured out that if he laughs while feeding, his food regurgitates back up the tube. He also discovered that this totally grosses mommy out. And he finds this to be hilarious. So he will purposely get the giggles just to make the food come back up a little bit- just to see mommy squirm and fuss "STOP IT! THAT'S GROSS BRADLEY!"... of course, this make him laugh more... so mommy is saying "calm down, let's finish please"... anyways... I know his mommy may not like this little game, and it may frustrate her... but I am just tickled pink to see my nephew laughing. I have not seen him so happy in a very long time. Praise God! Today- I am thankful for little boys, and the gross things that make them giggle. :)

P.S. She says it does gross her out- but she's happy to see him laughing too. Even if it means she has to witness something disgusting. lol.
What a wonderful courageous little trouper he is to go through so much, and still want the normalcy of school. My mom went through this also, and I know our precious little Bradley will have some calming soon with the nerve, and muscle reaction to some actual food elements coming in form of his tube. My mom used to call it her "Num, Nums" and would name some of the different tubes she was getting as her sandwich, or her baked potatoes, and in actuality each tube was the same as the one before... Very good for her, but she got bored, and I think that helped.

May Bradley gain strength, and become a healthy, and very happy little cherub, and love school. Never can tell, maybe they will allow him to read while alone in the library, and become very well read.. Prayers will continue for our little Bradley...Days Lady... I pray you and the rest of the family can now keep up with him.. He is in God's hands and He will see him through....
I have some updates!
Bradley is doing AWESOME! He's back in school full time and thinks it is super cool that he gets to hang out in the Library while his friends are in the cafeteria at lunch time- he can read any book he wants and gets to sit in a super comfy chair! :) And the best part--- he had a check up last week with the doctor. After just 1.5 months with the feeding tube.... (drum roll please)... Bradley grew an INCH taller AND gained 2 lbs!!!!!! He is growing again!! (Reminder, he has not grown at all in 2 years- he is 8 years old). Looks like some shopping will be in order! Boy needs some new clothes now that he is growing!
He also is a smart alack. lol. Apparently not being so hungry anymore has given him energy and attitude! haha! :)
Our "life without food" is different now - and we were super scared at first...but this is good. really good. Bradley is growing. Hallelujah!

Update on the Grandfathers:
the grandfather that had a heart attack has again completely confused all the doctors. He's home and resting (though- his dementia is worse, he has no clue who we are...) ... doctors have said again "we don't know how he is surviving these heart attacks. the next one will probably be it."... they've said that 3 times before. I guess we'll just nick name him the Energizer Bunny!
and the other grandfather is not doing as well. it's been quite the emotional roller coaster--- my mother in law says it' s my turn to deal with her dad since she doesn't have patience like i do.
And his wife, grandma, is a mess. she is confused and starts crying every time a doctor tries to talk to her and she only hears the first part and calls the family in a panic.
Example (true story, mind you, this was a very upsetting experience last Sunday):

Doctor says to Grandma: "Ma'am, just letting you know- your husband passed the blood test."
Grandma did not hear anything after "passed". so she called all of us and woke us up early to tell us through her sobbing that "dad had passed".
yep. she told us he was gone.
he's not. when my mother in law called the doctor to find out details of her dad's passing.... she found out he was fine. he passed a blood test.
The family had to calm Grandma down and tell her to listen to every word the doctor says rather than jumping to conclusions.

short story: My husband woke up to find out his Grandpa was gone. He was extremely sad (as you can imagine)...only to find out mamaw had AGAIN freaked out over something the doctor was trying to tell her... and that Grandpa was fine...he then went to relief, confusion, and finally- anger.

all is ok now- grandpa is still in the hospital- survived surgery and has begun dialysis. it's still not good...but it's not the worst either. (dang- with all of this drama, WE should just submit this to Days writers) hahahahha.
I'm so happy about Bradley and he's growing :)

Did they ever figure out what he could eat?
Great news about Bradley and that he seems to have turned a corner mentally himself.... at least enough to be "smart alecy" that is really super news... and good thing Spring is around the corner... Shorts could work fine!!...

Sorry to hear about the "elders" I hope things work out well on that front... whatever the grand design plan is for them.....

Thanks for the update!!!
katmouse: Bradley was allowed to eat sweet potatos. :) he is super happy about that- he can't have them often, but when he does get to eat, it's a special treat. they allow us to make them into fries for him. though- he can't dip them in anything, but he seems to like them pretty basic which is good.