Lost Days of Our Lives - Cont'd



For chapters 1 through 5, please click here:

Chapter 6


Philip: More coffee?
Melanie: Yes, thanks. So what are we going to do this year for the holidays?
Philip: Want to go back to the Bed and Breakfast we went to last year?
Melanie: I kind of want to spend Christmas in Salem this year. I mean, now that I have a family, I’d like to be with you and Maggie. And I’d like to spend time with my dad before he and Chloe take the baby and move to California. Plus I’m hoping my Mom will get sprung from her work-release program, at least for the holidays. I’m really bummed that she’s locked up in prison.
Philip: I get that. But it’s what happens if you kill your husband. Keep that in mind.
Melanie: Ooh, a cautionary tale!
Philip: If you want to stay home for the holidays, that’s what we’ll do. ... What’s the matter? You look sad all of a sudden.
Melanie: You know what I want?
Philip: Maple, blueberry or rasperry?
Melanie: Maple. I wish I could be with my brother too.
Philip: Consider it done. I’ll fly Max and Chelsea in from London.
Melanie: Oh, that would be amazing! But I wasn’t talking about Max. I meant my brother Nicholas. The brother no one talks about.
Philip: I really liked Nicholas.
Melanie: What? You know him???
Philip: We were kids together. Me and Shawn and Nicholas.


Dorkay: Stop stop stop. That’s a lie. Philip wasn’t even born when Nicholas was first on the show.
Molly: Oh so what. If you can rewrite history, so can I. Besides, since Shawn D and Nicholas were boyhood friends, and Shawn D and Philip are supposed to be the same age, it stands to reason that Philip would know Nicholas Alamain.
Dorkay: I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit.
Molly: Oh go suck a duck, Dick. You know, at the rate Nicholas was SORAS’d so he could have an affair with Kate, he should be older than his own mother right now. So just shut up and let me do my thing.


Philip: We were kids together. Me and Shawn and Nicholas.
Melanie: You were? You never told me.
Philip: To be honest ...
Melanie: Yes, we said we’d always be honest. No more secrets. No more lies.
Philip: I haven’t thought about him in years. I was really very young when I knew him. He and Vivian lived at the mansion for a while, and I’ve tried to block out anything and everything having to do with Vivian.
Melanie: That’s understandable. So tell me. What was he like? Was he nice? Was he happy? Was he fun?
Philip: He wasn’t that much fun. He was a very straight-laced polite little kid and I kept trying to …
Melanie: Trying to what?
Philip: Well, I was a bit of a troublemaker.
Melanie: Why am I not surprised?
Philip: But he was a real straight arrow. A little lord Fauntleroy … until …
Melanie: Until what?
Philip remembers the fling that his boyfriend friend had with his mother. He cringes and dismisses the thought from his mind.
Philip: Um Nevermind. I just remembered something. I have a meeting.
Melanie: Philip wait, you’re not keeping secrets from me, are you?
Philip: Why would you even ask me that?
Melanie: Don’t forget, we promised we would always be honest with each other, you know.
Philip: How could I forget? You remind me every ten minutes. Gotta run. Love you.


Marie [on the intercom]: Mr. Kiriakis, your event planner is here. Yes sir, I’ll send him in.

To be continued on Monday...
Whoo! That was HILARIOUS! I loved Molly's comment to Dorkay! Plus, I'm excited to see if Nicholas and Melanie will actually meet each other. Great story, kpatch! Hope you enjoyed your vacation!
Great chapter & Welcome back kpatch!!!

You sure were missed this week. Glad to hear that you had a wonderful vacation. I know you deserved it!

Absolutely loved the way Molly was talking to Dorkay. I just love the spitfire in her (maybe it's because I'm a red-head and act like her at times too just minus the whining. :) )
Loved Molly's line to Dick. Oh go suck on a duck dick. Molly is a much better storyteller then Dick (Well with the help of kpatch) So anxous to see if Nikki does return and Melanie meets him. I just have a feeling the meeting will not go well. Thanks for the chapter kpatch. So glad you had a good vacation.
Wow...Great job Kpatch. Looking forward to Monday!! Have to say, I hope there is more to the Roman situation. I don't want Roman to be gay...that would be sooo awkward for me... :confused:
On another note, on the actual show, has anyone even told Melanie that she has a half brother?
Rew bounces in slams Addicted and they both go flying into the mud....WEEEEEHOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I heard someone has a video Rew...you want to hunt it down? :D

What a return kpatch! See why we missed you so much? Love that Carly went to jail and Philip's reminder to Melanie. Let's hope she remembers.

Molly is too much. I just signed up for her fan club!
Preview for the Week Ahead

Thanks everyone for the great comments. So happy you are finding the story entertaining! Here's what you can expect next week.


Victor meets with his event planner, while Vivian has her own plans for Maggie.


Find out what’s going on in Switzerland.

Nathan finds out Philip is out of town. Melanie asks Nathan an important question.


Be a fly on the wall at group therapy session with all our Salemites.


Johnny visits his grandma.

Nathan talks about his past.


Nathan asks Melanie on a date.

Gus thinks Madam has gone too far.
Thanks for the preview kpatch. Is it Monday yet????? Somehow I think this is going to be a very long weekend.
I tried, tried, tried to fight my addiction for kpatch's stories. I thought I could hold out, and read the story in one fell swoop when it was finished.

I couldn't do it. My addiction is way too strong.

:woo: Another fantastic kpatch story!!!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh, I thought there was no story on Friday.. I almost missed it. :cool:

So good to have kpatch back and glad you had a great and much needed vacation!:smile:
Me, too sportzgirl......tho at least I have the excuse I wasn't here much, mostly in bed, or sofa reclining. Hope I get over all the bugs. They just seem to be getting worse.
Very imaginative kpatch.....looking forward to the continuation Monday...!!!
Chapter 7


Marie [on the intercom]: Mr. Kiriakis, your event planner is here. Yes sir, I’ll send him in.

Victor: Hello. I’m Victor Kiriakis.
Chris: Oh I know I know I know all about you, Mr. Big. I am so so so excited to be working with you!
Victor: Working for me. Now then, this event must be held at Chez Rouge. I don’t care when it’s held, but the venue is non-negotiable. Chez Rouge is a must.
Chris: That’s perfect! I know the owner -- Mrs. Maggie Horton -- very well and I’ll use my clout to arrange it!
Victor: You know Maggie? Is that a fact?
Chris: Yes indeedy. I worked with her when I was with Hearth & Home playing assistant to that beeatchy Kate Roberts.
Victor: Ha! So you’re the one. You know something, Chris? I think we’re going to get along just fine.


Vivian: I’ve had it with that wholesome redhead Maggie Horton. It’s time I got rid of her for good. I’ve got a plan, Gus!
Gus: I’m all ears Madam.
Vivian: I want you to switch her prescription medication for oxycontin.
Gus: That’s a very strong painkiller, Madam.
Vivian: Yes I know.
Gus: It’s also highly addictive. People who are addicted have been known to do awful things.
Vivian: Yes I know.
Gus: Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?
Vivian: Yes I know. But she won’t be on the pills forever, Gus. Just long enough to get her addicted. Then we’ll switch her back to her regular drugs and she’ll be strung out like a two-bit junkie. She has an addictive personality anyway, you know.
Gus: Yes I know. I still think ...
Vivian: Well don’t think. If I wanted you to think, I’d pay you more.

To be continued ...