Lost Days of Our Lives - Cont'd

LOL, kpatch, I am sorry, but I burst out laughing at the first reference to all my exes..cuz I swear there is a country western song..."all my exes are from Texas"....

You sure have Dorkay down pat....are we sure he ever finished high school? LOLOLOL
Ok I was thinking that the Tyler story would finish in another story. Am looking foreward to the next two stories. Have a great cruise kpatch. Where are you going too? Hope to hear lots of stories about the trip when you get back.
LOL, kpatch, I am sorry, but I burst out laughing at the first reference to all my exes..cuz I swear there is a country western song..."all my exes are from Texas".... LOLOLOL

There is. It's by George Strait. I had it running through my head when I read that line.

All my exes live in Texas
And that's why I hang my hat in Tennessee
That was an awesome story, kpatch! I loved it! Can't wait for "Girl Gone Wild" and "All My Exes"! They both sound really good!

Fantastic story!
:clap: Excellent job, my friend! I just love the banter between Molly and Dorkay. I can't wait to see what happens with the whole Tyler situation...sounds gooooooooooddddd!!! I had to laugh at two of your comments:

"I knew this was going to blow up in Philip's face, no pun intended" :rotfl:

"kpatch doesn't often write about EJ. But a lot of the other Writer's Bench authors do." :highfive:

Love it, love it, love it!! Can't wait to read your short about Steph. And have a wonderful cruise...you deserve the R&R! :hug:
You guys beat me to it about the All my exes live in Texas:(

kpatch you crack me up with these Mel & Dorkay conversations... I am looking forward to your next one impatiently..(pacing back & forth)
KPatch you are amazing! Your stories always leave me wanting more. Enjoy your cruise!
I finally got to read through the entire story, all in one sitting. My head is spinning! All those questions finally answered! Well, most of them anyhow. So now we wait for the next two stories promised.

To repeat my comments after reading previous stories, this is the best one ever! Thanks, kpatch!

Thanks for another great story and ending kpatch! I cannot wait to read All My Exes! Girl Gone Wild is going to be great too...all your stories are great! :)

Hope you have a great time on your cruise!!!
Not that it is a BAD thing, but now I have "All My Exes Live in Texas" playing in my head. (I LOVE George Strait!!!)

Anywho, I just wanted to stand up and applaud you, Kpatch. You know how to keep us entertained. Enjoyed it so much. Even though I am sad it has ended, I can look foward to more stories! Thanks so much for the chapters, girlie. What a blast. (Um, not to be confused with "The Last Blast" of the Shawn and Belle days..:) )

We have to wait over a week for the next kpatch story!!!

Enjoy your cruise kpatch - you deserve a break.
O. M. G.
I just found this through a reference elsewhere in the forums and read the whole thing in one sitting. I had a very yucky Monday, but I just laughed for over half an hour! My stomach hurts b/c I laughed so hard, my mascara has run all over my face from cry-laughing, and I CANNOT WAIT to read more!!!!
Kpatch--thanks for the entertaining read and for making a bad day much, MUCH better!
I never got over the first surprise, had to wait until it was finished. Love that you ended the story with that bit if irony. Your dialog between Dorkay and Melanie is the best. And the Nathan/Melanie as siblings reveal was great. Good for Philip! Can't wait until you write all me exes...you know I love your stories better than the real thing. As a matter of fact I usually even do wardrobe for you as I read...lolol!!!
ROTFL, Addicted! Yes, please be the wardrobe woman for all my stories!

Can't wait until you write All My Exes.

Oh, it's already written, my sweet. I'm working on two other stories now. I'll start posting All My Exes right after the new year begins.
Whoooo hooo kpatch! I feel like I have been waiting forever to read All My Exes!!!!
ROTFL, Addicted! Yes, please be the wardrobe woman for all my stories!

Oh, it's already written, my sweet. I'm working on two other stories now. I'll start posting All My Exes right after the new year begins.

Does that mean when I get home at 00:02am Jan.1 2011 the first chapter will be waiting for me. LOL. I am working New Years Eve.