Manifest new season Friday


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Was a big fan of this show 1st season. Intriguing. Plane lands proper time at airport, but all there are shocked. The flight disappeared 5 years before, was thought lost, everyone dead. But the crew & passengers all act, feel as tho they are just a few hours after they boarded, all is well, everyone fine, etc. They cannot believe 5 years have passed, no idea what is going on. As time goes on, various ones find they have special powers, are able to do things for some reason, are called to various places/people & need to help with a problem.

Anyway, for me, no longer was intriguing, just sci-fi (of which I have no interest) and confusing. I stopped regular watching, tried an episode here or there, NOPE. Tried again this season, more confusing than ever, gave up. And has been cancelled after ending the season with cliff-hangers galore (so I read). I don't know where it went off track, but it definitely lost me, tho initially I was so interested.

Maybe it should have been a movie, instead of a series, so it would be shorter, with a good explanation. (LOL, always think of how Rose on Golden Girls wanted to be taken by aliens to their planet. Thought it would be exciting, lol)
I haven't seen it, but the premise seemed really interesting. It's a shame when a show starts off strong, then just gets too convoluted to follow anymore.
I have no idea of the ratings, but that was the problem. Good premise, started strong, & then could not keep track, or understand what was going on.

Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist has also been cancelled. O.k. I love musicals.......but the premise was terrific. Situations arise between family, friends, etc. wherein persons don't say anything, but are feeling something.......and Zoey sees them enacting their feelings in some musical number, no one else sees. Her dad had a stroke, mostly sat on the sofa like a zombie, mom always talked, hoped he would recover, so talked normally to him.....and in one episode, Zoey saw them singing and dancing with each other. It was so touching. Well, they kept moving the show around, now it is gone, too. It was unusual, not for every one, and not every episode was all that terrific. I always feel that life hands us so much misery at times, TV escape helps when it is light, happy, funny. But, that is just me.
I watched Manifest. The ending was HORRIBLE in that we won't have any resolution in the story.

It did get very boggy into the weeds of sci-fi and at times I wanted to give up, but stuck with it. I do hold out small hope that someone will pick it up.

I did try Zoey's Playlist and enjoyed the few shows I saw. Guess the cost of the music got to be too much???
That's what I'm hoping, katmouse. Apparently it is quite popular on Netflix so there is some hope. What a horrible way to end a series, if it doesn't get picked up somewhere.
Am reading that it is a go............
the show was planned for 6 seasons.... or so they say.... season one was interesting, season two started to wander season three found a fork in the road and took the wrong path......the as it found it's way back an explosive ending and cancelled..... WHAT!!!!! wait what happens next????
I'm so happy I get to find out what happens next....
I deleted all of season 3 before I watched it since I didn't see the point after it was cancelled. I'll have to catch up when the new season airs. I really watch zero drama or even sitcoms these days and this one managed to hook me in immediately and I was interested just from the initial commercials for it during Days. I can't believe more people weren't watching it, although I have no idea what it was up against.
The new season will be only on Netflix. Netflix has the first three seasons now.
And so I won't get to see it.............
Sorry Poirot.

They did put the Netflix seasons of Longmire on DVD. Maybe they will with this show too. And maybe one day Peacock
will show it.