Missing Pieces & Unfinished Storylines

what happened to the FBI jacket Rafe had when attacked? What happened to the muffin? WHERE is Benchie..... did Hurricane Sandy damage the pier? the Pier was such a focal meeting point then poof it's gone..... When did Abby get to be such an Art Major? how will she find a job with that field in Salem???
Dr. Baker Fan, the "lost people of Salem" are probably with Don Craig (went to mail a letter and never came back) and Neil Curtis (who went up to the second floor of the hospital to make rounds and stayed there) and they are having a "Thank-Goodness-We're-Out-Of-That-Crazy-City" party. I wonder if they got Cassie to come downstairs and join them.
That toy boat for Pop Shawn always bugged me.....though he had a flashback of being a young boy seeing a boat explode.
That pillow for Marlena, though. I think it had stars on it, and John figured out they matched up with something real up in the sky, so the coordinants gave them the location of an island.....This is vague now, but I think that is where John found the letter from Daphne Dimera which said that she was John's mother, but because she did not want Stefano to know, she gave him to her sister, ...yes the Alamaines.

This is what happens when new writers come in and just discard something or other that the previous writers were setting up.

But sometimes it is the same writers, who just don't have a character appear any more (Max Brady comes to mind, as well as Don Craig). And yes folks, Max Brady went upstairs at the Shawn & Caroline Brady place one day...and we never heard of him again, until years later, there was Max, the race car driver, super mechanic, etc. etc.
OMG, what an awful thought: a whole tribe of egg-babies, all well-tanned, unshaven, and bearing an uncanny likeness to Dr. McScruffy -- so many that Ruffles McRed would have to hire Club TBD for a gala egg-baby reunion.
She can have Hope & Aiden arrange the catering and promotion.

So many unresolved stories - TheWriter I like your mention of the plant left on Jennifer's doorstep. That was the CURRENT writers but I think they were just throwing Jack fans a bone with no intention of flushing it out.

Did they ever explain what happened to Carly during her time with Lawrence? They left happy, then she stabs him 16 years later??

WHO THE HECK ARE JOHN'S PARENTS? Can't they have him say he found out he's really Daphne's son?!?!? It would take 35 seconds of screentime away from his pointless attempts to help his drunken oaf of a son!

Where is Mama Hernandez? She's missed FOUR weddings, one kid's funeral, the birth of her only grandchild, and now Gabi has been carted off to prison with nary a word about calling her mother. Does Stefano have her in a cave somewhere?
I was thinking about Mama Hernandez earlier today too. You'd think she would be there when her son is in a coma for months!

Was Jett Carver Abe's brother or nephew?

What happened to Bo and Hope's house and Marlena's condo?

What was the purpose of having Sheryl sleep with Lucas only to split town an hour later?

Does the Spectator still have a print edition?
JasonDi, I think John's parentage will keep changing to fit the story, lol. Recently Brady found out he wasn't related to the Bradys and that was dropped so fast, I can't even remember much about it. I think John sent Brady a letter or something. I guess that was done so Brady could be with Theresa.
Just thought of another one. Remember when Madison said all of her family photos were destroyed (in a fire?) and she had no pictures of her mother? Then somehow Brady got a picture of Madison with her mother, framed it and gave it to Madison as a surprise.

How in the world did he get the picture for her??