Monday, December 17th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, December 17, 2007

Episode #10,720 Taped ll/14 Director – Kathryn Foster

Very good show today, and just so you don’t have to wait for this piece of news…..Stefano’s “nemesis” is a WOMAN!

Nick is checking with Maggie on last minute details of a special dinner he has planned for Chelsea at Chez Rouge. She arrives, expecting to just have drinks, and is floored when he hands her flowers. She is clearly distracted, claims she has finals to study for at the house, does not have time for full blown dinner. Nick is persistent, Chelsea stays, but her mind is elsewhere. When he tries to toast with a glass of most expensive champagne, saying I love you, all she sees is Ford holding his drink and then attacking her. She tries to shake it off, goes over to sit on Nick’s lap, sorry that she has not given him the kind of attention he deserves. They kiss, Max has come in and spots them. Nick suggests they get their dessert (chocolate covered strawberries) to go, she agrees. He leaves to make arrangements, she gets a frantic call from Morgan to get back to the house, her mother is there, and there is trouble. Nick comes up, hearing her say she will be right there, she says important emergency meetings, he gives her the dessert, she leaves. Max joins Nick, gives him a bit of a hard time about not being able to keep Chelsea’s attention, with Nick giving it right back about Max teetering between Morgan & Stephanie. Nick decides to go to the house and see what is so important, Max tries to dissuade him, then goes along.

At the sorority house, Cordy is holed up in her room in the dark, having nightmares about Ford’s death. Stephanie arrives and tries to get her to open the door, and finally manages to get in. The girls turn on the light, Cordy wants it out. She talks as if Ford is still alive, that he will come after her again. Morgan leaves to make some soup, and as she is returning, Billie arrives, wanting to talk to all the girls. Morgan takes the tray up, telling them, and a frantic call goes out to Chelsea. Cordy wants to call the police and tell all, but the girls know how much trouble they would all be in. Chelsea arrives, hands her mom the dessert, goes to Cordy’s room. They fill her in, and all go trouping into the living room, Cordy included. Billie lets them know Ford missed a luncheon date with his dad, wherein he usually gets a wad of cash, but has gone AWOL before, so daddy is hoping he will show up. The girls claim Ford came over drunk and apologetic, and passed out or fell asleep – take your pick – on the sofa right after apologizing. What could they do. Billie find it hard to believe they let this rapist in the house, but they said he was apologizing, and that after he fell asleep, they watched him all night, in shifts. He left in the a.m. Cordy has gotten up and left the room. Billie finally leaves, Stephanie goes to check on Cordy, comes back, reporting she is gone, she is not in her room.

A replay of EJ opening the box and finding the gun. He gets a call from Bo, who asks about him taking in the package addressed to Lucas. EJ admits it, denies opening it, Bo says he will be right over to get it. Kate has been eavesdropping as usual (they are still at Chez Rouge) and immediately calls Lucas to tell him. EJ puts the gun back in the chest, and we later see him resealing the package, to hide all evidence that he has opened it. He puts it back in the cupboard, knock, knock, but it is not Bo, tis Stefano! EJ removes the latex gloves, opens the door. Stefano comes in, asks how it is going, any progress. Nope, says EJ. LOL, as he won’t tell his father he can walk. Stefano says Rolf has o.k.’d him to travel, EJ thinks he is going to Tuscany, nope, has business. Someone else should do it, no says Stefano, then tells EJ he should take Samantha & Johnny to Italy after the holidays. Now he talks of having to deal with a woman who knows too much, has vital information that could destroy all he has worked for, and ruin the DiMeras. He shows EJ a sheaf of letters, evidently from her, promising to neutralize the problem. He leaves.
Meanwhile, Sami has confronted Lucas, wanting to know what is going on, what is in that package that is so important. At first he says it is a large check, he cashed in an investment, but Sami is not buying it. Checks can have a stop payment or be reissued. Lucas finally admits it contains his gun, and that he sent it to himself, so it would not be in the house if the police came.He tells her that he has trusted her all along, he trusted her when she wanted to marry EJ. And now she has to trust him, that he was trying to protect his family. He gets the call from Kate about EJ having the package, and tells Sami to stay, he is going to get it. Nope, they are in things together, and she is going with him. They march across the hall, asking EJ for the box. He gets it, but tells them he has to keep it for Bo, who is on his way. Sami asks what does he want for it, EJ smiles, saying he wants to take her and Johnny to Italy after the holidays. Lucas finally tugs the box away from EJ, but too late. Bo is at the open door. He confiscates the box, EJ smirks, Lucas leaves. Sami tells her uncle that Lucas had nothing to do with the shooting, he was home with the twins. Bo tells her about Lucas hiring a nurse to babysit the twins during the time period. Sami goes back to Lucas, asking him what happened, please tell her the truth, she loves him, and they can get through anything. He finally admits going to the church, watching the ceremony, still convinced she would not go through with it. Then he lost his nerve and left. And don’t ask him any more about it. Bo comes in, asking for Lucas’s passport. He doesn’t know where it is, but Sami gets it. Bo tells them the package is on it’s way to an out of house testing lab, being the bullet is still in the victim. He is sorry to have to do this. Results will not be back til after the holidays. He leaves, saying he hopes to see them both at Mrs. H’s for Christmas.
A baby cries, and Sami goes to take care of her child. Lucas calls someone (Kate?) saying that Bo has got the package, and sent it for testing, confiscated his passport, and he does not know how much longer he can hold him off. Across the hall, a very satisfied EJ closes and locks his door (tis a wonder no one notices that door cracked open all the time, lol) wheels over to the sofa, gets up out of the chair, laying on the sofa, with a happy sigh.


P.S. We will be changing over to the new software over the weekend....just a heads up.
Hmmmm...... :duh: Lucas says he doesn't know how much longer he can "hold him off"? Maybe he's talking to Will or Austin. I think the way it is worded means he is looking out for somebody else IMO.
I'm happy to hear we know who the letters are comming from.. That frees up the John speculation!!

Shisty Ej up to no good again
I'm pretty sure the nemisis is Colleen/Santo's love child, a daugther. She's can bring down Stefano and expose his lie about the vendetta and Colleen dying.

Geez, when is pod Sami ever going to get on Lucas about all his lies? He lied about having a gun in the house, about the package containing a gun, about leaving the twins on the night of the wedding! Wow, it must really be twu wub for Sami if she's just glazing over all these lies and grills EJ for planting a monitor in the apt. EJ was just trying to find out who the yellow-bellied punk was that put a bullet in his back and he gets his apt torn to pieces! Yet Lucas lies over and over and with each admission, Sami just stands there like pod-Sami and acts like it's no big deal. Weird?!?
I would just like to state that EJ is a coniving jerk! If HE was so in love with Sami then he should tell her that he can walk. But instead he uses this excuse (like a punk!) to get her simpathys. He needs to be a man! If I was Sami i would have never of married him! My family would just have to fend for them selves like they always have. Just my opinion. :?:
I think that EJ has every right to want to get to the bottom of who shot him. If it was me who was shot, I would have done the same thing with the FedEx package.

Having said that, he darn sure should tell Sami that he can walk. That is just plain wrong.

Who is the woman nemesis? Colleen? Or would she be too old? Or, if she was pregnant at the time of her "death," maybe it is her daughter? don't know...just throwing it out there.
I am hoping that it is either Kristen or the new idea of it being Colleen or her child. Either idea would be great. i also caught an idea yesterday of it be Mrs. H. that would be wonderful for her to go out with a 'BANG' :wine: :clap: for EJ to be gone except that he's not someone needs to come back and finish the job
LOL, as some feel EJ was just spying on Sami & Lucas to find out if Sami was not being truthful when she said she had feelings for him, and to find out if Sami & Lucas were making love at all. EJ is nosy, and has been eavesdropping thru his door, too.

Colleen would be over 80 years old now, and I doubt that she is the nemesis. This woman seems to know an awful lot about the inner workings of DiMera business....It does not seem Colleen would know that. Again, we have a woman who won that SoapSTar contest coming aboard for 13 weeks, and she would be too young to be playing Colleen. However, she could be playing anyone. there has not been any word as to the name of her character.
Oh snap Poirot, I did forget that colleen was coming to sami as a spirit telling her that she did love EJ and to stop denying it my bad. :uhoh:
Oh, PLease, Please Please let the nemesis be Vivian. She knows everyone involved and could totally put Stefano in his place. She would have interest especially if she thinks Stefano had anything to do with Johns death. She did carry Philip for nine months. It would be sweet!
Okay! This is interesting!
First, I feel positive that Lucas did NOT shoot EJ...and that he is covering for someone. I don't think it is Will. I don't think he would tell Will he couldn't hold Bo off any longer. If it were Will, I think he would confess to doing it.
He might be in cahoots with John, but if that were true, I don't think he would agree to Sami marrying EJ if he knew John were alive. I don't know...but I don't think Lucas shot EJ...right now.

Now, Stefano's nemisis being a woman? Okay. Since we know Marlena is getting a big story coming up, I think it is Marlena. Not certain if she qualifies as a nemisis, but she might be involved.

I have no clue as to where the writers are going with this. Sometimes they make things so obvious that you never know if they are being clever and trying to trick us...or just so obvious. OR if they are going to drop it all together.
We haven't seen Santeen in months now...and all of a sudden, months later, its going to come back again?

Lucas and EJ lying to Sami? That's great. Sami has been lying to both of them. All that is small potatoes. Surprisingly, I am more interested in Lucas than EJ and Sami. The man is much more interesting doing his own thing than tagging along with Sami.
I did love EJ calling Sami out yesterday. I love when she is knocked down a peg.
Yes Schane that would be a good choice but still I want it to be Kristen, who would know more than his daughter? And they did do some scheming together. She should come back with John. :clap:

I also think that Poirot should start a poll! :clap:
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@Alligato.......just WHO would Lucas cover for? Be willing to take the rap for? And even go to jail. Would he possibly buy time for John who is not ready yet to reveal himself? What about Maggie? She is his sponsor and has been a good friend. Would he cover for Sami's father?
I do think he is covering......the wording and dialogue seem to point in that direction. Lucas says he was in the church to watch, lost his nerve and left. AND DON'T ASK ME ANY MORE.
I think it is Kristen ... and I think she is EJ's real mom not Susan ... I think that EJ is Kristen's and John Black's son and that John Black is the pawn in the basement being programed to take Kristen down .... because the empire will be destroyed if it is revealed that EJ is not Stefano's son ... If EJ is not Stefano's son, Tony is not Stefano's son....Johnny is not Stefano's grandson ... who is left to inherit the empire?

Also John Black is Stefano step brother - because John Black is the son of Santo and Colleen... that means Colleen never died by jumping that day! making the whole Vendetta story a hoax!
This sounds great. I would love for the woman to be Vivian or Kristen. That would be great, but I doubt it. I can't wait to see what happens with this. It better be good.

I love that! I think for it to play out that way would be GREAT!! :clap: :clap: :clap: How do you come up with that stuff???? :rotfl: Any story line that will bring back John, I'm all for..........