Monday, December 17th

Ok, now this really does not have to do anything with this post, (sorry), but why would you just shoot EJ when the person that was standing right next to him was the cause of everybodys problem... If that some-one, John, Will, Lucas, or Marlena would shoot anybody, it should have been Stefano..

Maybe Stefano sh :evillaugh: ot EJ?? He was standing behind / beside him.

And also... it has went through my mind -- Maybe EJ switched the gun in the box... He did open it, with gloves on and then told Bo, Lucas and Sami that he did not open it.

That way he can get what he really wants...
The Vivian thing would be great. I always loved her. She's such a snake.
She paid for John's quickie funeral... how was she even notified so quickly? Maybe if John is still alive he got his auntie to help him with his ruse.
Wasn't she married to Stefano too? If so, it would make sense that she knew his "inner workings."
Although I looooooooved Kristen and would be thrilled to have her back on.
@Poirot - I have NO clue. Since we haven't seen any news about Kristen or Vivian coming back (I would be jumping for joy!), I don't think they are bringing in anyone new. Is Stefano's nemisis someone new?

I don't see Lucas giving up his children, especially to EJ, for anyone other than Will. So with all the people that are left, then maybe it IS Will.

I know I haven't seen Lucas comment on the phone, but his comment didn't sound like he was talking to a teenager. Maybe it was John...and John isn't ready to be revealed.

cj- you do have a point. If this big reveal is supposed to bring down the Dimeras and strengthen the Brady's, then having John Black be part Dimera and Brady is pretty good, and so is Belle and Brady...and it would explain John as Stefano's target...however, I don't think Days writers are that clever to come up with something like that.

[color=0000FF]deleted spoiler information - Poirot[/color]......., and mystery patient in Rolf's lab (John) going up against his woman nemisis (Marlena), I have absolutely NO CLUE as to what is going on!!!! I don't think the writers do either.

None of my other soaps are this complicated!
I think Marlena is a separate issue for Stefano....and this nemesis is someone else. Lucas does sound, on the phone, as tho he is talking to an adult. "Hold him off" was an odd thing to say, it means playing for time, I would guess. Perhaps to get more ducks in a row.
I just cannot imagine Lucas doing anything to jeopardize his children. He fought tooth and nail to be part of Will's life, and he adores the twins.

I do not think Kristen could possibly be the mother of EJ. We lived with Susan being pregnant and delivering the baby for 9 months, saw Kristen using the pregnancy pillow forever to fool John, saw her take the baby after Susan delivered it. It is not like it was all done off camera.
It has also been well established that John is tony's brother (sharing the same mother) and that he is related to the Alamains. The only thing we do not know is who John's father is.....and because of his is more likely that Shawn Brady MIGHT have been his father, (putting John right into the DiMera/Brady feud) but that is probably not so.
Vivian might actually know what happened to Colleen and may be trying to avenge Johns death (if he is really dead).
Vivian might actually know what happened to Colleen and may be trying to avenge Johns death (if he is really dead).
Vivian might actually know what happened to Colleen and may be trying to avenge Johns death (if he is really dead).
Celeste was with Stephano for a long long time. She definitely knows his ways and shady dealings. If it isn't Celeste, my vote would be Vivian.

Didn't Vivian call him Stefawn. I think he came to her as a late night rendevous but she never really saw his face. She would go on and on about how wonderful her Stephawn was until the scene wherein Stephano comes out from under the sheets and we, and Vivian, realize that Stefawn was really Stephano. The look on her face was priceless.

Then years later, Stephano dressing up like Elvis was hilarious. And his trying to sound like Elvis -- what a hoot !!!

Oh, those were the real Days.......
[color=0000FF]deleted spoiler question.......Poirot[/color]
If so, what show was it on? I missed a few days due to being sick.
Thanks, pj.

The answer to your question is in the Crystal Ball forum, and just for your info it has not happened yet. ;) Poirot :woo:
Buckaruz wrote:
Hmmmm...... :duh: Lucas says he doesn't know how much longer he can "hold him off"? Maybe he's talking to Will or Austin. I think the way it is worded means he is looking out for somebody else IMO.

I thought the same thing as I was reading it..:>)

I also wondered why Lucas and Sami didn't think of Ej when they were told a neighbor signed and accepted it, because I thought that Billie's apartment was the only other one on that floor. The stairwell down, and out to the back where garbage bin is located.. used to be to the left when facing their door. Sami knows he was evesdropping... :duh:
If Ej is John's son, that is enough to make me barf.... :rant: :rant:
they have enough "mix ups" now....
Lucas should had been treated the same as Marlena and Kate, he should've been arrested on the spot. He has more motive and evidence against him than the both of them combined.

How come every other day Lucas talks about how he can't trust anyone but himself, and flat out says "I don't trust Sami!" Yet to her face he is singing a different tune? At least Sami has enough nerve to actually tell Lucas about her goings on with EJ. Can't say I'll miss Lucas much in the months to come, good riddance! Maybe when/if he comes back he'll have a much better storyline coming with him.
Lucas is covering for Will! John is coming back.. I think I've been watching this show too long... love it.
IA it's sounds as though Lucas is covering for someone!! And I just have to mention I'm sooooooo happy to know I'll be seeing NICK again. I really wish they would use him more.
IA it's sounds as though Lucas is covering for someone!! And I just have to mention I'm sooooooo happy to know I'll be seeing NICK again. I really wish they would use him more.

Aw, I like Nick too, he's such a cutie, so I'm excited about seeing him too! I hope that Marlena gets a bigger story line, but of course, I'm a big Marlena/John fan, so...keeping my fingers crossed! I'm excited about the up coming shows. ;o)
I am with ya, Jew! I don't know why Bo is harping on Kate so much asking her all these questions about Lucas, when Bo can go to Lucas himself and ask him about all the lies he has caught him in. Weird. Would Lucas lie to Bo as good as Kate? The only time Bo questioned him was right after the shooting. Seems they would have more questions for him.

Also, I find it funny that a few weeks ago, EJ was blasted as a bad father for having Sami leave the twins and go to his apartment so he could talk to her.
But on Friday, Sami found EJ's monitor, left her apartment and the twins, shut her door, shut EJ's door and ransacked his place...alot longer than a few minutes...and nobody has criticized her for being a bad mother for leaving the twins. All so she could have a temper tantrum at EJ's place?

Also, if Sami was as smart as she says she is, she would have kept the baby monitor and let EJ hear exactly what he wanted. Had fake conversations with Lucas or Johnny about how wonderful EJ was...or to tick him off, have loud sex with Lucas so he could hear. Sami could really have played him...but she preferred her tantrum. Sigh.

Between Sami, Lucas and EJ right now, I am rooting for EJ. He is the only one that isn't being an decietful idiot.

I think that EJ has every right to want to get to the bottom of who shot him. If it was me who was shot, I would have done the same thing with the FedEx package.

Having said that, he darn sure should tell Sami that he can walk. That is just plain wrong.

Who is the woman nemesis? Colleen? Or would she be too old? Or, if she was pregnant at the time of her "death," maybe it is her daughter? don't know...just throwing it out there.

I like the idea of a Santo and Colleen's daughter stirring up trouble! I wouldn't mind if they brought back crazy Susan Banks either! By the way, I'm a new member but I've been reading for months. Thanks for the day ahead posts Poirot, they're great and always right on!
Also, I find it funny that a few weeks ago, EJ was blasted as a bad father for having Sami leave the twins and go to his apartment so he could talk to her.
But on Friday, Sami found EJ's monitor, left her apartment and the twins, shut her door, shut EJ's door and ransacked his place...alot longer than a few minutes...and nobody has criticized her for being a bad mother for leaving the twins. All so she could have a temper tantrum at EJ's place?

Sami picked up the entire bag of stuff, told LUCAS she was returning it all to EJ. Yes, Lucas WAS there for the twins, she did not leave them alone. And then she stormed in, pulled out the monitor, EJ did his usual lies, but she tossed the place and found the monitor, and stormed back out.

I found it very odd to have Bo giving Kate the 3rd degree about Lucas, but....guess that was the only way the writers could give Kate some airtime. LOLOL
Poirot - I stand corrected. You are right.
Sami had boxed all the stuff up in the bag and intended to run over to EJ's to confront him, but Lucas was at the door. I forgot that he stuck around to look for his package, while she went. It was still a pointless thing for her to do...very compulsive. But that's Sami.

I found that this week showed a little of the writer's strike as we were treated to many flashbacks (the Shawn and Philip one fighting was way too wasn't a good fight the first time I saw it)...and lots of drawn out arguments...Bo and Roman both harping on Kate was way unnecessary...but I prefer them on to the sorority house crap.
Between Sami, Lucas and EJ right now, I am rooting for EJ. He is the only one that isn't being an decietful idiot.[/QUOTE]

E.J. is being deceitful too. He is just the one not being an idiot about it