Monday, February 25th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, February 25, 2008

Episode 10,769 Taped 2/4 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Stephanie & Chelsea are at the sorority house, being confronted by their fellow Theta girls. All look rather grim, there is talk of Chelsea blabbing to the police in spite of the promise they all made to keep quiet. However, the girls are not mad, they understand it all, want to put it all behind them and move on. First order of business is to focus on their careers, they have a bunch of internships available at businesses here in Salem, and they should all looks them over. A bit later, Stephanie & Chelsea are studying the listings, when Max comes in. Both get up, hugs, condolences are the loss of his father. (Isn’t he their grandfather, too??) Chelsea decides to check on her dad, and leaves. Max is wishing he had more time with his father, Morgan comes out, hugs and condolences from her. He says his last words to his dad were that he was busy, had to leave. He wishes he had been there. The girls assure him his father knew he loved him, and of course loved Max, too. Stephanie leaves to check on her parents, leaving Morgan to tell Max that Stephanie loves him, she knows Max does not love Morgan, but she thinks they will be good friends. Hug.

Bo is waking up as Roman walks in. He wants Bo’s version of what happened on the plane. Bo gives it short and sweet. They lost electronics and controls, lost the pilots, could not descend. Air pressure was dropping, Oxygen masks came down, not all worked. Roman says they were flying a long time. Bo says John & Steve did their best, and brought the plane down. They crashed. Yes they all made it. Pop didn’t. Shawn, Belle & Claire arrive, Bo is happy to see them. He asks Claire if she is happy to be home……yes, she says. It is a lot warmer. LOL. He wants a hug, Belle picks her up and she lays across Bo, giving him a huge hug, and cuddling with him. (That kid is just tooo adorable. Love her!). Now Roman says he has someone else who wants to see him, and Caroline comes in. (Warning, have tissues handy). She hugs him, so happy to see him. She wants to know exactly what happened, and Bo tells her in detail of the oxygen & mask problems, how Pop was refusing to take it, and then when he passed out, Pop put his mask on Bo, refusing to share with Kayla & Hope. His voice breaks several times, he has tears, and he is so sorry. Caroline scolds him, not to think that way. Do not make light of the gift he gave you. But Bo talks of being sick and perhaps dying. “Not on my watch” declares Lexie. You are not going to die if I can help it. She asks everyone to leave, so she can talk to her patient. Each says a good-bye to Bo, leaving the room. Lexie says there are more tests to run, she is not going to guess at anything, and promises to always tell him the truth, but perhaps not answer all his questions. LOL. She leaves and Caroline returns. And now they talk of Pop, how much he always loved Bo, and that never changed when he learned Victor was actually Bo’s father. She tells how angry Shawn was with her, she did not think he would forgive her, and she is not sure if she would have been able to forgive him, if the shoe was on the other foot. But he did. He was really upset when Bo left to join the Merchant Marine, but understood. Bo talks of a memory he has, of sitting out on the stoop, and asking his Pop if there was really a Santa Claus. He says he was about 18 or 19…..lolol. And talks of the sad look in his dad’s eyes. Caroline says she remembers that day, Shawn came in and told her about their conversation. He knew there were no longer going to be any more little kids running around the house. The last of them had grown up. He talks of how Pop was there for him at the end. Caroline assures him Pop is still there for him, and for all his children. She hugs him again, leaves. Lexie comes in and Nurse Maxine wheels Bo out for his next round of tests.

Kayla stands at the window in Steve’s hospital room, as he stirs, and comes awake. She goes over, asks how he is doing, they murmur a few nice things to each other, he tells her to go back to her room, and maybe they both will get sprung this morning. She leaves, he reaches under his blanket, pulling out the note, which is back in the envelope (On Friday, it was on the floor, lol) reads it. Later, we see both of them in their apartment, promising each other to take it easy. Steve gets Kayla to lay down, covers her with an afgan, and says he will go get something for them to eat.
As he walks outside, he turns to see he is being followed by a woman. He stops, turns and grabs her by the throat, asking her what the heck she wants. He is really furious. Some goon comes along and pulls him away, shoving him to the ground. So, now Steve is getting his ribs injured all over again. Evidently the woman has a body guard. She calls him Patch, then Steve as his real name. He says if that is all she wants….and spits out the word “Good-bye”. Oh, no, she wants more. He promised to be with her, that she would have his baby. She wants him back. He tells her she must be crazy, and that she must have tampered with the plane. Yes, her “people” were only supposed to make sure the plane did not take off…….but they got carried away. She is sorry, but tho he is injured, he did not die. Angrily, he replies that others did!! Steve warns her to stay away from him, and now SHE hits him in the ribs, pushing him down. He screams in pain, and she tells him how Daddy keeps a close eye on her, and she doesn’t get out of the house much, but she managed to do so today. Steve sucker punches the goon in the gut, and takes off, warning her to stay away from him and his family.
He brings in burgers, fries & shakes to Kayla, and they hear pounding from the apt. above them. She says it was going on ever since he left. Steve talks Kayla into going into the bedroom for a nap, he will join her. She leaves the room, he gets a gun from the desk drawer, sits on the sofa, more pounding from upstairs. He hears something at the door, gets up, hides behind it. The door opens, but the chain lock only lets it go part way, and it is Stephanie. He opens up, they hug, she goes to see mom in the bedroom, turns to say, Papa, I love you. He replies he loves her, too, and she goes to see her mom. Steve locks the door again, and sits on the sofa, burying the gun between the cushions.

This woman and Steve is a little confusing to me. She knows him as Patch/Steve, so this is someone frome even before he lost his memory. I do not remember any woman from is past besides Kayla.
She may have known him during his "Nick" years but is now referring to him as Steve, since she knows his real name. I've had a feeling that she was responsible for the problems with the plane. She sounds like a nutcase....just what we need now to liven things up a bit.
Thanks for the update. It looks like it will be another great show.

I am just a little confused though, who this girl is from Steve's past. I have been watching the show for the last 22 years, and I don't really remember anyone other than Kayla.:confused:
It sounds as though her Daddy may prove to be interesting as well. He may turn out to be one of those "whatever baby wants, baby gets" dads. I'm looking forward to this s/l.
She may have known him during his "Nick" years but is now referring to him as Steve, since she knows his real name. I've had a feeling that she was responsible for the problems with the plane. She sounds like a nutcase....just what we need now to liven things up a bit.

Wasn't he with a different woman when he was "Nick"? I thought when they were showing that one, that he had been with that woman the whole time he thought he was "Nick". Unless there is another woman from that past as well. :confused:
There is more to come, obviously. She calls him Patch, then Steve "since that is your name". She could have been from his Nick days before he was with the last woman. then again, maybe she is supposed to BE that woman. LOL
She does say that he never said good-bye....and that he had told her he wanted her to have his baby. And yes, she is a nut case. This is evidently why her daddy doesn't let her out of the house much. AND, maybe, why she has a bodyguard.
Here comes Fatal Attraction....
Pounding coming from upstairs? Over a decade ago, Marlena commented on some pounding next door to her. It was Stefano cutting a door into the back of her armoire. I wonder if Ava will be visiting Kayla soon . . . and coming in through the ceiling?
Poirot - thanks for the updates!! You do a great job and keep me filled in when I cannot see DOOL.

About the mystery woman... Is there any chance she is Britta, that crazy lady that came back to bother Steve and Bo in the 80s? My memory of this is fuzzy, but if I remember correctly, Britta Englund (sp?) was a lady Bo and Steve knew in their Merchant Marine days. All three of them have that dagger tattoo together. I don't remember how the story line ended - if she was killed off or if she just slipped into the shadows. Either way, I'm just curious if anyone remembers her and if this is a possibility for this new storyline.

Britta also had a brother - Lars, I think was his name. He was a ballet dancer...was involved with Melissa Horton. I'm reaching way back, I know. Some good story lines back then. Glad to see Tony and Anna back.
Thanks for the write up. Boy this storyline is getting so good. I think Ava must be from the Nick days. I would remember if Steve had someone else besides Kayla as Steve. We really don't know much of his days as Nick. When he came back he had little memories
Thanks Poirot for the write up. It looks to be another great show. I really don't like the story line they are doing with Steve & Kayla. I wish they could just have some happy times and maybe help Marlena get John back to normal but still have his new sharp wit .
steves other woman

BI have watched Days since the 80s and when Bo and Steve/Patch were in the marines together (that is where they met as far as I know) There was this woman named Ava I believe and Steve was involved with her . there was this storyline that involved the 3 of them ..I don't remember exact ..I would have to to go look in Days archives somewhere....
Britta was the girl. Bo was going with her, but he came home one day and found her in bed with Steve. A fight ensued, knives were involved, and Steve lost his eye.
hard to believe, i know!

Britta was the girl. Bo was going with her, but he came home one day and found her in bed with Steve. A fight ensued, knives were involved, and Steve lost his eye.

as old as i am, i do believe this was before my "dol" time. hopefully, patch, kayla, hope & bo will all be fine, dammit.......WRITERS, do not hurt, take away, or kill off anymore of my favorite characters, please!!!

as always, a big, heartfelt thanks to you, poirot!
This is the first time I have posted, but been reading for a while. I really enjoy the post, and look forward to it everyday. I am a long time days watcher dating back to the late 70's.

Wasn't there also another wife in the 80's, that supposly Kayla killed and that is what she was on trial and in jail for when Stephanie was born? (my memory is not what it used to be)
This is the first time I have posted, but been reading for a while. I really enjoy the post, and look forward to it everyday. I am a long time days watcher dating back to the late 70's.

Wasn't there also another wife in the 80's, that supposly Kayla killed and that is what she was on trial and in jail for when Stephanie was born? (my memory is not what it used to be)

I seem to remember that girl being named Marina. I always thought it was kind of a funny name beacuse of Steve & Bo being in the merchant Marines. Anyway, I think that she is the one you refer to.
Marina was Isabella's sister, and it turned out, I believe, that it was Isabelle who killed her.
This is the first time I have posted, but been reading for a while. I really enjoy the post, and look forward to it everyday. I am a long time days watcher dating back to the late 70's.

Welcome aboard Mergle. I'm from the Atlanta area as well.

This is the first time I have posted, but been reading for a while. I really enjoy the post, and look forward to it everyday. I am a long time days watcher dating back to the late 70's.

Welcome aboard Mergle. I'm from the Atlanta area as well.

Welcome to you both. I've only been posting about a month. Poirot does a beautiful job writing the summary. I look forward to that every day. I too am a long time Days watcher - since 1966. It feels as if the characters are friends and I feel their pain and sorrow.