Monday, March 3rd


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Episode #10,774 Taped 2/7 Director – Herb Stein

Stephanie sits with Nick at the Brady Pub, as tells her all about applying for a grant, to work on a program to promote green environment. He has filled the forms, has a prototype, but still has to make a presentation. In comes Chelsea, in a very down mood. She tells them about her father, his pancreas failing, and no one knowing the cause. Now Max arrives, having just returned from his hearing in court, where he made a complete fool of himself. He is obviously in an angry mood, and when the judge told him that hiding dead bodies was a heinous crime, Max went off on him about the SOB raping his girlfriend. His lawyer told him to shut his mouth and sit down, explained to the judge about his pop having just died, but the judge did not quite believe him. (Hmmm, should have been in all the papers!) So anyway, Max got community service, which Stephanie says is really not so bad. Enter Morgan, all excited because she interviewed for an internship, and asks if Chelsea & Stephanie have done so, too. Nope. They tell Morgan about Bo, she offers her sympathies to Chelsea, and offers her help for anything Chelsea might need. She learns Nick has not applied for the grant yet, takes him aside, and encourages him to do so, that in spite of what Chelsea is going thru, him not going forth will not help either of them. Max joins them, sends Nick away, and gives Morgan what for because she took Nick away from Chelsea when she needs him. Morgan would never hurt Chelsea, but Max says she just did. Morgan sees a friend at the bar and leaves. Max returns to the table, Chelsea takes off to see her father. Stephanie goes to give something to her Gramma, leaving Max alone. He begins paging thru Nick’s binder, then tears out a page, folds it, puts it in his pocket. Morgan spies him doing this. Stephanie returns, someone at the bar wonders if the place as a bartender around, Max says it is his shift and leaves. (I wonder how Adrienne’s Cheatin’ Heart is doing??). Stephanie brings Nick’s notebooks to him, saying he should not leave them laying around, & leaves. Morgan comes up to Nick, who is shooting darts, saying the same thing. Nick doesn’t think anyone would want to bother, but Morgan has something to tell him about his friend, Max.

There are a few scenes of Ava, going thru the pictures of the plane passengers, one after the other. She says nothing, but in the last scene, she does it a few times, concentrating on Steve’s picture, but it seems the one of Hope is missing. She spreads them all out on a table, and holds her head, seemingly frustrated.

Steve is hovering over Kayla on the sofa, wanting to bring her chips & dip, water, an afghan, etc. She is fine, just wants him next to her. Knock, knock, he jumps up to get the door. He peers thru the chain lock (I always love when he does this, as we only see his one good eye, lol) and it is Abe. He tells Kayla it is pizza…and goes out in the hall. So now Abe tells him the check he ran on Ava Vitali there in Salem produced nothing, so he ran a bigger one, and she has a rap sheet from here to the next county. And now he wants some answers, and Steve tells him the tale. “Remember when Stefano was holding me? He did the same thing to me that he did to John. Well, I escaped one time (lol, o.k. that answers one question), and met up with Ava. Her father was into everything, drugs, guns, a totally bad dude, didn’t like me much. Ava did, tho. Everyone just called him Patch, he did not know any other name. He & Ava dated, but then she wanted to get married. She was really pushing him, and somewhere, perhaps in his subconscious, he knew he could not do that, that there was someone else out there for him. So, he took off, her father did not much care, he was on the lowest rung of the ladder, and really did not like him.
And he has no idea how she found Patch, or what happened to her, because she is no longer the sweet kid she was back then. Maybe her father had something to do with it, he always kept her on a short leash.
He says somehow, she learned his name, his whereabouts, and is here. Kayla opens the door, laughing that Abe is now delivering Pizza. Steve tells her they are talking of the sabotage to the plane, and could she go back in the bedroom, so they can come in and talk. Sure. Everyone goes inside, and Kayla dutifully goes into the bdrm. Steve tells Abe that Ava is following him, and that she was at the airport, admitted sabotaging the plane. Abe has a fit, saying he has to report it. Nope, he won’t, as Ava would deny it, there is no proof, only his word against hers. He tells of the note threatening Kayla, how he is being extra cautious. Abe wants to know if he needs extra security….Nope. Abe wonders how long she has been stalking Steve, he doesn’t know. Abe wonders why she would be willing to kill a whole planeload of people, just to “get him”. Steve has no idea. Steve wants a copy of that rap sheet, and thanks Abe for going outside the book on this. Abe smiles, as he is leaving, saying all those years with Bo, some of that must have rubbed off on him. He leaves.
Now Kayla is sitting on the sofa, Steve comes out (of what was a bd.rm. door in the past, lol) with a big bowl of popcorn. (They have no kitchen, where the heck did he make that.?) and puts it in her lap. She looks, wondering what is on it. He says salt, butter and parmeson cheese. She makes a face, but tries it. He apologizes saying he should have made it the way she always did, and takes the bowl, tossing it all in the waste basket. She wonders why he is hovering like this, he sits down saying he just likes to be close to her. She puts her arm around him, and her head on his shoulder.

Chloe comes down in her P.J.s to find Philip reading the paper. He remarks about her sleeping in again, she grabs some coffee, then asks him for a big favor. He says he already gave her his team of lawyers to help her out, what more? They now go back and forth about him letting her stay there, his father not happy about it, convinced she had something to do with Brady’s disappearance, but Philip does accept her word she had nothing to do with it. She finally tells him she is running out of money, can’t afford to get a place of her own, hotel would cost even more, yada, yada. Long story short, she wants him to let her stay a while longer. He is not happy at the request, knowing Victor will have a fit, but agrees. And now out she runs to the front porch, bringing in more luggage than the Queen of England would use in her travels. Philip is shocked, she says this all was in storage, and just the essentials for everyday living. LOL. She asks if he is not going to help her take it all upstairs. Nope. LOLOL Later, Philip is about to go into the library, and hears Chloe on the phone, talking in German. He steps back for a bit, then goes in to get a folder off a desk, smiles at her, but sneakily manages to turn on a tape recorder. When she hangs up she tells him she was just having some additional items shipped to her from Austria. She walks out, Philip calls someone, saying to get over there pronto. The guy can, of course, interpret German, telling Philip she was talking to her agent, saying she made a lot of money for him, and he owes her, and then asking him not to say anything about her arguments with Brady, especially her phrase “I could kill you”, as it was just a figure of speech, not meant literally, and if he does so, she will owe him.

Chloe walks in, asking what is going on here.

Thanks Barb ...

Where is everybody? no comments yet!
I wish they would either move the Chloe/Brady/Philip story line along or kill it. It's been filler for long enough. Anyone heard any spoilers to indicate this will be an actual story? Right now it seems like they are just dragging it out to give the actors some screen time.
Thanks for the write up. Max got off with community service. (Wonder if Victor had anything to do with that) I thought for sure he would get more then that. Sounds like a good show.
I am new to the site, but have been reading for a very long time. I can't wait to see what happens "tomorrow" every morning!! The summaries are really well written---succinct and relevant. Thanks for making my mornings!! (I just retired and am having fun filling up my days with new activities!")

I really want Bo to get better soon and to get an idea about Brady. I also want some resolution about John's identity so we can reasonably believe who he is. When will Stefano wake up do you think?????
I am intrigued with Ava Vitali's obviously mob type father, why he keeps such a close check on his daughter.....and why he seemingly does not know of her obsession with Patch and vow of revenge.
And why would Max take out a page from Nick's presentation for his grant?
I am intrigued with Ava Vitali's obviously mob type father, why he keeps such a close check on his daughter.....and why he seemingly does not know of her obsession with Patch and vow of revenge.
And why would Max take out a page from Nick's presentation for his grant?

I wondered the same thing myself...about Max taking a page out of Nick's presentation? That doesn't seem to make any sense????? Anyone have any idea about that?
When are Steve and Kayla going to move out of that blasted hotel?????????
I'm starting to wonder if it's one of those residential hotels where you rent a suite and pay monthly, like in an apartment.
Am I invisible on this forum??? I am fairly new here and, on my first post, I never got a hello, welcome or nothing!:( Did I pick a bad screen name or something? I'm just trying to belong!

OK...I'm just kidding around. I'm not really that needy. Just wanted to stir up a reaction from someone!:smile:

Love this site...I'm here everyday. Opinions, write-ups, thoughts are all great!
Am I invisible on this forum??? I am fairly new here and, on my first post, I never got a hello, welcome or nothing!:( Did I pick a bad screen name or something? I'm just trying to belong!

OK...I'm just kidding around. I'm not really that needy. Just wanted to stir up a reaction from someone!:smile:

Love this site...I'm here everyday. Opinions, write-ups, thoughts are all great!

I feel your pain Ruby Rat. I was just a reader & then started posting some ides on the writers page & it has had one reply. But like you I am really here to just read these daily write up!! Barb does a wonderful job.

Also along with others posted...I am wondering why Max took this page. Seems like we would have some sorta lead up to why Max took this page..but looks like this is the beginning of the story...Has me guessing!
Opps! Sorry, Ruby! I'm usually just skimming the posts and I missed that you're new. Welcome aboard!
I'd like to know what was written on the page that lead Max to take it. like me, you really like me.....oops, sorry a little oscar leftovers! LOL

I'm also very confused with the max stealing the page. Should be interesting where that goes! I hope Max isn't going to do something to hurt Nick....for the life of me, I can't figure that one out!
:rotfl: :clap: :welcome: O.K. Ruby, you got our attention, and have a terrific sense of humor. You and Phil will be dueling posts before long. Actually, we have a New User forum/thread, and that is where we try to say glad to have you aboard.....kind of things.

I have been hunting around to try and see if I can find some mention of Max's intent, to no avail.
RubyRat- glad to have you here! Hope to "see" you around! You too, sugardoll! Glad to see another Louisianian around!

I have a feeling that Max will have some anger issues with Pop's death and takes them out on Nick? Other than that, I have no clue why Max would be mad at Nick...maybe because he pushed Chelsea to rat out Stephanie and got him community service?

I am intrigued by Patch and Ava, but I am tired of Steve sneaking around and lying to Kayla. That man so needs a job just to have something to do. He seems to just be bumbling around.

I hope Philip catches on to Chloe because this seems to more than enough filler for me!
Not only does Steve need to get a job, so does half of Salem. No one seems to work. Marlena hasnt seen a patient in who knows how long. Sami hasnt had a job in forever and still seems to be able to pay rent. Wish I had that magical money coming in.....