Monday, October 22nd


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, October 22, 2007

Episode 10,681 Taped 9/28 Director – Albert Alarr

Bo & Shawn are still on the docks, talking of Shawn’s impending stint in the police academy. Bo seems to be trying to talk Shawn out of becoming a policeman, and using Hope’s concern as the reason. Bo talks about John, about Zack, how worried Hope would be. He uses Shawn’s family, how Claire could possibly grow up without a dad, how hard it was to watch John die. Shawn asks how Gramma & Grampa reacted when Bo told them he wanted to be a policeman. She hit him with a huge spatula, laughs Bo, who finally admits he, himself, is worried about losing his son. Just then Commander Flynn comes by on a run with his recruits. He stops, gets introduced to Shawn, and ends up inviting Shawn to join him and some other recruits at 5 a.m. for breakfast. He leaves, Shawn & his dad say good-bye.

Marlena, Belle & Shawn are sitting in her bed at her apartment, with Marlena saying under no circumstances does she want them moving in with her. They both have their own families and she does not need a baby sitter. The girls talk of just being support and family, but Marlena will have none of that. The talk turns to Sami’s intention of marrying EJ to end the vendetta. Marlena is very against it, as is Belle. Both try to talk Sami out of it. Marlena assures her it will not end the vendetta. Belle asks if Sami is rewarding the DiMeras for killing her father, but Sami just doesn’t want any more of their loved ones hurt. She feels Stefano will be dead in a year, and she then can tell EJ adios. Marlena assures her that EJ will not let her go back to Lucas, would see her dead first. Sami claims EJ loves her, and Marlena counters with how Stefano claimed he loved her, too. And look what he has done. Belle tries her best, too, but Sami will not be dissuaded. Marlena asks why she thinks becoming a DiMera will end the vendetta. Sami inisists she will never be a DiMera, but will always be a Brady. Now Marlena asks what happens when Stefano wants an heir, someone to carry on the generations. Sami is shocked, but says no way, EJ has promised they will share separate quarters, and he will lie to Stefano that they are sleeping together. Finally Belle seems to side with her sister. It is her decision. Belle has to leave to pick up Claire. Sami has to go. Both leave. Marlena paces a bit, picks up the blue shirt, holds it, then picks up the phone and makes a call.

At the hospital, Steve, Kayla & Philip await word on Pocket. Philip is holding his jaw, where Steve decked him, Kayla asks if he is o.k. They argue a bit about the baby being called Pocket or Tyler, Philip insisting he will take Tyler home with him, the Johnson’s saying he has not been declared the father yet, tho Kayla does believe he is. Mrs. Meyer and Dr. Davidhoff come out with news, Pocket has a rare genetic disorder called MMA. His body produces chemicals which interfere with his digestion, very treatable, with meds and special diet. Now the other foster parents arrive, a very nice couple called the Wilkins. Everyone gets introduced. Mrs. Meyers tells Steve and Kayla the case against them is closed, and tells Philip she has spoken on his behalf in Family Court, and they await a decision. The Wilkins obviously adore Pocket, and are oohing and aahing all over him. Mrs. Meyers tells the others the Wilkins actually want to adopt Pocket. Philip watches them with the baby, seeing how they care about him. The Johnsons do the same.
Kayla mentions Philip already signing away his rights to the baby, and why does he want him now. She thinks perhaps that big mansion is pretty lonely, with only him rattling around in it all by himself. Steve tells him he should get a dog. LOL. The Wilkins have left with the baby, but not before both Steve and Kayla get to say good-bye. Philip leaves, too. Steve and Kayla are a bit teary eyed, as they know they will not see him again, and they knew it was temporary…..but maybe sometime in the future, they will have another baby. Steve says for right now, let’s concentrate on our own little family, you, me and Stephanie.

At the church, Belle is lighting a candle, when Philip comes in. He talks of seeing Tyler, mentions his rare congential disease, and how he watched the Wilkins with the baby. He thinks perhaps he is going to give up his right to him, and let the Wilkins adopt the boy. Before you know it, he is talking of the hole in his heart, and how Belle could fill it, he loves her, and wants her back. He kisses her, she does not resist at all. Outside, we see Shawn arriving at the church, going into the foyer and opening the door to the church proper.
But when we see the other side of door as it opens, it is Sami, rushing into Marlena’s bd.rm. asking what is wrong. Marlena did like the way they left things before (she is now wearing that blue shirt) and wanted to see Sami again. Suddenly Sami doubles over in pain, labor pain. Marlena calls for an ambulance & Lucas…and Sami doubles over even worse. The pains are too close together, and the babies are coming, Sami says, NOW! :sun:

Sounds like when Philip found out the baby had a medical problem, he changed his mind pretty quickly! Shame on him!
He's been waffling all along, as he was searching, saying maybe Tyler would be better off if he never found him, that maybe he already had two loving parents who could give him the kind of family that Philip doesn't feel he can. I think that's both want your child desperately and to feel that maybe you aren't good enough for them....
I agree Katt. This is one time I won't be so hard on Philip. Now....revealing his feelings to Belle when she is going through such a hard time is completely thoughtless.
Ah, but it is the Kirikis way...Strike while the iron is hot.
I am so glad your back with this site. I was going insane for 2 days. :woohoo:
i can't believe i'm saying this, but i can't wait for chloe to come to salem so philip will leave belle alone. he's a user and abuser, if you ask me. i don't think he ever really wanted pocket/taylor, it was just an excuse to keep belle close, looking for some sympathy. as for belle, i'm sure she is in a state of shock after seeing her dad struck down and then die. people don't think clearly when they are in full blown grief. hopefully, she wasn't thinking clearly when she let philip kiss her and proclaim his love for her, and that she will realize this later when her head gets straight. i mean, shawn is just such a good guy to her, she shouldn't let him go.

so...come on, little miss vain, (i mean chloe), come to salem and take philip away with you as soon as possible.
I understand that Belle is really upset over father's death but that's still no excuse to kiss or sleep with Philip. "I wasn't thinking" doesn't cut it. I know she's distraught, but if she's looking for that kind of comfort, shouldn't she go to Shawn for it, he is after all the man she claims to love. I think Marlena is right, once EJ has Sami, he will not let her go.
If Kirsten Storms were playing Belle this type of storyline wouldn't have even made the light of day! I believe the actor makes the character and therefore can also determine storylines. The old Belle wouldn't even dream of being with Philip. Oh well. I think everyone is getting tired of ALL the storylines on this show. They keep on going around and round and nothing is developing, nothing is changing.
I will defend Philip. He is scared and alone and probably thinking he would not be good enough to take care of him with his illness. I though he was thinking of the baby and not himself. But I am sure he will step up and take him back.
I think if Philip had fought to take his son away from that family people would have been railing on him for that too.

I do think he should fight for his son but I also understand him hesitating. It is a natural reaction. Parents want the best for their kids and it is a strong person who can realize that they may not be what's best for them.

I'm not making Philip into a saint here... I just think he is messed up and needs some serious therapy and that maybe he had a moment of clarity and realizes that perhaps he wouldn't be a good parent right now. I don't know. :)I just don't think it was a matter of him realizing that Tyler's condition would mean some hard work for him. I mean he's rich! He could hire a nanny who was also a nurse to help care for Tyler.

Now as for Philip and Belle... honestly I say more power to them! I'm tired of the triangle and tired of Belle being wishy-washy. Philip has not had to try very hard at all to be an obstacle for Shawn and Belle, which only makes me believe Belle wants to be with Philip. So I say let him have her and let Shawn have someone that's his and ONLY his.
philip is just selfish..

He's not concerned about double parents for the baby... else he wouldn't have went after claire... Shawn was gonna let belle and philip keep claire. initially when he found out he was the dad...

he just wants belle. and now they he found pocket.. there is no reason for belle to hang around feeling sorry for him.. so he's gonna have to abort the mission.. and start a new one.. target = getting Ms. Belle.
Finally Sami is going into labor!!! :shocked: A death always brings life, as they say.
so are the days of our lives...

I just wish Sami would forget about this marriage to EJ.:angry: I have found myself yelling at the tv for her to grow a brain and listen to her family for once. IMO, EJ will never let her go, because deep, deep down, where his tiny little heart is, he really does love her. But it isn't healthy love, it's obsession. IMO.

So it sounds like DR. Marlena might have to deliver these babies. Maybe that will help her. I hope the labor scene isn't just 2 pushes and she's done. That is so unrealistic. Oh yeah, this IS a soap! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Philip has no story line if he is giving up rights to his son so that seems silly to me. For him to go after Belle is exploitative and it's only because she and Shawn are so boring together. Shawn is now going to seem to Belle like a hothead who stupidly (to her) wants to be a cop which will be a deal-breaker for her since her dad just died, I would guess. By the way why is Philip alone in the mansion? Victor just returned for the funeral; did I miss his explanation of his future plans? He was so passionate about family and now he's going to just leave Salem for good, and not even discuss taking Philip with him? Of course not; Phil has to remain to see Chloe. And it will be interesting to see why Brady doesn't accompany her! (not that his being on another soap will be the answer LOL)
Oh and when do we get to see Stefano explain the Sami Brady Roberts DNA results envelope? Will the twins actually be EJ's? Will they be able to tell when they're born!? LOL Guess it's a good thing that both Belle and Sami are Marlena's daughters - neither of them made it to the hospital to deliver their babies!
I can't believe Steve has the nerve to pretend to be the better parent, yet he is throwing punches in the hospital and cannot control his own reckless daughter with a mess of a life. If a biological parent wants their child, if they are fit to be a parent which I believe Philip is, they should without a doubt have their child. There is no reason in the world to keep his baby from him. It's time for Kayla and Steve to either take their own advice and get a dog or start being real parents to their wild child. Stephanie could use a good wake up call!

How could Shawn do this to Belle after all that she has been through. They are looking towards a marriage and he is still going out and making life changing choices without her. Like it or not he has more to think about than himself, and if his future wife (if that ever happens) is this unhappy with him becoming a cop it is time for him to look in another direction. I'm sick of Shawn always acting like a child, doing what he wants when he wants regardless of the people that love him. I'm happy for Philip and Belle, I really do think that Belle could use someone solid in her life right now.
How could I forget about the Sami Brady Roberts DNA envelope? :shocked: Surely they will mention it on the next episode.
:OT: I have been wondering when they are finally going to tell what really happened to Colleen.
Another question that I need answered: how did Santo die or did he? I guess I have missed that part. :?:
I am so glad the site is back up, thanks so much for taking the time to keep us up to date on the Salem happenings!!!
How could Shawn do this to Belle after all that she has been through. They are looking towards a marriage and he is still going out and making life changing choices without her. Like it or not he has more to think about than himself, and if his future wife (if that ever happens) is this unhappy with him becoming a cop it is time for him to look in another direction.

I don't think I quite understand this. Shawn talked it over with Belle about becoming a policeman and she was o.k. with it. Actually, she is the one who decided to go into nurses' training w/o telling him....however they did talk it over and both were fine with it.
Anyway, she is not unhappy with this, in fact was sympathetic with him when his burns and hospital stay delayed his start in the academy.
Do what? Shawn never talked to Belle before he enrolled into police training. Belle was off out of town with Philip when Shawn did this, and when Belle found out she was furious. She was sympathetic towards him when he was burned, but has since then changed her mind once again. They discussed this again in todays ep. when Shawn was at the dock running with Bo, he said Belle doesn't want him to do it again and neither does his mother. Shawn is a big boy, he doesn't have to have mom and dad's approval, but if he plans on marrying Belle they both need to learn to actually talk to one another. That marriage is doomed before it even started. Sheesh! :shocked: