Nathan's Dilemma

wow what a great story! I'm thinking the rape thing too. Why else would Melissa hide the paternity? Can't wait to find out!
I was thinking rape as well. Just by the way that Melissa reacted to the name. Thanks for the chapter. This story is great.
Hopefully there will be a new chapter later today. I am loving this story!
(Java Cafe)

Carly walks in and spots Jennifer at the counter.

Carly: Jen!
Jennifer: Carly, hey! Where have you been hiding?
Carly: At the hospital unfortunately.
Jennifer: That bad huh?
Carly: Its what I love, but hopefully my phone stays silent the rest of the evening.
Jennifer: I know the feeling.

Carly orders a coffee and they sit down at a table.

Jennifer: So tell me, why all the work load?

Carly looks at her confused.

Carly: Because its my job?
Jennifer: Sure, but twenty four seven? Your burying yourself in work because of Bo arent you?
Carly: I guess you see right through me. But I suppose its the result your family wanted.

Jennifer takes her hand.

Jennifer: Hope is my cousin and I will always believe that she and Bo belong together. But even so, you are still my friend.

Carly smiles.

Carly: Thanks Jen. That means alot.
Jennifer: So have you talked to Bo?
Carly: No. He has left me a couple messages but I didnt call back. He needs to concentrate on whats best for Ciara right now.
Jennifer: True, Ciara has been through alot. She is one brave little girl.
Carly: That she is.

The server brings their coffees to the table.

Carly: So what about you? Have you spoke to Jack?
Jennifer: I have, once.
Carly: Just once?
Jennifer: He says he loves me of course, but apparently not enough to leave the assignment in London.
Carly: I'm so sorry Jen.
Jennifer: Jack has always dreamed big, just often to big. At this point I dont know what's going to happen.

Both of their phones suddenly beep. They smile.

Jennifer: Arent we popular?

They both read their text's.

Jennifer: That was Aunt Maggie, she is catching a plane to Nashville tonight, asked me to look after her house.
Carly: What a coincidence. Mine was from Melanie, she is taking her vacation days and going with Maggie, said she would call me later.

Carly looks at Jennifer.

Carly: Is anything going on?
Jennifer: It's Nathan.
Carly: Nathan?
Jennifer: He found out some devastating news, he left for his moms in Nashville last night.
Carly: Your cousin Melissa? Is everything alright?
Jennifer: I'm not sure. But I do know both Melissa and Nathan need all the support they can get right now.

(Salem Airport)

Maggie and Melanie sit in the terminal. Maggie whipes a tear out of her eye, Melanie hugs her.

Melanie: It's going to be ok.
Maggie: I hope your right. Nathan was never supposed to know the truth.
Melanie: We are going to be there for him, we will see him through this.
Maggie: I never should have let him leave yesterday in the state of mind he was in. What is wrong with me?!
Melanie: Maggie, we both know how Nathan is. He would have left regardless of anyones protest.
Maggie: I thought the truth was buried! How could this have happened?
Melanie: I dont know, but whats important is that we stay strong for him.

Maggie looks at her.

Maggie: I should not have told you what happened.
Melanie: Why?
Maggie: Nobody should be subjected to this burden.
Melanie: Dont say that! You and Nathan will never be a burden to me!
Maggie: But this is to much!
Melanie: Nothing will ever be to much. You took me in when I had nothing and nobody. And Nathan has always been there for me.

Maggie forces a smile.

Melanie: Besides, I went through my own parenting issues.
Maggie: Yes, yes you did.
Melanie: I want to be there for you both. I would not have it any other way.
Maggie: Nathan loves you Melanie, and he needs you now more than ever.

Melanie smiles and hugs her again. The boarding call for their flight comes over the speaker.

(Melissa's House, Nashville)

Melissa continues to stare at Nathan in shock.

Nathan: Mom, who is Watson?

She slowly sits down on the couch and puts a hand over her mouth. Tears start to fall down her cheeks. Nathan walks over and sits down beside her.

Nathan: Mom, please tell me.

She looks at him and shakes her head.

Melissa: How? How did you find out about Wes?

Nathan takes out the letter and hands it to her. Melissa reads it, whiping tears out of her eyes the whole time.

Melissa: My god!
Nathan: Is it true? Is he my father?

Melissa looks up and stares at the wall. All the memories come rushing back to her:

The crowd erupts in applause. Melissa smiles and takes a bow. "Lets hear it for Melissa Horton" the announcer calls over the PA system.

Melissa leaves the stage and goes back to the dressing room. Her manager Wade Williams comes in, Melissa looks at him.

Melissa: Well?
Wade: John Miller loved you!

Melissa jumps up and screams in delight. They hug.

Melissa: Oh my god! An executive from Nashville Records really loved me?!
Wade: I wouldnt lie darling! He wants us at their headquarters next week to audition for the entire executive panel.
Melissa: Oh my god! I dont believe this!
Wade: Well believe it! All your hard work and dedication has finally paid off!

Melissa hugs him again.

Melissa: Thank you for believing in me Wade.
Wade: There was never any doubt when I first saw you three years ago that you were something special. I just hate that it took me three years to convince an executive to come out and see you.
Melissa: Well, it has been worth the wait!

A loud commotion suddenly comes from the hallway. Wade opens the door, two of the clubs bouncers are breaking up a fight. He shuts the door back.

Wade: Damn this club! I'll be glad to get you away from b.s. like this!
Melissa: Its just some rowdy boys Wade.

He lets out a laugh.

Wade: Look, I have to meet John Miller at the diner down the street, we are going to finalize everything.
Melissa: Great.
Wade: I will drop by your place later.
Melissa: Sounds good.

Wade opens the door again. He spots a bouncer at the end of the hallway.

Wade: Hey Wes!

Wes walks to the door.

Wade: Hey bud, Melissa will be out in a few minutes, can you make sure she gets to her car ok?
Wes: Sure thing. I am about to get off myself but I will wait for her.
Wade: Thanks pal.

Wade shuts the door back.

Wade: Wes is going to see you out. I'm gonna get going.
Melissa: Thanks Wade.

She watches him leave out the door. Down the hall in the restroom Wes chugs down another beer. He tosses the bottle in the trash and takes a small baggie out of his pocket. He scoops the white powder out with his fingers and snorts it. He takes a deep breathe and closes his eyes for a second. He puts the baggie back into his pocket and walks back into the hall. The door to the dressing room opens and Melissa walks out.

Melissa: Ready?
Wes: After you.

They leave through the back double doors and into the parking lot.

Melissa: Wow, its dark!
Wes: Hold up, I have a flashlight in my truck. Its parked right here.

Melissa watches him get the flashlight out of the truck. He clicks it on and smiles.

Wes: Lead the way.

They start to walk towards her car.

Wes: I've been telling those idiots to call the electric company about the light pole back here. Its been out for weeks!
Melissa: Gonna have to stay on them I suppose.
Wes: Yep.

They make it to her car.

Melissa: I appreciate the escort Wes.

She turns around when he doesnt reply. He stands there holding the flashlight, but is now holding his head with his other hand and his eyes closed.

Melissa: Hey? Are you ok?

He opens his eyes and looks at her. He suddenly hits her over the head with the flashlight, she falls to the pavement unconscious. Two hours later Melissa opens her eyes. Her vision is blurry and she winces in pain. She is able to comprehend that she is laying in weeds in a wooded area. A cool breeze suddenly hits her legs. She then realizes her pants have been removed.

Melissa looks back at Nathan, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

Nathan: Mom, please tell me the truth! Is this man my father?

Melissa closes her eyes and nods.

Nathan: He is?
Melissa: Yes.

Nathan stands up and walks to the other side of the room.

Nathan: Why have you lied to me all these years?! Why did you tell me Pete was my father?!
Melissa: Because I wanted to protect you.
Nathan: Protect me? Protect me from what?!
Melissa: I wanted to protect you from the truth.

Nathan looks at her.

Nathan: What is the truth?

She looks down at the floor.

Melissa: This man Wes.
Nathan: Yes?!
Melissa: He raped me!

Nathan's eyes go wide. He walks backwards into the wall. He starts to shake as tears roll down his face. He slowly sinks to the floor. He looks at her and shakes his head.

Nathan: no! no! no!
Will, that was a very good way of getting the horror of Melissa's situation across. You handled the rape as delicately as possible, yet portrayed the drastic affect on Melissa (and Nathan) after all these years. Kudos.
A very sincere thank you to everyone who has followed the story. All the wonderful feedback is greatly appreciated and helps to keep me motivated. I assumed that speculation of rape would indeed start before my reveal. I hope my decision to go this route does not leave a sour taste for anyone. I have second-guessed this decision many times and even brainstormed other alternatives, but my conclusion was to stick with my original plans. Again, thank you so much for reading.
That was something. Will, everything Red says I totally agree with. I am very interested in this story and looking forward to seeing every chapter. Well done Will, I'm glad you stuck with your original did wonderfully.
You handled the telling of the rape very delicately....thank you for not going into detail. Your writing has a way of letting the reader "see" what is going on and seems to stay true to the characters you write about, as do many of the writers on here. Very good chapter!
It was a great chapter. Very well done. Thanks for this story. I am absolutely in love with it and cannot wait to read more!
Wow. That was just amazing. So well written. The horror of the event was put so well across yet none of the graphic details. So looking forward to the rest of the story. Thanks Will
I am speechless. Thank you you for your decision to stay true to your original story. This chapter was extremely powerful and well written. I look forward to seeing how it progresses.
The next morning:

(I-40 Motel)

Melanie and the hotel manager, Mr. Smith, walk down the sidewalk to room 29.

Melanie: Thank you for doing this Mr. Smith.
Smith: We usually do not let anyone into occupied rooms, but the police show up this morning asking about this fella, then you show up, not to mention he was very rude to my clerk last night.

He looks at her and sighs.

Smith: I dont mean to be rude Miss, but if you could get him out of here it would be best. I mean, I hope he is alright and all, but just seems like to much trouble.
Melanie: If you knew what he was going through you would understand. But I will see what I can do.
Smith: Thank you.

He unlocks the door and walks off. Melanie slowly turns the knob and pushes the door open. She notices the smell of booze instantly. She sees Nathan passed out on the bed. She shuts the door and sets her purse on the table. She walks over to him and strokes his hair. He opens his eyes and looks at her. She smiles.

Melanie: Hey you.

Nathan blinks a couple times and closes his eyes back.

Nathan: Melanie, what are you doing here?
Melanie: Maggie and I flew in. We got to your moms in the middle of the night.

Nathan sits up and winces. Melanie notices the empty bottle of vodka on the nightstand.

Melanie: Let me get you a cup of water.

She goes into the bathroom and fills up a plastic cup from the faucet. She brings it back to him. He takes it but sits it on the nightstand.

Melanie: You should drink up, you need some fluids in your body.

He rubs his head and looks at her.

Nathan: You shouldnt have come here.
Melanie: I wanted to.
Nathan: Well, youve seen me, Im ok. Now go back.

He lays back down. Melanie shakes her head.

Melanie: No you're not ok, and Im not going anywhere.
Nathan: Dont start with me Mel, just go!
Melanie: Maggie told me the truth about your father.

He looks at her.

Nathan: How nice of her. Atleast she didnt make you wait twenty five years!
Melanie: Nathan, they were trying to protect you.

He lets out a sarcastic laugh and shakes his head.

Nathan: Thats all I keep hearing! Trying to protect me! What the hell does it matter if its a lie?!

Melanie sits down on the edge of the bed.

Nathan: Wait a second! How did you even know where to find me?
Melanie: Your mom told us that you stormed out of the house last night. She has a friend with the local police, they found your car here and got back to her. I asked Maggie to let me come and talk to you.
Nathan: Thats my mom! She has many connections in this town! Entertainment managers, police officers, and I guess we can add a rapist to the list!
Melanie: Nathan-
Nathan: Just go back to Salem Mel! Leave me alone!
Melanie: I am not going to leave you!
Nathan: Dont waste your time! Go back to Salem! Go back to Philip! I'm sure you would rather be with a cheater instead of a *******!

Melanie gasps and covers her mouth.

Nathan: What?! Is the truth to hard to handle!? CAUSE THATS WHAT I AM!

He jumps up off the bed and pushes the nightstand over. Melanie gets up and grabs his shoulders.

Melanie: You are not a *******!

He pulls out of her grip and walks to the other side of the room.

Nathan: Why did they lie?! WHY?!
Melanie: Your mom did what she thought was best for you, just like mine did for me when I was born! Rather it was right or wrong, she only had your best interest at heart.

Nathan looks at her coldly.

Nathan: If she really wanted what was best for me, she should have had a damn abortion!

Melanie covers her mouth again and starts to cry. She shakes her head.

Nathan: I would kill myself before I put such a burden on a child!
Melanie: But what happened does not define you or your mom! You know that!
Nathan: Who I am is irrelevant now.
Melanie: It is not! You are a loving and caring person that has dedicated your life to helping others.

He lets out another laugh.

Nathan: When its a lie, it doesnt matter.
Melanie: Who you are is not a lie!
Nathan: I actually thought I was a role model for the Horton family. Someone they could be proud of.
Melanie: You are!
Nathan: Not now! Not anymore!
Melanie: Yes you are! You always will be!
Nathan: Not when you are the son of a rapist! DAMNIT!!!!

He turns and punches a hole through the bathroom door.

Melanie: NATHAN!

He stumbles to the small table in the corner and sits down. He takes a deep and looks down at the floor.

Nathan: Get out of here Melanie, please just go.
Melanie: Your hand is cut.
Nathan: I dont care about my hand, just get out please.
Melanie: No, Im staying here with you.

Nathan looks at her.

Nathan: Why? Youve seen what I have become. Youve seen what I am now. A *******!
Melanie: No, what I see is someone running. What I see is someone being very selfish!
Nathan: Selfish? What?
Melanie: All the feelings you are having, you have every right to be feeling them! Anger, hurt, betrayal, confusion, everything! But you have to remember that your mom is a victim to! She lived through this horror and is re-living it now that you know the truth.

He looks back down at the floor.

Melanie: No matter what you are feeling right now, it's just a disguise! Because the person you are is my rock!

He looks at her.

Melanie: Since we have known each other, no matter the circumstances in my life, you have always been there for me! Even when we were sick with the loma virus, you were still my rock!
Nathan: I should have just died!

He gets up and walks over to the bed.

Melanie: You dont mean that.
Nathan: Yes I do. I dont care anymore Melanie. I just dont care.
Melanie: I will never believe that! All those patients that love you! All your family and friends that are here for you!
Nathan: Whatever.
Melanie: No, its not whatever! We are all here for you!

He looks at her.

Nathan: Look at me! I am the product of a rape! I am the result of the worst horror of my mothers life!
Melanie: I am looking at you, and I see none of that!
Nathan: I am a mistake, plain and simple!
Melanie: You are not a mistake! You have told me yourself that everything happens for a reason!
Nathan: No! Not something like this!

She walks over and puts her hand on his shoulder.

Melanie: There are so many horrors in this world Nathan, and some things can never be understood. But I do know you are not a mistake.

He sits down on the bed, she sits down beside him. He starts to tear up.

Nathan: How am I ever supposed to go on now Melanie? How?
Melanie: I dont know, but I am going to be here with you every step of the way until we figure it out.

He begins to cry harder.

Nathan: I cant take this!

She pulls him into a hug as he sobs.

Melanie: I know, and thats why I am going to take it with you.

She cradles his head onto her lap. They both sit and cry.
Very well written...filled with raw emotion and tenderness. Kudos.