SPOILER !! New photo chart shows one actor missing


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Dec 4, 2006
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Thanks to Freddie Smith's (Sonny) photo from the makeup room today, we got a new look at the updated cast member photo chart, confirming at least one departure of the contract cast.

In the most recent chart we had from August (photo on the left), the third row had (in order): Thia Megia (Haley), Matthew Ashford (Jack), Kassie DePaiva (Eve) and Arianne Zucker (Nicole).

The new photo (photo on the right) shows only one photo in between Thia Megia (Haley) and Arianne Zucker (Nicole), meaning either Jack or Eve is no longer on contract. Unfortunately Freddie Smith's (Sonny) phone is in the way, so we don't know whose picture is missing from the chart.

I really like Kassie DePaiva (Eve).
I know most people do not like Eve and she annoys me sometimes, but I do feel for her with the loss of her only child. I don't know that I would ever get over that.
I am a big big fan of Ben, but I might want revenge on him too if it was my daughter or son he killed. Just saying.
I do feel for her in some ways.
I like the actress, but detest the character of Eve. As to her constant mention of Paige......if I remember right, Paige was in Salem on her own, no parent. Her mother did not treat her well at all, left her to fend for herself. Even when Paige first died, and the years after, Eve did not even mention her. There are many other characters on Days who have lost their child, wife, husband. Sure, some died of illnesses, but they still lost them. Even Sami, the wild child, did not carry on like Eve after she lost Will.
But sans her sorrow after the loss of Paige, Eve has done nothing but nasty, evil, underhanded things to others. Constantly. Her vendetta against Jennifer is ridiculous. Her treatment of Jack abominable. To destroy Jack's only chance (so far) of remembering his children, their births, growing up, special days is sinking so low. Does she think this will get Jack back in her bed, her arms? She just keeps sinking lower and lower, lying, manipulating, refusing to help anyone, unless it benefits her.
Truly hope Matt Ashford (Jack) is still on board, and Eve no longer a problem for all.
Poirot, you said what I was thinking. Yes, the heartbreak of losing a child is unbearable but Eve didn't even seem like a mother to Paige. She was always too obsessed back then with getting a man--any man--into her bed, she had little time for her daughter. In recent times, she's just been evil and conniving. Getting a man is a plus if her schemes include that but she seems to just want to be mean and vengeful, even to those who haven't done that much to hurt her--or when their hurting her is a result of what she herself initiated. I don't find anything likeable or sympathetic about this character.
Kassie DePaiva (Eve) has a movie just completed.......Killian & the Comeback Kids..........No idea what that means....
The first photo had better versions of it to see the pictures back in the August 2019 chart, but the blurrier version was the first version I could find to post a comparison.

The new photo is quite blurry, but you just have to match the face blurs. The first 19 actors haven't changed at all.

You can see in the third row in the first photo Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe) is there. In the new photo, she is no longer there, and Rob Wilson (Ben)'s photo moves over to her spot to replace her (and everyone else shifts down a spot in the third row).

Then we have the missing photo of either Jack/Eve blocked by the phone.

After Paul Telfer's (Xander) photo, there is a woman. It's too blurry to tell, but my guess is it's Kate Mansi (Abigail), since Billy Flynn (Chad) seems to be the last photo in the row. Her photo looks just too similar to Stacy Haiduk's (Kristen) to confirm whether Kristen is also gone from the photo.
Someone suggested that Eve destroying the serum may actually be a big benefit in the long run. Imagine Eve out of the picture, and Jack realizing that she never truly had his best interest at heart. So Jack turns to Jennifer - and they slowly get to know each other (without his memory returned) as they search high and low for a new formula (or some other quest). Jack and Jennifer will have the chance to get to know each other as they work together, and with luck, fall back in love - all without Jack remembering. That's a story I could and would truly enjoy - so I'm hoping that it's Kassie DePaiva (Eve) out (no offense to the actress) and we get to watch Jack and Jennifer fall in love - again.
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