Nicole and the evidence


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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Once again I'm confused, maybe I missed something. If someone had found the photo of the shredded evidence on Liam's phone, or the actual taped paper(s), how can they be linked to Nicole? Is there something on them that has her name? AND, considering how he obviously had mental issues, even if he had written her name on them, or even said he saw her do it, would they believe him? Or was/is there a photo of her actually dumping or burning the evidence. I know there was shredded paper found in her garbage (or something like that), but how can it be proven to be what Liam had? Does any of this make sense? What have I missed? :confused:
You didn't miss anything, and I totally agree that this does not make any sense at all. If anything, Nicole should have seen in Liam a perfect way out. Liam would have been accused of hiding things about Chyka (why, nobody knows, but then, when has the Salem PD ever been able to find answers and make charges stick ?) and Nicole would have been in the clear. Mind you, I still hate that Nicole destroyed the evidence instead of coming clean, mainly because it's a stupid plotline, as Eric had made his mind even before Nicole found it and was adamant that he chose her no matter what whether or not any evidence was ever found. Once again, a poorly written story for the sake of cheap drama. But that's :beat: So, to get back on topic, now, Nicole has made things worse by destroying the phone (again, she could have said it got destroyed when she fought with Liam, or that the phone was knocked on the ground and broken, anything really would have made more sense) and throwing it in the hospital room she was in. :eek: Seriously, this is beyond stupid... and frustrating. :beat:
O.K. I agree with all this. there not always a BUT? Nicole was seen shredding documents by Eric, she stupidly carted the shreds around in a plastic bag, stored at Daniel's apt. So he saw it. Who saves shredded paper? So........unless Liam wrote what he saw her doing, disposing of the shreds and burning, and how he "rescued" some, pasted them together, etc. and has it on his computer, there really is no proof of anything.

Except, that Chyka is still alive, and COULD possibly go back to his cabin, find his safe empty, and realize it had to be Nicole who took the items.
This was my whole issue with the show killing Liam. There has to be more to this story. He either has his phone backed up on his computer or he has more evidence hidden somewhere. Maybe he did take a cell phone video of Nicole burning the shreds. That's about the only thing that would make sense.
Yes, he could have a photo, but she could say it was old love letters, or bank statements or old Playgirl centerfolds. How do they prove the shreds were Chyka's notes?
The fact that there's no direct evidence against Nicole may not mean much in Salem. As Theresa can attest to, Salemites don't need proof. Let's say that the shrewd Dr. Evans finds out about the shredded Chyka document -- either the real one in the forest or the electronic version on Liam's battered phone. She knows that Chyka worked for Kristen, that as a scientist he probably kept records, that Nicole was in Chyka's hideout, and that Nicole has the hots for her ex-priest son. There is also no indication that Liam ever had any contact with Chyka. Given the fact both Sami and Marlena do not like or trust Nicole, it might not take too long for suspicions to arise and then for angry accusations to start flying. The grilling that would subsequently be inflicted on the long-suffering Nicole would would make the one recently dished out to Theresa look like a walk in the park.
And, now that Liam has departed this world, he couldn't say anything against Nicole anyways, so she should have left well-enough alone. Destroying the phone would not have been necessary BUT....putting it in the trash bucket in a room in the hospital tells me that someone is going to find it and question whose it was and how it got there. AND, of course, because she tried so hard to demolish it, I don't believe it's beyond repair and someone is going to be curious enough to try. And, then there's the original pasted page laying on the Smith Island ground!!


If that phone is found, there's an excellent chance data could be recovered, and it could be backed up in a cloud. Nicole should have done a better job of getting rid of that phone. :eek:
The dumbest thing about it, to me, is Nicole shredding the stuff in the first place. Chyka got away, and he could easily have had that evidence elsewhere, in a safe deposit box somewhere, another home, anywhere. There was nothing tying those papers to Nicole. She could have just trashed them and nobody would have known, rather than shredding them (with her office door unlocked) and then parading town with that dang plastic bag filled with shreds. Heck, she was staying st Daniel's WHERE THERE IS A FIREPLACE! He's a freaking surgeon, it's not that hard to catch him gone. Plenty of time to make sure everything turned to dust.
The phone would have Nicole's fingerprint's on it - that's dumb Nicole. However, since Liam was a drug rep one could argue he was in cahoots with Chyka and was supplying the drugs to Chyka for the drug cocktail (Kristen wouldn't know who the drug supplier was). So unless they can get Chyka to own up - and I doubt he wants to do that - the dimwit Salem cops could link Liam and Chyka - problem solved - except for that phone ending up in the hospital with Nicole's fingerprints - but, she could argue, she grabbed it by mistake in all the chaos and then threw it away when she saw it had been broken in the fight with Daniel, yeah, that works for me.
Nicole used the excuse that she was taking Liam's phone because it was "newer" and probably had better reception (when she was in the cabin with Jennifer), so Jennifer could back-up Nicole's story on that (and explain Nicole's fingerprints). BUT, once it's found in the trash (and you know it will), that's going to look bad on Nicole since they'll say she should've turned the phone over to Hope to be examined by the techs.
And if this was NCIS, Abby would have that all done (info on the phone) in the blink of an eye. LOL.

Oh, yes, Nicole definitely did not need or should not have thrown that phone in the exam room trash can. And Nicole would never have been that stupid.
The clever Abby certainly would, but, of course, this is the Salem P.D. involved here, a police force that probably still thinks that if the eyes of a murder victim are photographed, the image of the killer will be visible on the retina. (Scotland Yard reportedly tried this with at least one Jack the Ripper victim.) That said, Nicole is hardly the first Salemite to do such remarkably thoughtless things that she would have landed on Jay Leno's old dumb criminals list. However, thanks to the bumbling Salem P.D., with a few notable exceptions, all these careless or clueless perpetrators still roam free. (This is why Hope indignantly asking why nobody called the police about Liam comes across as so ridiculous.)
I agree TamiBelle. I really wish that when the secret comes out, Eric is mad for about five minutes, then comes back and tells Nicole he loves her and he doesn't care. In the scheme of things this secret is so incredibly unimportant. Nicole destroyed evidence that Eric told her not five minutes before that he didn't care about at all. Is it right? No. But really, it was just a momentary lapse of judgment that shouldn't matter in the long run. What Eric said about Nicole being willing to do anything to help her friends is basically true. She made a mistake and it shouldn't cost her her relationship with Eric and her friendship with Daniel, and certainly shouldn't make her the town pariah once again. No matter how much the writers try to make it look that way, Nicole is not the same as Theresa, Kristen or other evildoers simply because she gave into her feelings of insecurity and did one not-her-best-self action.
*sits down next to TamiBelle* I'm with you and Heroic Muse. I'm so tired of Nicole being the writer's punching bag, and it's time she caught a break. Yes, she was a very bad girl for a long time. Now that time is over. She's trying to be good, her heart is in the right place (even if she does some not great things), she will do anything for those she loves. She's learning, and Eric is a good compass for her - just look at the change in her character. She feels guilty and she's scared - the old Nicole would have felt guilty for about 5 seconds and then shrugged it off and went on her way to her next scheme.

I think she needs to be given the chance to live up to Jenn's assessment of her: she's truly a good and wonderful friend. So let her be that. There are far better female villains on this show (Sami, Kate, Theresa, Kristen, Ciara - oh yes, I think she's going to be Theresa 2.0, that little manipulator), so let's have another good girl - not a sticky sweet American sweetheart like Jenn or Abigail are made out to be, but someone who is a little flawed, come back from the dark side, and can go the distance. Nicole is that girl.
If Hope/the other cops never specifically asked for the phone, then Nicole could just say she was just exhausted and not thinking straight, didn't think it would be any good since it was broken. I mean, it's Salem PD... Not like she's going to be in any real trouble.
Nicole telling Daniel (when he found the document in her hotel room) that someone sent it to her at the station, but she couldn't prove who, might make it look like Liam could have had the proof all along. She could spin a story making Liam look like the guilty party. I guess I can point a finger at Liam now that he's gone, lol. The thing is, both Nicole and Daniel agreed to keep quiet about this.