Nicole and the evidence

While I agree that I am very tired of Nicole being a punching bag, I really do not think that telling more lies is the way for her to go here. When both Eric and Nicole thought they were dying, they both said they loved each other. But Eric was only suspended from priestly duties, and had not decided to leave the priesthood yet. Nicole was very excited when she found the evidence to clear him, prove he had been drugged. She was still excited when she got back to Salem.
And then she decided to not tell. She had no idea what Eric was going to do at that point, but she wanted Eric, and nothing was going to stand in her way. So she shredded it all. But her conscience bothered her, she could not bring herself to trash/burn any of it, so carted it around, first in Dan's apt., then her car trunk. And then Eric decides he doesn't care about finding evidence, he loves Nicole and wants to be with her. But...there it was again. The teachings of the church. He had to do a lot of soul searching. And fearful Nicole finally decides to burn the shreds. Only Liam sees her, and manages to rescue and piece together some of the shreds.

I do wish Nicole had brought the evidence out, and she betrayed Daniel, too, in the long run. Would Eric still choose to leave the church? That is something Nicole would never know.
But her conscience still bothered her, and thus, she ended up out on the island, helping to protect Jennifer, etc.
I just do not think any more lies out of Nicole should be the way to go. She really is a good friend, and has suffered a lot. She lost 2 babies, and a cheating husband. She's been abused by her father, sold into the porn industry. Lost Eric once before, is still being villified by Victor, it is time for Nicole to get some happiness. But I don't want her taking advantage of Liam's death to point fingers at him. That will haunt her always, if she did.
I agree 100% with this. I don't want Nicole to "get away" with anything. I want her to come clean and be forgiven. I still think in the scheme of things, this was more a misstep than anything else. I don't think Nicole had ill will towards Eric, and it seemed her desire to get rid of the evidence didn't manifest until after Eric said he was going to hand in his resignation. In any event I don't see this as nearly equivalent to pinning her baby's death on Jen, kidnapping Sydney or any of the other things Nicole used to do.
Nicole might have come clean, but Eric has brought it up over and over about his decision to leave the priesthood because there was no evidence.
She was still excited when she got back to Salem.
And then she decided to not tell. She had no idea what Eric was going to do at that point,

I do agree with some of your points, Poirot. But unless I'm wrong, Nicole did know what Eric was going to do. When she came back with the evidence, she had every intention of telling him about it, but Eric kept cutting her off. He told her he had decided to leave the priesthood and leave the church, no matter what evidence surfaced. Of course, this has been changed since then, Eric has hinted he only left precisely because of the lack of evidence, all this in order to make Nicole appear as a horrible person and to make way for another round of "let's get in line, judge Nicole and spit on her, reminding her of every mistake she ever made, including things she had no control over like being in pornography". So while I do wish she had come clean, there are somewhat extenuating circumstances. Unwillingly, Eric made Nicole believe she was the only one that mattered to him, that no evidence would change his feelings for her. And he's been somewhat toying with her ever since also, first proposing marriage, knowing full well they could not get married in church, then backing down, then changing his mind again. So really, this whole storyline is pretty unfair because I think Eric should take some blame, but of course, he never will and poor Nicole will be once again a pariah.
Thank you Writer! That's how I remember it too. Nicole had every intention of telling Eric about the evidence but she allowed her emotions and insecurity to take over. He supposedly had an epiphany at the monastery deciding he wanted to leave the priesthood and be with Nicole no matter what the outcome of the investigation. That's when Nicole's judgment got clouded over and she made the conscious decision to withhold the evidence from him because she was worried he would change his mind and leave her for the church if given the choice. Ever since those scenes they have tried to make it seem like Eric was always intending to go back to being a priest, which is simply not true. I think there's a part of her that felt justified in her decision to destroy the evidence because in her mind the decision was already made.
For some reason, I seem to remember Nicole having all those papers and documents spread out all over the sofa, tables, desks, etc. In daniel's place, as she went over them. And she had them all gathered up and put back into the folders when Daniel came home, and was yammering, and Nicole decided not to tell of finding the evidence. And once she did step led to another, and if she did, it would be "why did you not tell right away" etc. Eric had not even seen her yet, It was Daniel who came home, or back. It is how they hooked up after their mutal "experience".
I remember it the way TheWriter does too. I specifically remember thinking that the reason she was carrying the evidence around and not telling Eric was because she hadn't talked to Daniel yet and discussed with him what they should do. When Nicole came home, she was all excited, saw Brady, then Eric came by and kept cutting her off, saying he was going to choose her no matter what, and she said several times Eric should wait to give in his resignation in case evidence appeared but he said absolutely not, he wanted to be with her regardless. Daniel came home some time later but Hope was there so Nicole did not have a chance to talk to him privately, brief hug and she went out to talk with Eric some more prior to shredding the papers.

The whole storyline with Eric wanting to get married in the church was, in my opinion, there only to rewrite history and make it appear that Nicole was doing a horrible thing by withholding the evidence that would clear him. When Eric left the priesthood, he suddenly began standing up to Marlena in a way he had not done previously and he also stood up to Theresa, telling her specifically, "I'm not a priest anymore; I can finally say what I think." Until the writers decided we're supposed to hate Nicole, Eric's actions implied to me that he felt stifled by the priesthood and was relieved to finally be who he really was.
Thank you Writer! That's how I remember it too. Nicole had every intention of telling Eric about the evidence but she allowed her emotions and insecurity to take over. He supposedly had an epiphany at the monastery deciding he wanted to leave the priesthood and be with Nicole no matter what the outcome of the investigation. That's when Nicole's judgment got clouded over and she made the conscious decision to withhold the evidence from him because she was worried he would change his mind and leave her for the church if given the choice. Ever since those scenes they have tried to make it seem like Eric was always intending to go back to being a priest, which is simply not true. I think there's a part of her that felt justified in her decision to destroy the evidence because in her mind the decision was already made.


With no evidence in sight, Eric's decision was of the sour grapes variety. Nicole needs to 'fess up completely, and give Eric as much time as he needs to think about things.
...and they've been preparing us for all of this haven't they? Eric won't sleep with Nicole - meaning, he hasn't really truly broken vows *yet* (they'll just smooth over the fact that he's been smoochy smoochy, and asked a woman to marry him). Evidence surfaces, Eric's in the clear, runs back to get his collar, and Nicole's done for. I can just see it now, and I hate it.
In nearly all fiction and soaps in particular, when someone is trying to be honest, the other person keeps butting in and, therefore it never gets said. Other times they are listening to a conversation and misconstruing what they hear. Isn't this what makes us all nuts!!!