Out of Africa

Yeah great chapter kpatch, Philip is so my hero. Can't wait till tomorrow.
Yea. Philip did a great job of landing that plane. Loved the trick he did. I think he should join the Snowbirds. Thanks for the chapter kpatch. Looking forward to the end hoping that Melanie and Philip get back together.
I honestly crack up every single time I hear/read "and don't call me Shirley".
18 degree angle? I told ya Philip is smart! I'll bet that's a flight they won't soon forget. I remember another flight where the pilot was out and it was Steve and John in the cockpit and Philip back in the seats with a number of other Salemites. Yours was every bit as thrilling as that kpatch and we had some humor too! ANd what a great birth story for the little guy!
"Out of Africa" has been a great story so far, kpatch! I've loved it ever since the first chapter! Great to see that Joe the Pilot is still around. And, it was nice to see Patch and Kayla again! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 17, The Finale


Melanie watches Nathan climb into the ambulance as the emergency medical technicians tend to Stephanie, the baby, and Joe the pilot. As the ambulance pulls away and Melanie starts walking toward the terminal, she sees Philip nearing the terminal entrance. She prays it’s not too late as she rushes to catch up with him.
Melanie: Philip, wait up. Where are you going?
Philip: Home. On second thought, I’m going to the Pub. I need a drink.
Melanie: You sort of look pale. Are you okay?
Philip: I’m just drained.
Melanie: Well, you should be happy. You’re a hero. You saved our lives.
Philip: I’m not feeling like much of a hero right now. All I kept thinking is that I don’t want to die without holding my wife in my arms one more time and telling you how much I love you.
Two days ago, Melanie would have dismissed Philip’s confession as just another line, but after their brush with death, she decides to throw caution to the wind.
Melanie: That’s funny. I was thinking the same thing.
Philip: What do you mean?
Melanie: Well, we didn’t die, but we could have, and now that we’re not dead ... um ... okay, I could use a hug.
Philip takes a step toward Melanie, puts his arms around her and kisses her on her head.
Philip: I love you, Melanie.
Melanie feels her heart battling her head as she struggles to keep the words “me too” from rushing out of her lips. Her head wins out and she pulls away.
Melanie: Um. Instead of the pub, wanna come with me to the hospital?
Philip: The hospital? That’s not very romantic.
Melanie: I’m going to go meet my new baby sister.
Philip [taking a step back]: Ah. That’s right. Well, have a good time.
Melanie: Please come with me.
Philip: Why? ... Oh yeah. I know why. You lost Dr. Honesty and now suddenly I’m looking good to you.
Before her head has time to react, she instinctively takes Philip’s hand.
Melanie: Of course not, Philip. You’re not my second choice. You never were. It’s you I want.
Philip [smiling]: I’ve been waiting a long time to hear you say that.
Melanie can feel herself dissolve into a puddle.
Melanie: Oh man, I just can’t resist that smile.
Philip: Then don’t.
He puts his hand on her face and pulls her toward him. Their lips meet as his cell phone rings. Melanie pulls away.
Melanie: Saved by the bell again. You should answer it.
Philip looks at his phone and sees a text message from Chloe. Melanie can’t help but notice how fast the smile disappeared from his face.
Melanie: What’s wrong?
Philip: I think I’ll come with you to the hospital after all.

The End

Coming Soon: Best Laid Plans, the sequel to Out of Africa.
Awesome story kpatch, and that ending just left me wanting more. Can't wait for the sequel.
I was going to yell YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS. I need to know about Chloe's baby. Then I saw the part about coming soon. (How soon. You said you had a story for August and it is now August. Please make it an early birthday gift.) Just loved that Mel and Philip are starting to get back together. I am just worried about Chloe's baby and hoping it is not Philip's. I know that Philip plans to reunite with Mel and the title of the next story has me worried. Thanks for the chapter and cliffhanger. You sure have leave the reader wanting more down to a tee.
Ooh, a bit of a cliffhanger ending! Great seeing that Melanie and Philip are starting to get along. I'm very interested to see what you have in store for us in your next story, kpatch! This one was great!
Gosh, kpatch, you keep outdoing yourself! I just read the entire story from start to finish and almost went into a panic when I thought it ended too soon!

Good thing you added that there is a sequel coming - not to rush you, but tomorrow would be just fine.

Thanx for another quality production!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, great set up for the sequel!! Oh, and great ending to this story too (getting ahead of myself there)!! Excellent, Excellent job all the way around!!!:clap:
I knew you wouldn't just let it end like that. Tease!

I've got my popcorn...bring on the sequel!
Bravo....!!!! Interesting, captivating story.....I liked it alot....thanks kpatch....!!!!
Thanks so much for reading and commenting on Out of Africa. So happy you enjoyed it!

Tune in next week for the start of a new story called Fancy Face V: The Journey Home.

Then in September, Best Laid Plans, the sequel to Out of Africa, will be released.

