Positive thoughts

I like that there are more characters per episode, and that the staging is better. In the past, if two characters were in bed we would have to see that scene over and over till the end of the show. It looks like they are making time pass quicker.
According to Jason47, yes they ARE longer. In fact he had a list of the number of scenes per episode thru all of August, from when the lst, to the 31st, and showed that the number of scenes per episode once the new writers took over had been reduced by a 3rd or more.
The show flowing so much better.
Bo, Steve. The scenes with Maggie and Theresa. The scenes with Maggie, Caroline and Julie talking about pictures and the past. :clap:

It's been more of an ensemble show. For example not the Dr. Dan show (I can take some characters in moderation).
Eve and Justin STOPPED after the kiss. :rotfl::clap:
One thing I'm really enjoying is that their appears happiness and joy have returned to Salem. Yes, this past week was difficult with Eve and Paige, but Eve's grief this time is totally understandable. Eve being angry because Paige found out about her bedding Paige's boyfriend was misplaced and painfully dumb in my opinion.

Jeannie T's hope at finding a "silent" partner is something we, as viewers, know will be a disaster, but she has hope that this will get her working on her dream job. This is so much better than her moping around the hospital.

John and Marlena having a real talk and it didn't take the entire show to have the real talk.

I'm not happy with the change in Aiden's character or Lucas' bad luck in love, even though I didn't like Lucas and Adrienne. I'd like to see Lucas with someone worthy. But for the first time in a long time I am enjoying the show.
I've noticed our local NBC station is running promos for Days. The promos are shown several times a day. They have clips of the show and say something like "come join us for love in the afternoon". They haven't run promos for Days in years.
So as of late since the new team has come in I have noticed that time on screen between characters has been spread out more. I am so happy it seems we get a taste of a little bit of Salem everywhere like a sample at Costco then focusing all on lame end to end storyline. Does anyone else notice this as well. Seems like the writers are utilizing every character, I am saying kudos and it is noticed, thank you.
I can't believe I am saying this but even the lighting is good :eek:. The scene with Steve and Kayla (I don't know if it was supposed to be morning or evening. I assumed morning) at the cafe, or wherever they were, having coffee. Anyway, the light through the blinds really did look lovely. That half shadowed face of Chad during they hypnosis was also good. :clap: LOL I will be rooting for Days to get a lighting Emmy
The lighting is how we knew which scenes were added during the transition period (I.e. the Eric/Eve scenes where she drops the revenge plot).

I've also noticed Greg Meng, Dena Higley and Josh Griffith seem a lot more active on Twitter. My guess is they are reading fan feedback quietly.