Prayers needed

Thank you all for your warm thoughts. Sorry it took me so long to respond but my Sister lived up north and I only got back on Sunday. I feel at peace with Karen's passing, She looked so peaceful I know that the Lord made the right decision to take her home. Once again thank You for all your support. God Bless you all.
Friskie, you have nothing to apologize for. You're dealing with the loss of your sister. Even though you had some time to prepare for her passing, it's still got to be hard. We'll be here when ever you're ready to touch bases with us, and even when we're anxious for news about someone, we understand that sometimes a person needs time. You take all the time you need.
My sister's passing is hitting me pretty hard. She was my last immediate family I had left. My mom passed in 1998, my brother in 2006, and my dad in 2010. Therefore I feel so alone even though I have a SIL and 3 older nephews it not the same since we had a falling out in 2011. Until I call them to tell them Karen had passed, they hadn't spoken to me in 2 years. Now they want to act like nothing transpired between us. I am trying not to hold a grudge but sometimes find it hard to trust them. I am afraid of getting my feelings hurt again. But I do need my family around at this time so I am willing to take a chance. Sorry to ramble on, thanks for listening. I love you all for your support. God Bless you all.
Friskie, remember we're your family here when you need us.
Let us know what we can do to help you.

God please help Friskie. She needs someone to be
there for her now. Don't let her be alone. Thank you
Sometimes its best to let people think pretend "nothing has happened" (they know it has) its the only way to move on. I know it hurts . I can't forget what some have done to me . I keep it in inside which for some its not good but the only way I know to keep going.
My mom lost her sister which is the last of the immediate family aside from kids and husband. It left my cousin with no family except us. His brothers ,mom and dad are gone but then he is very different than me. My prayers for you Frisk
Friskie - losing someone is always hard. Especially when you are so close to them. It's even rougher when you don't get along with part of the family during that time. I've been there. The biggest thing to remember is that you are NOT alone. You have many many people who love and care about you and will be there for you in any way they can when you need just have to say the word. Blood and marriage are not the only representations of family.

As far as the family you had the falling out with - there is nothing wrong with talking to them and meeting up and doing things with them. It's doesn't mean that you have forgotten what happened and it doesn't mean that you have to put your full trust in them. What they did will rest on their shoulders - don't carry it on yours. Having your guard up b/c of their past actions does not make you a bad person. You have to take care of yourself first and foremost.

Keep your head up honey. Prayers are still being said for you!
Let us be your family, friskie. Blood doesn't alway equal having your back, I know this from experience.

We can't choose our family, and even when tragedy strikes, we don't always reconnect with those who have hurt us. I am estranged from several family members who have said/done unspeakable things to me, and that's just the way it is. I don't need them in my life, so be it.

You will find the strength, within yourself, to get through the loss of your sister. You will find a way.

I am a private person and never sought out support groups when I lost my parents in the recent past. They were my best friends, my entire world, my life. But I did not wish to share my grief with strangers so found some great articles online and realized that I was not alone and that my feelings about having been a caregiver and then becoming a "mid-life orphan" were similar to what so many were experiencing.

Please don't be shy about "talking" to us on this forum and trusting in us...many of us can relate to what you are going through and can offer support and suggestions.

Friskie - You are not alone.:hug: