Prayers please, my dad passed away


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
My dad took us all on an amazing vacation last week. He had been looking forward to it all year. He booked it to celebrate my daughter's graduation and acceptance to college. This was her senior trip. We were all having the most amazing time. Wednesday night, our world flipped upside down. My daddy, only 64 years old, had a widow-maker heart attack and was flown by chopper to University of Tennessee Medical Center. His heart suffered too much damage and there was little chance he would survive without life support, which was against his wishes. With broken hearts, my mom, my sister and I had him removed from life support, and he passed away while we prayed over him, holding his hands at 3:39am on Thursday, June 15th.

He was the most amazing daddy. He was dad to everyone, every single one of my friends knew him as "Dad". He was really the best. We are all so broken and hurting. Please pray for us these next few weeks.

Because Dad's main point of the trip was our Thursday day at Dollywood, we still used the tickets he bought and tried our best to make some good memories on such a sad day. The park staff was so moved by our devotion to daddy's plans, that they comped our meals and really went out of their way to help us smile and have a good time at Dollywood. It was a very hard day. God is good, I'm so thankful it happened while we were all together, so that we could all be there with him in his final moments. How blessed we are to have had such an amazing dad. Tomorrow is Father's day, and in honor of my dad, if you still have yours, please hug him and tell him you love him.

My dad has always called me "Fred". When I was a very little girl, we were playing make-believe that we were the Flintstones. Dad had said he would be Fred Flintstone and I could be Wilma, and from what I am told, I pitched an ever-loving fit and insisted that I get to be Fred and he had to be Wilma. (Anyone that knew my dad knew that asking him to pretend to be a woman was hilarious in itself), but he did it, and we all laughed and laughed, and I've been "Fred" to him, since. My heart is so broken. I don't know how to be "Fred" without him, but I will always be his Fred.

God's love and peace to you all. I appreciate any prayers you can send my way. I am now home from this "vacation" and trying to process all that happened and all that we have to do in the next few weeks.

Take care friends,
Love, DaysLady (Stephanie, a.k.a. Fred) and as my signature has always read I'll always be a Daddy's girl.
Fred, your story brought me to tears, ,my condolences on your loss. So sudden....your dad was surrounded with love when he had to leave, and he had given his family a wonderful last gift., may his soul rest in peace......blessings on his entire family. You will always have wonderful memories. I will say a special prayer for him at church this morning.
DaysLady - My deepest condolences to you and your family. Thank you for sharing such beautiful memories. Prayers going up for strength and healing.

DaysLady, I'm so very sorry and saddened for your loss and your family's loss. I'll be praying for y'all and for God to look over your entire family. I know that your dad is smiling down on you from up above.
I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I understand because I lost my dad unexpectedly in 2019. I did CPR till help got there, but nothing worked. The paramedics worked on him for a long time.

It will take time, but things will get better. Try to find support group. If you have grief, share in your area, they are excellent. I became my mom's primary caregiver after daddy died. She passed in September. I got help from them. After Daddy died, I could not go because Mom didn't want to.
This has been an exhausting week. Meetings all day long on Monday at the funeral home and church planning dad's funeral. Lots of tears. Then on Tuesday, we got to see him. He had donated enough to save 50 lives. But he looked so handsome, so good. They did a wonderful job making him look good. We sat on the floor (my mama, my sister, and I) next to him for a very long time. For a bit, just in silence. How can this have happened?}

Why was such a good man taken at just 64 years old? It seems so unfair. How blessed we are to have someone that loved us so much and we loved so much that we feel so much pain, we are truly blessed to have had him. This morning, at 9:30am, his cremation began. They called my mother to mark the start of the service. We all said a silent prayer. It's hard to imagine never seeing his face again. Today's phone call made it seem more real.

Please continue to pray for us, as we prepare for his services on Saturday.
