Prayers to accompany a friend


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Quebec, Canada
Hi all !

A dear, dear friend of my parents, and I can almost say a friend of mine also, since I spent time with this man quite often, has had a severe cerebrovascular accident. My heart aches right now, as this man had nothing but kind words for me, and for those who were close to him. I saw him last less than a month ago, and there he was, singing my praises.

Unfortunately, the prognostic is not good. He's now on a respirator (or is it a respiratory system ? I'm sorry I can't think of the right word in English to say a machine that allows him to breathe) and we are afraid he only has a few days left, as the damage is too great for him to recover. He's apparently paralysed and non responsive now. So please, if you can, say a few prayers to accompany him through his journey to meet our Lord.

Thank you all !
Thank you all. And you are right, it is a ventilator. I guess I was too upset last night to even look it up. Feeling better now, as I know that this is part of life, unfortunately. It's just that it happened so suddenly, as up to the accident, our friend was feeling pretty good all around. No way to tell this would happen to him. But... maybe it's better this way than to suffer over a long period of time.
Dear Writer... The great thing the Lord has done for your friend, is that now with the use of the ventilator, you have had the chance to tell him you loved him, and that makes the journey he has to make a little smoother. We have a very compassionate Lord, and He knows the pain in your mind and heart. You are a wonderful friend to this individual, and I am sure that this time you have will make your heart aches easier too. God bless you Writer, and thank you for sharing with us, the very difficult details of this very personal time in both his life, and yours...:hug:
Dear Writer: This gracious man's family & friends are in my prayers. The Lord is with him even when he cannot acknowledge it. While their is sadness there is also joy knowing he is not alone. And grateful you had time to express your love & prayers to him. Hearing is the last sense to go........please keep us updated. And may I ask his first name?
Talk to him Writer, when I was taking my nurses training, it was in a Catholic Hospital, and the Nuns were the first, middle, and last word in what we could do, and could not do. They taught us from the first day we were in their care as students, that the hearing is the last thing to leave the individual, and so therefore, under no circumstances were we to say anything while in the presence of a person who was about to, or had just passed, and we even got so we could talk to the person, and who did it help,,,, not the patient,,,, right it helped us. It gave us a vent, and we could send them our love too. That is a lucky individual Missie Writer, and I, like I mentioned before, thank you, for sharing it with us.
Update :

So Richard is still in the hospital. We have further news. Is it good ? No, I'm afraid not. Then again, at first, the doctors really thought he would not make it and he would be gone within a couple of days. Thus me asking for prayers to accompany him. But now, contrary to the early prognostic, Richard is still alive. But (there is always a but, isn't there ?), he is still on ventilator, and has been declared quadriplegic, without possibility of ever regaining movement is his body. So for him, the road, wherever it leads him, is going to be very hard. Same for his family and friends. My father is going to the hospital to see him today (the visits are now very reduced), so a tough time for my dad also, as one of his best friends still can't talk. But he at least can hear and Richard will surely know my father is there, telling him how much we all love him.

So thank you again for all your prayers and thoughts. Now... only time will tell what will happen.
Thank You dear Writer. I know that this is not the greatest of news, but he is alive, and where life is, God is there. Christmas is for this type of compassion. May God Bless Richard, and also Bless your father for his visits. Why not take some things to read to Richard when anyone goes, I know from my early life, they like to hear what is going on in the world around them, and it does not matter if it is a Movie Magazine, or the Newspaper from three or four weeks before, or the one printed the day of the visit. They will enjoy the sound of his loved ones voices, the information they can gather from the things being read, or the happiness he sees in the eyes and the face of the one visiting. You and your family, are wonderful friends, and I know this is very strenuous here at this time of year, but this is one task you will never regret doing. May God doubly bless you and your whole family, and watch over Richard and his loved ones. I send him a special sweet angel.gif
Thanks for the update.

god is taking care of him in his special way. We'll just have to see
if god will give Richard a miracle. Prayers for his family and especially for
your dad today.
Prayers continuing for Richard, TheWriter, and all Richard's friends, family, and loved ones. I hope that he continues to surprise doctors with his progress. Richard has a long road ahead of him, one that will be difficult for him and his care givers. May that road be easier than expect.