Prayers would help


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
Quebec, Canada
Hi all !

First, I must tell you that while I have not met you in person, I feel I have found friends here. I have lots of fun (even though I'm disappointed in Days right now), I like it a lot here. So thank you all for that ! :hug:

So I thought I would ask my virtual friends for a little help, maybe prayers. I'm having trouble with my health (I won't get into the details) but let's say I'm waiting for some results and I'm praying all is fine. Well... at least, not too bad, as I know that no matter the results, I'm going to have some medication to take, and maybe surgery to fix the problem. In any case, I have a battle in front of me, I just don't know yet to what extent. (thus the hoping and praying) I know I can do it, but I would really, really appreciate your support, as I have seen you give support to some of our other dear friends here.

So thanks in advance !
Writer I’m sorry for your health issues and pray that the results will be great news! xoxo
We don't need details because GOD knows your need. So I will be praying for His strength and encouragement while you wait for news.
WE are all here for you and also send you:hug:
Writer, I too have enjoyed ur posts. And i too went through a health scare that involved major sugery to correct the issue just last yr. I too had to await results which was difficult not knowing. So hear is to your health and well being. Even if the news isnt what u hoped for, hang in there and fight the good fight! Im here for u if u need to talk. God bless !
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and words of encouragement ! I appreciate them !

:hug:So just to let you know that I'm doing OK. Still waiting on some results, so no news right now. But hey ! They say no news is good news right ? Anyway, I'm still hoping in the end, I'm going to be a new and improved woman ! :) In the mean time, I have to take it easy, so I may not be around as much, but I'm thinking of all of you too.

Have a great day, everyone !