Pre-emption Wed. 6/20/18 -Tiny summary


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Folks, got 10 min of the show before "breaking news" so unless I can get a later broadcast, I won't have a summary today.

So far, Paul is reading Will's write up of interview with Sonny, is impressed, well done. Claire has gone to Marlena, having a pity party that Ciara being missing is all her fault, she relates the tale. John was there, but left. Hope is is very upset, Tripp arrives to see any news, yes, she tells him of the accident, then blows up as Ciara would not have run off if she had not found him with Claire. Rafe comes in, she calms down, apologizes to Tripp, shows him the pic of the boot print, he figures someone found her.

And then Ben returns with arms full of groceries, had to walk 10 miles, store closed, he hid til they opened. She is startled awake, pulls the knife, he explains, got food, stuff for generator, phone charger. She might want to call family......she doesn't. (Rafe did talk to Doug on phone, tells him to stay w/Julie, and he is sorry about baby) Chad comes to see Sonny, figures he needs a friend. Sonny complains about titan being dumped on, etc.

Ben makes Ciara something to eat. That is all .............News still on.......
What a laugh, NBC decided to end the talking heads, give us 8 minutes of commercials and 2 minutes of end of show.

What I saw......Ben gives Ciara a burner phone that cannot be traced. He got it for himself, she can use it if she wants to call her mom. Chad asks Sonny if Titan might consider an non-family member to head up the company....suggests himself. Paul goes into an empty office, hears Will's voice saying see you when I get back. Tripp wants to go search for Ciara, Claire wants to go along. Will is at hospital, gets in elevator, as door closes, he opens his hand, a vial of green liquid, he shoves in pocket. Rafe is assuring Hope they WILL find Ciara, & he needs her now in detective mode, she is best one he knows. Her phone goes off.....she answers. Hi, Mom, it's me.
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More on the conversation between Chad & Sonny. Before Chad asks about Titan, he tells Sonny that he bribed Ben and dropped him at the edge of town. Sonny says, "Good. You made sure to get him out of Salem." And Chad says, "Who knows with a sociopath like him." Then, Chad talks about how he sometimes wishes he were more like Stefano and would have just gotten rid of Ben since he's the origin of all their problems (Abigail, Gabi, being vulnerable to Stefan). Maybe their lives would be better. Maybe if he were tougher, others wouldn't be able to take advantage. Sonny reminds him that he wanted to run his company clean and that he's a good, kind person.

Meanwhile, Ben makes Ciara pancakes, and she asks how he learned to cook. He ends up talking about helping his mother and recounts stories about his father and the power he had to control how Ben felt.

It's an interesting parallel as Chad & Ben talk about their wicked fathers and show some awe/envy for the power they wielded.
It's a new day in Salem, but I'm not sure of the time. Ciara had pancakes,
Will talked about needing his coffee; Chad and Sonny are drinking.

Will called Marlena Grandma today when he told her about the memory he had.

Ben told Ciara the story about a kitten he and Jordan found. Somehow it got
outside and hit by a car. They cried and Clyde laughed at them crying.

Claire talked to Marlena about what she did to Ciara.

Sonny told Chad that Philip was called about the job for CEO, but he doesn't
want the job
I'm confused about the portable phone charger Ben bought. Does it have to
be plugged in to work? As far as we know, there isn't electricity to do that.
Ben bought gas for the generator, but it's dark in the cabin since they are
a lantern.

I kept hoping someone would mention using dogs to look for Ciara since
they found a footprint.
Well, at least Jordan finally got one (Arthur).

Oh- I just remembered: when JJ "worked" for Clyde, Clyde told him when he called, to say "I'm calling about the cat." Hm. Interesting.
My two cents:

Marlena says that Claire hurt Ciara subconsciously, and must put it behind her. Claire is afraid Ciara might not come back.

Ben hands Ciara a plate of pancakes, urging her to eat. She loves them, and asks where he learned to cook. He said he helped his mom cook from the time he was six years old. Ciara reminisces about “helping” her great-grandmother, Alice, make doughnuts. Ben tells Ciara that must be worried about her, but Ciara said if Hope had her way, Ben would be back in the mental hospital. Ciara thought Ben would be glad Hope is suffering.

Chad and Sonny discuss Ben, and the fact that he murdered three people and terrorized the town, and they are supposed to believe he is now sane. Chad asks Sonny if Ben has been there. Sonny wonders if Ben really took Chad’s advice and left town. Chad tells Sonny what he did to Ben and says that is what Stefano would have done. Sonny said Chad isn’t like Stefano and that’s a good thing. Chad surmises that if he were more like Stefano, everything in his life would be better.

Hope and Rafe discuss the shoe print found at the accident scene. Rafe has a feeling that whoever found Ciara is taking care of her, but Hope wonders why they haven’t heard from her. Hope cries; they hug.

Ciara asks Ben if he came back for revenge on Hope and the other Salemites who hurt him. Ben says that, back in the day, that’s exactly what he would have done, and he would have enjoyed making people suffer. He talks about how he had a lot of anger in him, but that’s not him anymore. Ciara wonder why she should believe him.

Marlena shows up at Will’s place and says she heard he’s a little discouraged that the serum didn’t work. Will hedges a bit and doesn’t mention his flash of memory. Paul heads off to meet John at the pub to discuss how they can help Sonny with the Leo situation. Marlena questions Will further about his memory and he reluctantly tells her he did have a flash of memory about Sonny.

Sonny tells Chad he’s a kind, decent person, and a loyal friend and that should mean more than getting revenge. Chad tells him that trying to run DiMera Enterprises “clean” cost him the company, his job, and almost cost him his wife. He talks about Andre’s death and Gabi’s imprisonment, and says everyone he loves has been affected. Chad vows he won’t let the SOB get away with it. He will do whatever it takes, and will do what Stefano would have done.

(Still watching. Will post more as I get it.)
(Sorry it took so long, but my computer froze and I had to recreate this part.)

Ben is reminding Ciara of all he has done for her. She comments that his smile is supposed to make her forget that he’s a serial killer. “Why would I do that?” Ben asks. She thinks he wants to gain her trust and then “flip” on her, and make her his next victims.

Hope tells Rafe she refuses to give in to fear. She must focus on working the case and finding her daughter. Rafe will be right there with her. She’s grateful. She tells Rafe to call in all off-duty personnel to join in the search. Rafe has already done that. Hope wants the FBI involved, and Rafe is on that too. She suggests Rafe get Eli involved because his contacts might be better. Rafe explains why Eli is not at work today. Hope is shocked and saddened, but grateful that Lani made it.

Sonny understands why Chad hates Stefan. He hates him too for what he did to Gabi. Sonny is trying to figure out how to handle Arianna, and the lawsuit has him stressed out. Sonny wants the whole world to know his side of the Leo story, and has asked Will to write an article about it for the Spectator. Paul and John will be digging up dirt on Leo.

John and Paul discuss how little information they have come up with but John assures his son that they will find something. John is glad that Paul and Will are being so supportive of Sonny. Paul says he did love Sonny and wants the best for him. Paul tells his dad he is relieved that the serum didn’t work on Will. He knows Will loves him but is concerned that if Will remembers how he cared for Sonny, it could change everything.

Will tells Marlena that Sonny’s hug yesterday triggered the memory. He thinks he remembers how it felt when he was first falling in love with Sonny. Will wants Marlena to give him another injection. Kayla has been ordered by the board to destroy the other vial. Will says his glimpse of the past made him realize he won’t stop until her regains his memory.

Sonny says he let his guard down and now everything Uncle Vic worked for may be on the line because of the situation with Leo. Chad offers to help but Sonny says it’s not his problem. Titan needs a strong leader; Sonny agrees. Chad suggests Justin, but he’s tied up with the lawsuit. Brady fought with Victor over Theresa and has moved out. Philip wants no part of it and, although Xander wants the job, it would be a disaster. Sonny’s bottom line is that the company is screwed. Chad suggests they go outside the family.

Ben can’t say anything more to convince Ciara that he won’t hurt her. He understands the risk of trusting someone. He talks of his sister, Jordan, and of a kitten they found when they were children. It came up missing and Clyde told them to look in the road where they found the dead kitten. Clyde was overjoyed at their tears. Ben thinks maybe that’s where he learned to get joy from someone’s pain. He says Clyde is sadistic, but powerful, and Ben wanted to feel that way. He didn’t want to be a victim anymore. Ben is so, so sorry for the things he did.

Will tells Marlena he has come this far and wants to see it through. Before Marlena leaves, she tells Will to give it time. He calls Kayla but she isn’t in.

Hope and Rafe talk of Lani’s baby, and it reminds Hope of when Zack died. Now, she is afraid she may lose Ciara, too.

Ben wants someone to understand how worthless and powerless he felt. He has no desire to hurt anyone anymore, and wants to understand how he became the way he was. He swears he is not that monster anymore. Ciara hates knowing Hope is worried about her but she isn’t ready to go home yet. Seeing Claire and Tripp together still hurts.

(See post #4 for ending by Poirot.)

(Some of this may be repetitive, because I didn’t read all the comments before posting.)
Just a few comments.

Titan's Stock; Titan's stock is tanking just because Sonny was sued by shifty Leo? How bad is this company's reputation that one lawsuit would have this effect? Victor should have seen this coming and had Xander place calls to the stockholders: "Hi, this is Xander. You must know who I am. Take it from me, selling your Titan stock would be a really bad idea."

Ben's Pancakes: Ciara should use her phone to call Roman ASAP. Ben's tasty pancakes could be another sensation for the Pub along with Wanchai Ferry, Choco Puffs, and garbage-can nachos.

Shopper Ben: Ben seemed to have done a great job shopping today. Maybe, once he's convinced one and all that he's sane, he could start his own home grocery delivery service.

Angry Hope: So now she's yelled at poor Little Trippy too (although she did apologize later). For a switch, the writers ought to have some aggrieved people yell at Hope.
  • Mother Baker: "You sucked my darling Richard into your sick mugging plot and now he's still in jail while you're running a police department." You harridan, you ought to be ashamed!"
  • Mother Finnegar: "You and your thug husband kidnapped and beat my poor Arnold. Yes, he made some big mistakes in life, but doing that to him was just wrong!"
  • Mother Jennings: "My Aiden was a big successful lawyer until he and poor little Chase got sucked into your perverse Salem scene. All you people belong in jail!"
Oh, thank you so much, KL. This was really very kind of you!

Well, glad Lani's trauma got mentioned when Rafe told Hope why Eli wasn't coming in. So now Hope calls in all off duty personnel, the FBI, plus the on-duty cops. Salem is ripe for the pickens, all you crooks. Take advantage while you can.

And Will learns Kayla is not in her office, so evidently that is how he gets the serum. Like all Salemites, who locks doors, even with vital info/items inside that someone out there would be delighted to have.
Since when would Sonny be picking out a CEO for titan? I mean he is the one who got Titan involved in the law suit, Brady got ticked off and moved out, Vic already dismissed any idea of Xander, and Philip said No thanks. Why is Chad talking to Sonny about this.
Oh, I would love to see Chad go up against Stefan, for sure. But am guessing Chad would be a temp. I mean, he got himself disqualified for DiMera CEO, thus Andre married Kate so she would be a DiMera that could....and then he did nothing when Stefan came in to rule the roost.

John & Paul need to really......get into Stefan's background. Chad has not even tried.
My uverse was on the fritz today so it didn't get recorded. I might to catch it on demand but they don't even have the 19th up yet! A few scenes sound good. I did watch about 5 minutes on my phone at work. Shhhh! Don't tell! I saw Sonny and Chad talking and a little of Will and Marlena. I did hear him call her grandma. Just glad I didn't miss Lani finding out her baby didn't make it. They haven't really said why have they? Kayla was so optimistic about it.Oh and uverse all better in case you were worried. :rotfl:
I'm confused about the portable phone charger Ben bought. Does it have to
be plugged in to work?
No, they are little gizmos that you charge (or maybe you can buy them pre-charged) to plug your cell phone into to charge it.
