product placement today (Wed., 6/4)

I missed some of the other product placements (or I blocked them out), but this one had me laughing so hard. :rotfl: I can only imagine what the poor actresses were thinking. "Seriously, we have to do this now ?". :rotfl:So I guess Abigail is really not pregnant after all !
That thought ran through my mind that perhaps Abigail just thinks her period is coming but really it's just normal pains from pregnancy. But I'm pretty sure this is the show's way of putting that issue to bed.
The Wanchai Ferry was my absolute favorite, because it was so horribly awkward.

One of the other bad ones was for the granola bites and the little girl playing Allie couldn't say the name correctly and Alison Sweeney (Sami) had to jump in and say it for her.