Question about Kim and Shane's kids

tropical breeze

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2008
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in the country outside of Chicago
Just was watching this (posted by jason47 )


Here's the last scene of Eve's mother, Gabrielle Pascal (Karen Moncrieff), which aired on September 6, 1988: and then Shane and Kim going to Europe

At the end of the episode, Shane and Kim talk about leaving little Andrew with her mom, and taking Eve with them ... and then Eve is talking to Shane and Kim and they talk about her (Eve) staying behind with Andrew and the housekeeper.. no mention of the baby (Jeannie/Theresa) that Kim was pregnant with, I missed that story line what happened ??
Kim miscarried that baby. (Eve got herself into trouble and called Kimberly. Kim went to save Eve, got hurt and lost the baby) She later got pregnant with Jeannie (Theresa), who was born in September of 1990. Jeannie was thought to be Cal Winters' child, but later they found that Shane was Jeannie's father.
Jeannie was thought to be Cal Winters' child, but later they found that Shane was Jeannie's father.
Days really DOES love recycling, don't they. Hope's baby was thought to be Stefano's......then turned out to be Bo's after all. Later, when pregnant with Ciara, it was Patrick's child, but fortunately he admitted that was not true...again it was Bo's. Am sure there are more of those stories floating around. Heck, even Sami's twins had to be revealed eventually as having different fathers.
Kimberly slept with Victor to distract him while Shane was looking for some documents or evidence (can't remember what for, though). That's when she got pregnant with Andrew.

Kim and Shane broke up and she got involved with Cal Winters. He let her believe he was Jeannie's (Theresa) father, until it was proven otherwise, later.

And Gabrielle Pascal (Eve's mother) was Shane's former ISA partner. She got pregnant, never told Shane, secretly had Eve and gave her up for adoption. Eve originally thought Emma Donovan (Shane's ex-wife) was her mother, but later found out it was Gabrielle.
Incidentally, when Kimberly was pregnant with Andrew is when we found out Victor was really Bo's father.

Caroline gave Kimberly her old knitting basket filled with yarn and knitting needles to make booties for the baby she was expecting. At the bottom was a bunch of letters tied with a ribbon. They were letters Caroline had written to Victor (but apparently not sent) saying she was pregnant after their "encounter(s)". Kimberly was freaked out, thinking she could be Victor's daughter and she was pregnant with Victor's baby. Caroline had to come clean and tell her he was Bo's father.
Kim and Shane broke up and she got involved with Cal Winters. He let her believe he was Jeannie's (Theresa) father, until it was proven otherwise, later.

Didn't Kim and Cal first get together when Shane was presumed dead?
I can't remember the specifics, but I do remember that Kim and Shane had split up at some point prior to Jeannie (Theresa) being born, which is why neither Kim or Shane thought she was his.
Oh so you mean it was like when Bo and Hope suddenly found out Zack was their kid even though they weren't together? :rolleyes: