Question for you


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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As I read posts and thread, I note that some of you FF thru certain character's scenes, And yes, I understand how some scenes will be boring (Jordan & Rafe walking in the woods, kissing, saying really....nothing)
But I also note that some always FF thru certain scenes...not sure if it is characters, or advance knowledge that it is a "nothing" scene, or if truly, one wants to bypass a character/story completely.

So yes, I do not have that privilege. I cannot record, I watch live, and have to watch it all in order to do a summary. And yes, there ARE scenes I deem filler, boring, but I am watching them. And there ARE characters I could do without (at times), but.....sometimes stuff happens, important stuff.

So tell me, why do YOU FF thru some scenes? (And Honestly, I truly understand if you have read the summary and figure....B O R I N G! lol
dO YOU dislike a character or characters so much you could care less about them? Do the first few words in the scene make you grab the remote knowing "I could care less"? Just curious folks.
For me it really depends. I work from home so I usually watch the show live. In fact, I actually have my calendar blocked at 1pm EST everyday for lunch:). If I am traveling or not able to watch live, I will FF sometimes when I watch on DVR.

Sometimes I do it to save time during filler scenes. For example, I'll FF flashbacks they show repeatedly. I FF the credits(opening and closing). I FF all commercials. And yes I will FF certain couples I do not care for in romantic scenes as well as scenes where 1 person is alone and not really talking.

I actually DVR the show everyday out of habit even though I watch live. This way if I can interrupted or on the rare occasion that the show is really good, I can go back and rewatch.
When I could record, I fast forwarded through all sex scenes. Don't want to see them no matter who is in them.

Anything with Jordan or Ben just out right bores me, and I leave the room no matter if watching live or online. It also bothers me that two non - Salemites are getting a major story line while veterans are shoved aside or prop up other characters.
I work so I DVR Days. I ff through Jordan and Rafe when they are together. If Rafe is alone or interacting with someone else, I watch. I love Rafe. Like others, I ff through the sex scenes, they are pointless. Sometimes the "in bed" conversations are interesting though - like oops, why did we do that (get the hint, Kate? Abby?, etc). If a character is really getting on my nerves or the story is going nowhere, I will ff. I was recently ff through much of Brady and Theresa since it was all booze, drugs and sex, but with John in the picture and Brady getting a wake-up call, I'll be watching to see how Theresa weasels her way out of this.

Oh yes, and I always watch when Victor is on...he is the that a word????
Since I've been forced to work in the office... I was doing quite fine at home and my lunch hour was the same time as the show... :) I watched live unless I had a doctor's appointment.... now that I have to dvr I FF through all commercials and by the time I get home I've read the summary and FF through most repetitive conversations.... NEVER NEVER FF through Victor.... don't want to miss a single zinger even if it doesn't move the story along..... But as much as I like Rafe.... hearing the same conversation with Jordan day after day after day is not entertaining.....I will admit to lately not using the FF button as much....
I fast forward some characters, if I know they will be having the same ol same ol conversation we have seen over and over, so I may watc ha bit of the beginning of their scene and a bit of the last, but for the most part I just don't need a repetitive conversation over and over...
for me it depends.. sometimes i FF through the JJ & Paige scenes because I find them sooo boring ..those two going back and forth about the lawsuit etc etc ..I FF through alot of Eric scenes too when they have him just talking to Theresa or John or whoever because its basically a waste of my time.I guess it just depends how the flow of conversation is going for me ...
I DVR it so that I can FF the commercials. I used to FF the opening credits but since there is no commercial right after the opening and my DVR doesn't ever seem to stop in the same place I stop FF-ing I've given up on doing that.

I don't FF scenes, but I mentally tune out during all the sex scenes. They just are not interesting to me (and half the time the people having them have no connection other than the sex, making it even less interesting to me.) Whininess also causes me to do a mental FF.
I DVR while I am at work and watch in the evening when I'm done with everything else from the day. I sit peacefully knitting while the show is on. Having to hold the control and hit FF multiple times during the show would take away the relaxing part for me. Some of the stories are less then enjoyable, but I just let my mind wander during some of those times.
If I am able to DVR, I fast forward through commercials, but otherwise watch the whole show. I may be multi-tasking, but I don't fast forward any part of the show, no matter how boring or stupid or eye-rolling it is! I feel like I don't get the whole picture if I fast forward, and even though I don't always remember everything exactly right, I just prefer to get the whole picture when I'm watching a show. Part of me thinks it is silly to only watch part of a show, although I can certainly understand forwarding through the sex scenes. :)
Like most, I FF through commercials. I have started FF'ing through Brady and Theresa unless - like the other day - another character that I like is on screen with them. If it is just more of the same drinking and snorting coke - I am not interested. In my opinion, there is so much bad news on tv and in print that I don't find it entertaining to watch for pleasure.

I'm starting to feel that way with Sami's revenge on EJ. I am still watching but I just want to say to her that she needs to cut her losses and move on with her children. She has confronted Abigail (in front of her family) and told several other people but that won't be enough for her. I'm sure this will get dirtier. Believe me, what Abigail and EJ did was not right and I don't condone the behavior but watching ugliness gets old - fast.

edited to write out phrase....JS