Questions I have these Days

Mr. Continuity

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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Why did Justin wear a red tie last time he visited Ben?:tsk:
Why is the new Stefano going after Marlena now, years after he got past it? :beat:Now he's younger than her.
Does Gina know she killed the real Stefano?:whack:
Does anyone remember it was really Shane who broke out of jail?:shocked:
Where was Rolf when everyone died?:cry:
Rather than fear that Gabi could pull the plug on Julie. Why didn't Lani secretly tell Kayla to remove that particular pacemaker.:love:
Do the writers do research? I spoke to a former nun I know about the nuns storyline. :huh: She told me that no one becomes nuns anymore in this country. They are all old. LOL I'm sure I have more if i think about it.:rotfl:
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Ah, many viewers have been asking the same questions, especially about the research, which obviously is not done at all by writers, producers, directors, set people, even wardrobe. As to nuns, well they WERE in Rome. And I HAVE seen younger nuns here in the states, but they really no longer dress in habits, veils, etc.

As to Rolf, supposedly Steve-ano sent him off to some place in Europe, or maybe an island, as the police were looking for him

In real life, Stephen Nichols (Steve) & Deidre Hall (Marlena) are only a few years apart. However, on Days, yes, why Steve-ano doesn't take into consideration the fact that by inhabiting Steve's body, Marlena would never be romantically interested in him.

LOL, about Gina, trying to be Hope, never mentioning that it was Hope who did Stefano in. Ha.
LOL, no one's, it was evidently stored away in Rolf's freezer or safe, or cubby hole somewhere.

This is the problem. Both these personalities are living in the past. Their memories are of back in the 90s. They may know things that happened recently, but only because they were filled in on Salemites events, etc. Gina was first, since Rolf could have easy access to her lookalike, Hope. Plus he had done this to Hope before. Stefano was more difficult, but somehow, Rolf got hold of Steve. Rolf really is the personification of the term "mad scientist".
How did Maggie have enough time to finish her phone call with Summer, then get hammered drunk and somehow not only catch up to, but get in front of Adrienne and Sarah and then make a u-turn and run them off the road - all without anyone noticing? And why didn't the police ever show up at the accident scene?

And I hate what they are doing to my beautiful Maggie, making her a slobbering drunk after all these years of sobriety and helping so many.
Thank you for clarifying that. I totally missed the part where she showed up. I still have lots of questions, but then so does everyone.
Here's my question. Is Planter's running a crossover promotion with Days and we'll find Mr. Peanut is brought back to life during the Super Bowl by Rolf?
old school, THAT was hilarious. Glad I had put my coffee down.
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I don't watch the other Days show that took place in Paris or the Last Blast one, but I read that Chloe and Belle were killed in that one. Did that happen and will that be mentioned upon this show? I don't know how they could really kill either of those, but if they did, it seems like that should be mentioned, especially with Shawn in town.
It turned out the deaths Chloe, Philip, Belle and whoever else, were all just Jan Spears writing a story.

Here's a quick blurb I wrote in the digital Days thread:

The next to last episode showed that Jan Spears was writing a story on her laptop. She drugged Shawn-D and tied him up (in a warehouse). She revealed to him that she dropped off a cake at the place where the Last Blast crew were meeting. The cake has a bomb in it.

She goes to the restaurant, but says she can't stay for cake. No one really cares if she leaves. Then she tells them the cake has a bomb and she had the trigger. Somehow she gets a knife and points it around at various people. Jason gets there late, which causes her to turn and look at him, giving Philip the opportunity to overpower her.

Somehow Belle figures out where Shawn-D is and goes to him. Before untying him, she says he looks kind of sexy all tied up and would like to do other things to him. She turns off the light and they get busy. I guess Jan is taken away and the remaining Last Blast crew talk about how they're now safe and reminisce about the past. Kevin makes a beer run, and Philip and Chloe make plans to go out the following night.
This is a question that I have. When Gina becomes Hope again, will she remember the pain in her neck and figure out how it happened or will it be ignored and we'll all just have to forget that part?
We'll have to wait and see. Since it's been over a year (for her), she might not remember.
Gotta say, it bugs me no end that Rolf used a scalpel on Hope to put in the chip, there was blood, yet she was fine and dandy, stitches, bandage, bandaid, or mark.........tho if there was a mark, Gina would say nothing as she knows she is in Hope's body,.......same as Steveano.