recasting characters


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2010
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Rhode Island
I have been thinking: Why doesn't Days recast more often?!?!

In the "old days" a voice would come on when a new actor appeared and would say: "The part of so-and-so is now being played by X-Y-Z Actor". We would hear that a couple of times and then the new actor would just be on as an old character.

Now, when an actor decides to leave, the character leaves. I think this leaves a big hole in the plot/families of Salem. Main characters have children that we never see or hear from them again.

Can you imagine that Marlena and John and Bo and Hope have children who are married and we haven't seen them in years. They are barely even talked about. I think this makes for horrible storylines and no continuity.

My vote is to recast instead of letting these characters fall off the face of the earth.
Characters are written out when writers just cannot come up with any story, or way for them to stay on the show. It is expensive to keep actors on contract that are seen only once or twice a month, if that. (See Caroline, Roman, Abe). So perhaps they drop them to recurring, which, of course, leaves the actor free to to go elsewhere on contract. Thus they have to be written out.

The other thing is, an actor wants to leave. For whatever reason. Now I do agree that Days has recast characters suddenly, (i.e. Ben, Rafe's sister, Arianna, Taylor Walker) but also, in the past has recast characters when needed. Philip, Shawn D., Belle, Billie, Jennifer, Jack, Eve have all been played by other actors than those who originated the roles.

Days is under huge budget restraints, but I will say I was surprised that Philip wasn't recast long ago. Same goes for Shawn & Belle after a couple years. But then, as I mentioned, with no story to warrant their presence, just was not practical.
It's ironic that they just missed the opportunity with the pregnancy test. That would have been an easy product placement opportunity.

I still say Kassie Depaiva (Eve) could have just as easily been brought on as a new character instead of as Eve. As it is, she hardly interacts with the Brady family. So, I don't think Eve was a necessary recast.
I agree; she could've been a different high school rival of Jennifer, one we never heard about. Like how Madison James was Sami's "best friend ever" since first grade in Colorado. (even though the twins didn't go out to Colorado until they were older)

Paige should've been involved with the Brady family since they are her step-family. Same with Eve once she got into town.
The show does not need more sponsors. They need NBC/SONY to up what they pay for the show. THAT is what dictates their budget.
In MY opinion, the networks were planning on doing away with soaps completely, felt they were costing too much money. Days ratings kept declining, but they really had the MOST loyal fan base of all the soaps. They began to reduce what they paid the show way before soaps began getting cancelled, but the writing was on the wall for soaps on ALL the networks. CBS cancelled very popular soaps, as did ABC. they all feel those talk shows are cheaper for them than a soap.
And while the other 3 soaps have had to reduce their budgets, none have had to do so to the level that NBC has done to Days.
TamiBelle - I agree, I wouldn't mind product placements, just as long as they aren't cheesey, show Miller or Budweiser bottles at the Pub, or cans of Coke or Pepsi at the beach, a box of Cheerios or something on Daniel's kitchen counter. Or for that matter Kate and Justin could discuss the competition from L'Oreal's new mascara. I don't mind when the stuff makes sense.
Exactly! Get the Bounty or Sparkle or whoever...paper towels to wipe up that spill, No big comercial......Oh, shoot, hand me the Bounty, will you?
Can you pick up some Ivory soap at the store (Dial, Camay, Dove, etc. We're out.
Heck, there is Arianna...... they are changing her diaper all the time. How easy to come in with grocery bag, "got some Huggies, Pampers, we are almost out".

Heck, look how often everyone drinks tea. Why not want Lipton..... or Earl Grey Breakfast. or Celestial Seasonings Chamomile. Just a few words, not a whole paragraph. And yes, Package on the counter, the table, don't have to say a word
Dallas (the reboot on TNT) did their product placement ads nicely. They were for that Microsoft Surface tablet/laptop. They'd show a character using it to do something, with a closeup on the name. It wasn't hokey or in your face, very subtle. Then, during the next commercial break, there would be a Microsoft Surface commercial.