Risky Business

How fun!!!!!!!! I just spun through from beginning to end - still no installments for moi. SO many favorite parts! I especially loved Mia and her two dates -twice, and the very end with the parents so completely clueless - just like the real show.

You done good, kpatch!
Thanks for reading and commenting, friends! So glad you enjoyed the story. I figured we needed to expose what really goes on at those conventions the Salemites attend, as well as what really goes on in the homefront while the parents are away.

I've got three stories written and ready for publishing throughout the summer: one in July, one in August, and one in September. You can expect some important questions to get answered and some wrongs to be righted. Stay tuned!

Thanks again for reading and have a great summer.

You are a sweetheart and truly a joy to read, kpatch. I truly love that you write your stories out completely, you know where they go and how they end before we ever get a glimpse. A true writer in every sense of the word! And you capture your characters so well. Thank you for brightening our DAYS!
You are a sweetheart and truly a joy to read, kpatch. I truly love that you write your stories out completely, you know where they go and how they end before we ever get a glimpse. A true writer in every sense of the word! And you capture your characters so well. Thank you for brightening our DAYS!

I totally agree with all of the above!!! Well said Barb!
Oh boy Oh boy. A new story in July, August and Sept.. Can't wait. (Jumping up and down with joy) I agree with Poirot kpatch. Your stories are a joy to read.
I hadn't checked in lately so didn't know what you'd been working on until I started reading today. I'm with Lovogrif, I like to read them once they are finished. Maybe I'm a little strange, but the thing that made me laugh the hardest was when Caroline walked out and left the kids. It was just so ridiculous and funny to imagine! The surprise ending wrapped it up perfectly. Thanks, Kpatch!
Great story kpatch. Love that Caroline got away with ditching the kids, and the parents were none the wiser. Can't wait for the next one.