
Not thrilled about Kristen returning. I didn't care for the actress in that role at all. I pray susan doesn't show up too. I disliked her portrayal of Kristen so much that i'd rather watch Stefan. To each his own. I know many enjoyed her performance. Honestly, I'm ready for the Dimera's to disappear. Time for new villains that move in and out of the canvas.

I'l miss Chloe. Hoping she does return eventually. I'd love to see Brady in a solid relationship...I thought just maybe but nope!
I just read that today was Xander's last day for a while. Is that true? I don't think I've read anything about his stay being so short this time. Is this Ron's new answer to everything? Back from the dead with amnesia, or Xander steals something valuable, and months later comes back with it???
Hate to say it, but the character of Claire should have been gone a long time ago. It isn't Olivia Rose Keegan's fault. She did the best she could with the crappy stuff that was written for her.

Xander is ok in small doses. I must admit that I've liked the character better this go round.
:) :):):):):):) I know, I know, I know KathyLu :):):):):):):):):)

But I couldn't find a meme or anything that had her in it but I recall the SNL skit where her and David Spade were on a plane saying, "BUH BYE" to the passengers.